What’s the Deal with Antisemitism?

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johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm marikomorose marikomorose

Throughout European history Jewish people were an easy scapegoat when things weren't going well. It's easy to blame a group that has different beliefs, are a minority of the population and are seemingly well to do.

Jewish folks aren't the only minority group this happens/happened to in Europe (Romani, Chechens etc.) But they are one of the biggest and their influence in the western world is undeniable.

This is why I never brush off stereotypes as harmless, once they're attached to your group's image, there will be really powerful and dangerous idiots that believe them and will use all their resources to fight on those lies.
I understand why people are racist, hate illegal immigrants, are afraid of Muslims, but what’s the deal with the hate toward Jewish people? Feel like they’ve been hated forever and I can’t figure out why.
Not an expert or super religious, but iirc the answer is since the bible times. Moses time. Jesus and his crucifixion.
I didn’t know Christians and Muslims hate each other? Are we talking the Western world or the Eastern world?
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