Vitamin Water AF1 v2.0

The packaging is
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by metalmaned

1. night and day between the first pair and the 2nd pair... Nice work...

2. You should have had the "vitamin water" on the outside of the toe both facing the same way, like both right side up or both upside down. Just my opinion, I'm anal about details...

3. good job but why? do you like vitamin water that much you wanter to rep it on your feet? Just curious...

1. thanks!
2. the lettering on the shoes was based on the bottles label. If you put the shoes up on the heel, and turn the shoe in a circle, it would mimmic an actual bottle. The lettering just appears to be upside down because the shoe is on its "side"(that make sense?)
3. the shoes are actually for the Vitamin Water corporate offices. I do like the stuff, but not enough to makes shoes for it out of the blue hehehe

-for those interested, I have a blog up of the making of these shoes on my MySpace page:
-no, I am in no way related to Beans
-no they dont feel like a wrapper...the parts that actually used the wrapper were covered in transparent vinyl
-Im not sure how long they took.....I worked on them over the course of about 4-5 days? the bulk of the work being done on the weekend


nice work tho fam
Amazing job.

I looked on your MySpace to get a good look at the shoes as they progressed. Pretty awesome and creative. You really did a great job.
those kicks are straight fire man, and the packaging is what really puts it over the top...nice work bro, never seen anything like it
good job how do you customize them like that i want to do some forces and jordans but i dont know how
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