::: Washington ******** @ Dallas Cowboys 11/18 :::

well we lost, but the effort was incredible. cowboys D is very suspect. don't know how we were able to march down the field like that time after time inthe 2nd half.
this isn't over yet!!!!
LOL Jason Garrett should have gone with a pass there...

Why give Santana a chance to burn Roy or Henry?
game's over. couldn't haven't asked more from Campbell.. defense was a big &*^* let down.
I am really dying here.

no really.

They have given updates on the game about all of 3 times.
TO with the safety knockdown at the end
Original 81 and New 81
. If the Colts don't make it to the Super Bowl I wanna see the rematchBoys vs. Demons aka Pats.
This was a typical NFC East/******** vs. Cowboys battle. Cowboys pass defense has to get better but it's a work in progress. Was Tank Johnson playing? Ididn't see him nor did the FOX guys talk about him.
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