Watchout you non-tippers... you might get banned from a restaurant one day..

I tip well. Usually very well sometimes even if they don't deserve it. My hairdresser usually gets almost a 50% tip. Crazy I know but she does a great job and I don't go see her very often. I tip well because even if I never go back maybe they will think twice before giving a young person, or a Mexican person, or a female or whatever group bad service or dismissing them as being perhaps bad tippers. Plus that extra dollar or two means more to them than it does to me.

This is coming from someone who lives in CA where waiters here make min wage + tips. Some of these responses make me just
Tips are optional! so the fact that they have mandatory tips makes no sense and any restaurant that does that is unfair.
Honestly, even if the service is crappy, as long as the waitress is nice and cordial, i tip well. A lot of times it seems like the delays etc are out of the servers control, and shes just the messenger.

The only time i dont tip well is when the server is a jerk. Im there to have a meal and a pleasant experience. Im not mean to you, so you damn well better not have the nerve to be mean to me.
i tip very generously, usually, 18-25%. my parents worked as waiters so they've told me how their circumstances so i feel for those people. if you do serve me poorly though, i'll return the favor with a middle a finger through my tip, anywhere from 5-8%. don't ever pass your problems to me by serving me poorly
Originally Posted by West2East

I tip well. Usually very well sometimes even if they don't deserve it. My hairdresser usually gets almost a 50% tip. Crazy I know but she does a great job and I don't go see her very often. I tip well because even if I never go back maybe they will think twice before giving a young person, or a Mexican person, or a female or whatever group bad service or dismissing them as being perhaps bad tippers. Plus that extra dollar or two means more to them than it does to me.

This is coming from someone who lives in CA where waiters here make min wage + tips. Some of these responses make me just

Because they have sucha difficult task.
And you shouldn't have to pay to end prejudgment.
Running back and forth and dealing with a wide variety of customers (some who like to be difficult on purpose) is easy work all of a sudden?

Its an honest job.

I've also noticed (in the nicer restaurants) that European people do not tip at all. They will sit and drink their glasses of wine for 2 hours after the meal is done (table of 4-6), be very demanding, and on a $250+ tab will tip $5. Its a joke really.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Running back and forth and dealing with a wide variety of customers (some who like to be difficult on purpose) is easy work all of a sudden?

Its an honest job.

I've also noticed (in the nicer restaurants) that European people do not tip at all. They will sit and drink their glasses of wine for 2 hours after the meal is done (table of 4-6), be very demanding, and on a $250+ tab will tip $5. Its a joke really.
Because Europeans don't know this. In Europe, waiters have a higher pay and therefore expect less tips from people. It's not a joke, they just don't know.
I'm a great tipper, but i will boycott any establishment that enforces this.
Damn some of you people are cheap as hell
You don't wanna tip for good service then don't go out to eat
I myself am a lousy tipper lol. I don't get a tip at my job why should anyone else.
I never understood why you have to tip. It is not like they aren't already getting paid.
Anyways yeah just my opinion. That is ******ed to not let someone in unless they tip ahead of time though. 
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Running back and forth and dealing with a wide variety of customers (some who like to be difficult on purpose) is easy work all of a sudden?

Its an honest job.

I've also noticed (in the nicer restaurants) that European people do not tip at all. They will sit and drink their glasses of wine for 2 hours after the meal is done (table of 4-6), be very demanding, and on a $250+ tab will tip $5. Its a joke really.
Because Europeans don't know this. In Europe, waiters have a higher pay and therefore expect less tips from people. It's not a joke, they just don't know.
I know its different customs but when you're in a different country for an extended period of time (let alone NY locals), you should adapt. My family is from Peru and everything is so cheap out there and nobody tips, yet I tip everyone (even the $1 cab rides).

Trust me the locals KNOW, they just choose not to and it is a joke.

Go eat at a diner if you're going to tip $2-5.
Originally Posted by jrp44

Damn some of you people are cheap dumb as hell
You don't wanna tip have to rely on consumers for good service a "Fair wage then don't go out to eat learn a real skill and don't voluntarily sign up for 2.00$ an hour

I agree
If the service was mehh I'll leave 10%..... Average 15-20%..... amazingly
20-30% depending on where im at
TIP. That is an acronym people. To Insure Promptness.

Anyways, I usually tip pretty well. I usually tip about 20% (I just double tax) if everything went well. However, I drink a lot of water. LOTS.
I've been to places where for an entire meal, an entire 45-60minute meal, I've gotten one cup of water. Even after asking them for more water. Those places don't get tipped.

But I mean, as long as service is decent I will tip them the 15% or more for their service because I understand that they get paid under minimum wage.

However, money's been tight and when I'm out paying for like a $40 meal between two, tipping $6 or whatever just doesn't sound good to me sometimes, that @@+% is another meal, especially if the service is not on point.
i didn't get to read all 6 pages. so we already pointed out that wait staff do not get paid minimum wage, and rely on tips to earn a fair wage.

if restaurants paid what was considered a fair wage, the price of food and service would go up to offset the difference. so either way you'd pay the same. wait staff can potentially make more under this system. no one is trying to rip you off by asking for tips.

this is the system. if you are going to be classless and leave nothing, stick to fast food, or go to restaurants that require no tip (the difference will be built into the price of food).
I was at a strip club the other day and this chick got mad because she only got like 10 dollars when she was on stage. If you're so mad, get surgery trick.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by jrp44

Damn some of you people are cheap dumb as hell
You don't wanna tip have to rely on consumers for good service a "Fair wage then don't go out to eat learn a real skill and don't voluntarily sign up for 2.00$ an hour

I agree

I Def agree with this, I mean, everyone should also just drive beamers because they're just better than those filthy 90's Camry's people still driving nowadays.

I don't sweat it too much because I know the type of people who would tip well aren't the type to come in here just to boast about it anyway.

But think about it. If restaurants have to pay servers more, your food will cost more and your level of service would probably dip. So you leave a tip and pay less than you would for food. Don't leave a tip/leave less if the person doesn't do their job
It'd be worth it if it would make them stop crying about how difficult it is to tell somebody else to cook your food, then when thatperson gets done bring it out to you and stop acting like they have the onyl jobs that can fall under "service," and have to deal with difficult cusotmers. Hell, how many people in this topic talked about tipping even with bad service? If that is the case, then what is the point? If they know, or expect to get it anyways, how do you figure it makes for better service?

The couple in Boston who got arrested for not leaving a tip, had to get their own silverware and refill their own drinks while their waiter was outside smoking and talking on the cellphone.
Going through this thread, all I see is a bunch of cheap dudes.
Whining about tipping a waiter or waitress. You guys in here are talking about your whips, your kicks, your chains you copped but you cry about tipping. Pathetic!!!
Stick to this menu then. No tipping needed there.
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