*Warning: The Official Spoiler Thread* Vol. We Spoiling Everything B!

Peter’s identity has been revealed a few times but it’s usually shrugged off. Off top Amazing Spider-Man #12 had his identity getting revealed by Doc Ock if I’m not mistaken but it got shrugged off as it couldn’t be true. The identity reveal is absolutely amazing because it lends itself to so many things. I’m of the mindset that it will rectified some how but I have no doubt in my mind that Peter will be “hunted” in the next film by the last member of the OG sin 6 that we have yet to see on screen....

Dr Strange one more day tie in :nerd:
Simmons back is too damn awesome!
Dude might be the most perfect cast of all time.

The mob scene they mean the one with Spidey in the Iron Spider scene?
That looked dope.
-Uncle Ben dies
-Girl he likes has a super villain dad
-Goes to space and sees and battles aliens
-Comes back to life
-Mentor dies
-Forced to do superhero **** even in Europe
-Has his identity revealed to the world inadvertently on a Jumbotron in Manhattan

Greatest superhero of all time and he ain’t even old enough to drink.

Dr Strange one more day tie in :nerd:

I could see it definitely. It give them away to redo the status quo and introduce characters that haven’t been around yet like Gwen and Harry but he doesn’t meet them until college anyway. We have Skrulls out here politicking now too so maybe SHIELD (or SWORD :nerd:) can help him out too. So many options. Feige is a gawd man. He really gets it....
What’s the vid that was posted?

Both post credit scenes are here for those who may not have seen the second one. Skrulls still around after 20+ years. Secret invasion set up. Sword baby. JKbyke. Raimi fans don’t talk to me! DONT TALK TO MEEEEE!!!

Also the scene of Peter taking down gunman in the iron spider suit isn’t in the film. Marvel will include it in the Blu-Ray release as part of the one-shots they’re bringing back. It will deal with a list of things Peter has to do before his trip.
Mysterio can’t be dead right?
Need more Jake.

We shouldn’t believe anything as far as Mysterio goes, cause well...he’s Mysterio. Also how would the Bugle get the tape if Mysterio was really dead....

I love this film and I haven’t seen it yet
Korvac saga may be up next.

Might be the villain in CM2 and the overall villain for the next phase.
But I wanted Korvac for a team movie.. but i guess they gotta give CM someone, cause I got no clue who the hell her villains would even be
Snape kills Dumbledore. But he was told to by Dumbledore.
I've never even heard of this dude

Classic Avengers story. Classic in the sense that theybdid the story once, never undo it, and dont do sequels. Follows the trend of giving Avengers plots away to her for movies.

Cosmically powered, kills them all. Recreates the world/universe.

Given how powerful Captain Marvel is he's a good villain for her.

But I wanted Korvac for a team movie.. but i guess they gotta give CM someone, cause I got no clue who the hell her villains would even be
Probably gonna be the overall villain for the next phase.
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We’re going galactic now. Korvac inevitably means Warlock and Warlock inevitably means Surfur :nthat:
Joker test screening spoilers:

-Arthur Fleck is an extremely socially awkward introvert with a condition that gives him uncontrollable fits of laughter when he's nervous, sad or angry. He carries a bunch of tiny cards with him that explain the condition he has ("Please forgive my laughter. I have a condition (more on back)") so he can give them to people who are disturbed by it. He tries his best to contain the laughter, and struggles with it for most of the movie.

-Arthur also has an issue where whenever he gets really anxious and self-loathing he will start banging his head against whatever wall/desk is nearest to him. One instance involves him doing it until his head starts bleeding.

-Arthur is super creepy throughout the first act of the script. He has a notebook/journal he writes in every day for his social worker, but its mostly psychotic ramblings, cutouts of porno magazines and a few borderline suicidal "jokes." During the whole "worst part of having a mental illness" scene, he smiles and admires the joke as if theres nothing wrong.

-Arthur has very faint scars on the sides of his mouth that resemble a smile, although you have to look very closely to see them. He also obsessively picks at his right eyebrow when trying to keep his cool, which results in it being half-gone by the time the movie starts. Look at the official HD photo of Arthur again and look if you can see it.

-Arthur takes a lot of stuff pretty literally and acts super awkward when exchanging dialogue. Sophie tells Arthur to say hi to his mom for her, and later he awkwardly says that he just said hi to his mom. Another example is where Sophie sarcastically calls her job as a Banker "glamorous" and Arthur takes it literally and openly admires the bank.

-Sophie treats Arthur well out of pity, which he mistakes as love. He tries to impress her a lot, but comes off as some extremely disturbed man obsessing over her and her easily scared daughter (GiGi.)

-Most of the movie is just a continuous montage of Arthur getting the **** end of the stick in life. He's seen as a pedophile by some of the random civilians, he does his clown routine stuff to cheer random kids up but ends up scaring them with his laughter distorder. Arthur tries to make contact with Thomas Wayne (who is in fact running for mayor) to give him a letter written by his mom.

-His coworkers (Randall and Gary) and boss (Hoyt Vaughn) treat him like **** and play mind games with him to torment him and his psychological issues. After getting jumped on by a group of punks, one of his coworkers lends him a gun to protect himself with.

-That night Arthur stays up late admiring the gun, points it to his head, then the wall, accidentally shoots the wall, which wakes his mom up. Arthur covers it up by saying he was watching a War movie. He then proceeds to get really depressed and write in his notebook "I should kill myself."

-Arthur gets in trouble after losing the yellow "everything must go" sign from earlier, almost gets fired and then is told that his coworkers think he's a freak.

-The therapist Arthur goes to closes down because according to the social worker, Wayne doesnt give a **** about people like Arthur.

-Arthur loses his job after doing a "Jingles the Clown" routine in a kids hospital, in which after he finishes singing "if youre happy and you know it clap your hands" he accidentally drops the gun on the floor. He gets a phone call from his boss (Hoyt Vaughn) who tells Arthur to say that he's a **** up and fired. Arthur does, and hangs up before bashing his head against the glass of the telephone booth.

-In the scene where Arthur forces his mouth into a smile, he isnt crying because hes sad, but because it just hurts for him to force his smile so wide.

-It turns out Randall set him up with the gun to get him fired.

-A running gag from that point onwards is Arthur saying the gun is "part of his act."

-Arthur goes on a subway contemplating what happened, and 3 very drunk wallstreet guys start assaulting and making slightly rape-y comments to a random woman while throwing McDonalds stuff at her. Oh hey, McDonalds and Joker!

-Arthur has a laughing fit as "Send In The Clowns" begins to play. This gives the girl time to run to the next subway car. The wallstreet guys start assaulting Arthur, grabbing his bag with the notebook and his clown suit and playing monkey in the middle with it.

-Arthur finally snaps and shoots 2 of the 3 wallstreet guys with his gun. The other makes his way out of the subway but Arthur shoots the rest of the bullets into him as the song ends.

-Arthur goes to his apartment to discover that the letter he was trying to give Wayne earlier in the movie says that he is none other than Wayne's son.

-The next day he feels super confident in himself and jumps for joy at the news that he's thomas's son. He invites Sophie to the comedy club where he'll preform at out of confidence and happiness.

-Arthur grabs the rest of his stuff from the Clown agency, and the coworkers talk **** about him behind his back, wherein Arthur snaps and tells them that he was given the gun by Randall, who then panics and confronts him in the back alley. Arthur throws his clown nose and runs away.

-Arthur's comedy show fails horribly. His opening, read by the emcee, is the "my mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face" line, who then nervously chuckles at it. Arthur's entire comedy routine is him nervously howling with laughter while struggling with his opening joke about how his mom disproved him of being a comedian (his mom does that a lot in the movie.)

-Sophie again pities Arthur when its over and covers it up by saying she laughed at the joke and that Arthur just couldnt hear anything on stage.

-Arthur and Sophie go to a coffee shop, and he explains to her that he cut the faint scars into his face as a kid due to people relentlessly bullying him for his laughing distorter and naming him "Happy," something his mom does a lot too but in a less teasing way. Arthur think this makes him sound badass, but Sophie is visibly disturbed by it.

-Meanwhile while all of this is happening, the Resist movement is beginning to take form. Sophie actually takes their side but doesnt wanna commit any actual crimes.

-I forgot to mention this, but Randall back from the alley scene warned him about the murders and suspects he did it, and tried to trick him into admitting it, but Arthur easily escapes it.

-The next couple scenes are Arthur going to Wayne manor to stalk the Waynes. He plays with Bruce for a few while doing a clown routine, and Alfred intervenes and pulls Bruce away for safety.

-Arthur discovers his mom got sent to Arkham afterwards and goes there to sort of live there for a few. He tries to convince the doctors to let her come back to his apartment but doesnt know that she needs to stay in the hospital for at least another week.

-Arthur sees that a video tape of his failed standup routine got sent to his favorite talk show host, Murray Franklin. The audience laughs at his failure, and Arthur begins to envy Murray's witty snappy sense of humor regarding his joke ("you should've listened to your mother.")

-Arthur gets super tense and angry and attempts to break the hospital TV down but fails and falls on his face.

-Meanwhile the Resist movement is getting worse and worse with more and more riots happening citywide.

-The next day he is mocked by the doctors due to him being on the talk show. Arthur gets tense again and threatens to strangle all 3 of them with their stethoscope.

-Arthur decides to visit Wayne Manor to confront Thomas again. The place is previewing Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin while "Smile" plays.

-Arthur confronts Thomas in the bathroom and tries to tell him that he's his son and opens his arms for a hug, but Thomas immediately recognizes the name "Fleck" and warns Thomas that his mother is a delusional psycho was sent to arkham for something reeeeaaaallly bad that we'll get to later, and that Arthur is actually adopted and is not related to Thomas at all.

-Arthur has a severe laughing episode, Thomas takes it as an offense and his security guards shove him outside, where the resist mobs are, all wearing crude masks resembling Arthur's clown uniform.

-Arthur with this new knowledge goes to Arkham and tries to get files related to his mom. The nurse there finds it after some serious digging and reads some of it. The files say that Arthur's mom (Penny) was sent to Arkham for her oen serious psychological issues and severely endan-

-The nurse stops reading and looks up at Arthur, suddenly realizing who he is. Arthur tries to get the file himself, but the nurse tries to play it cool while accidentally warning him that the file is pretty bad. He wants to protect Arthur from the truth.

-After an awkwardly long game of tug of war, Arthur gets the file, dashes to a staircase, and reads it.

-It turns out, Arthur is indeed adopted and not related to the Waynes at all. The truth is much more shocking.

-When Arthur was adopted at 3 years old by Penny and her boyfriend, the two relentlessly abused him. There is a cut to a flashback of Penny smoking while being interrogated by an arkham employee.

-All this time, Arthur thought he was merely born with his conditions, born with neurological damage and severe psychological issues, but the truth is that Penny and her boyfriend malnourished him, imprisoned him in a dirty crib, physically abused him, noosed his neck and attatched the rope to a severely dangerous radiator, and gave him extreme head trauma which is one of the causes of his conditions.

-To everyone saying this movie will get **** for making mental illness a crutch, Arthur wasn't born with mental illness at all. It's not even mental illness to begin with. It's actual physical brain damage from extreme neglect and physical trauma at 3 years old.

-Arthur goes to his apartment complex, hears Apache blasting from Sophie's apartment and walks in to see her grinding the **** out of her *** naked on a random guy he's never seen before. Arthur takes this as her cheating on him and runs away in shock.

-Arthur goes to Arkham the next day and confronts Penny in complete and utter rage about what she did to him and his brain. At the end of his rant he spouts the "now i realize my life's a comedy" line before suffocating her to death with a pillow.

-Arthur gets questioned a lot by the police officers, who luckily for him pick bad times to ask questions. Once at Arkham, and once at Penny's funeral. The officers aren't Gordon and Bullock in the movie, sorry.

-After the funeral, which Arthur "attends" alone to bury her, he gets invited to Murray Franklin's show. Murray intends to talk **** about him on the show, but as the Resist movement is reaching an alltime high, Arthur has an idea...

-... But first, he argues with Sophie and calls her a ***** right in front of GiGi. Okay, now...

-Using the red suit he wore at the funeral, he begins to design his look as the Joker while listening to Benny and the Jets. He bases the makeup and hair on how he looked like during the subway killings, so he truly looks like the leader of the movement. He also practices how he'll be on the show by dancing and pretending he's being interviewed. He talks to his cat about whether to sit cross legged or straight legged for a few.

-Randall and Gary stop by to his house to pay respects to Penny while Arthur is about halfway done with his Joker outfit, which they are thrown aback by. Arthur is beyond tired of Randall's hypocritical ******** and jams a pair of scissors in his throat, and then eye, slamming Randall's head into the wall to get it all the way in there. Gary tries to escape but as he is a ******, he cant. Luckily for Gary, Arthur opens the door for him as he runs out. He also frees his cat into the wild.

-Arthur finally finishes his Joker outfit, but before making his walk to the talkshow, he leaves a boquet of flowers and a note saying to watch Murray Franklin on Sophie's doorstep.

-JOKER dances down the steps connecting his apartment complex with the city, still dancing to Benny and the Jets. The police see this, and begin to question him again. Joker then immediately runs from them.

-Here comes that infamous leaked scene where the Joker is running from the cops. Joker isnt harmed much at all in this sequence, its a fast paced chase through the city, and he only gets hit by a taxi but quickly recovers. Joker finds people wearing clown makeup and masks and discovers hes reaching a huge clown riot. Joker blends in with the others, but his red suit is a huge throwaway for the cops. Eventually they reach the subway where the wallstreet guys got killed. The police officers accidentally shoot a kid and the subway goes ape**** and beats the **** out of the officers as Joker smugly walks away.

-Now at the talk show studio, Arthur makes passive aggressive remarks regarding the past couple of days. Murray assumes its all edgy shock humor, including the clown outfit, which he believes will boost the popularity of the show.

-There's a really cool scene here that refers to Joker not even knowing who he really is. Arthur insists that he be referred to as "Joker" from now on (a reference to Murray calling Arthur a "Joker" when he roasted him before) as Arthur says he honestly doesnt know what his name is anymore (reference to how he was adopted and is not actually a Fleck.)

-Joker goes in a makeup room and polishes his suit and makeup from the chase sequence.

-Murray appears on stage and introduces "The Jokeeeerrrrrrrrr" and as the curtains open he isnt there. The audience assumes this is part of his act but then it turns out he's caught in the curtains. He slides out and does a little dance before sitting down. Some are booing and some are cheering/laughing.

-Murray tries to roast Joker but he keeps making impatient and crude remarks towards how ****** his life has been. Joker grabs his notebook, which Murray calls a "jokebook" and Joker tells a knock knock joke with the punchline being "its the police maam. Your son got hit by a truck. He's dead." It's slightly implied that one of Murray's kids (possibly the "not so bright one" he mentions earlier) got killed in a clown mob.

-After spouting nonsense for a while, Joker then admits to killing the wallstreet guys. Murray gets serious, and thinks that him actually interviewing him will get him more views.

-Joker makes a rant about how the working class and people like him have suffered at the hsnds of the corrupt and greedy businessmen. Theres a shot of Sophie watching with GiGi sleeping. Sophie seems to agree with him.

-Joker says he killed them because they were pieces of ****, and Wayne is the biggest of all. He then mocks Murray for inviting him tk the show to make fun of him, and Murray suddenly realizes he's in deep ****.

-Joker makes one more joke to De Niro in a fit of rage: "What do you get when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a system that treats him like trash? I'll tell ya what, you get what ya ****in deserve!"

-Joker then grabs the gun Randall gave him and blasts Murray's brains out. GiGi wakes up and cries upon seeing this. Sophie is dumbfounded by what she just witnessed.

-So basically Joker did the whole Gamers Rise Up thing, but with the context of the rest of the movie, it makes so much sense.

-The majority of the rest of the film is a compilation of all the horrendous **** going down now because of Joker's speech and the mobs. "Send in the Clowns" is playing over this.

-Joker runs away but not before getting tackled and arrested by the cops. The cops try to guilt trip him for what he's done to the city, but one of his followers crashes into the police car, killing everyone but Joker himself. As he escapes the car, he grabs a piece of sharded glass and cuts his mouth into an even wider smile.

-While this is happening, the infamous scene of Bruce's parents dying happens, with the killer in question being one of Joker's followers. He rips the pearl necklace and guns them down before leaving. The song ends and theres a sudden cut to black.

-Cut to Joker after this all happens, in arkham. Joker embraces his laughing distorter and delusions, now completely insane. His head has been shaved and his "smile" has been stitched up. This is eerily similar to the opening scene of the social worker and Arthur, but now its an arkham employee interviewing Joker, in the same office Penny was in.

-Joker is laughing to himself about a joke that only he and "him" get. "[The joke he's thinking about and laughing about] is personal. It's between me and him." Who "him" is is undisclosed in the script, but I thought it was Batman until the guys in the comments corrected me. Thanks guys.

-Joker doesnt answer anything that the arkham employee asks him. He's in his own happy world now.

-The final scene is Arthur so out of his mind that he dances in the arkham cafeteria with the song "That's Life" by Frank Sinatra (Murray Franklin's talk show theme song) playing in his mind.
Primer for Stranger Things S3...

  • The Russians have broken the gate
  • Billy gets taken to the Upside Down (reminiscent of Will in S1)
Confirmed because I saw the first episode :lol:
So no tease on who bought the avengers tower

And how long is nick fury been a skrull i didnt get that he willingly let a skrull take his place

And that star wars reference lmao
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From now on it should be easy to tell a fake MCU spoiler of it has Norman Osborn being the new owner of what was Stark tower :lol:

Desperate trolls been pushing that lie for 10 years now.
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