Well Dressed Females Appreciation vol. no hoodrats

This al sharpton guy is so lost, being white black or purple doesnt matter to me, I have no preference fam, keep it moving.
Real talk this thread succs i got a headache

_'s playin in the snow
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

EDIT: man, a chick wearing a simple, one piece cotton dress isn't "dressing nice", if anything, the "hoodrat" in designer jeans, jordans and hoop earrings is killing the chick in no name heels and a simple cotton dress....

dudes is posting chicks in cotton dresses saying she's "dressed up"?

Isn't this thread about "well dressed" females and not "dressed up" females? There's a difference. A chick can dress down but still be well dressed it's about how she wears clothes versus what she's actually wearing. Wearing designer clothes and clothes with labels on it doesn't equal dressing well either.
Chicks that keep it simple always look better imo than chicks that OD and try to wear a bunch of trendy clothes all at the same time.
at the same time, you not gonna tell me a chick rocking basically a long t-shirt is "well dressed"

especially not compared to those "hoodrats"

there are many examples of well dressed women in this thread NOW....

but never, no how, no way will anyone ever convince me a one piece cotton dress is "well dressed"

they are literally the female equivalent to a plain t shirt for us....

you making a difference between well dressed and dressed up is futile....none of the chicks posted in here as "well dressed" (besides the obvious ones who got called out) are dressed down.


they're all "dressed up" to go out, be it out in the city, out to a club or just a photoshoot set to go OUT on the internet...

aint not one chick in this entire thread "dressed down"

@cotton dresses once again
I'm trying to understand the point you're trying to make but I'm lost. A female can dress down (be casually dressed) and still bestylish. The average chick isn't going to "dress up" unless she has a reason to. How many females do you see at the mall wearing gowns or goingto the grocery store in heels. I don't see anything wrong with a chick wearing a cotton dress, certain girls know how to dress up a cotton dress or dressit down that's the difference between a girl who has style and a girl that doesn't.

Either way like someone else said when it all comes down to it....
undressed girls >>>>well dressed girls
is it that they're so well dressed or that they're attractive? post some ugly chicks and that's how we'll really know if they are in fact welldressed
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

is it that they're so well dressed or that they're attractive? post some ugly chicks and that's how we'll really know if they are in fact well dressed
nobody is appreciating an ugly girl dressed well.
talk about differing viewpoints. ive seen it all in here. why not just name it, random people wearing random clothes. lol
Some of these girls posted aren't even dressed well. Just cause their skinny, wearing expensive clothing, and layering doesn't mean it looks good.
OP, you're right on point, great thread. A lot of people on this board are from the "hood" so you can't expect them to appreciate how thesefemales are dressed. It's like going to a Yankee blog and posting a Red Sox article, you can expect a bias response.
at all those girls
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