What are the benefits of joining the United States Army with a Degree?

this is that real talk.

may not square with everyone's person ethical vantage point, but when it comes to da spoils of war and treasure, i rather be on winning side, then not.

so if da United States gotta level a few thousand towns and wipe em off da map so i can enjoy my wifi, smartphone, A/C, fresh gear & kicks and not missing a meal..thats just something imma reconcile in my mind.

there's alot of bloodshed to make this Country pop, and alot of bloodshed to continue to keep it up to snuff.

this isn't new though, all those beautiful marble statues of greek and roman gods were commissioned & financed by da spoils of war.
I can do nothing but respect your blunt honestly here!
this is that real talk.

may not square with everyone's person ethical vantage point, but when it comes to da spoils of war and treasure, i rather be on winning side, then not.

so if da United States gotta level a few thousand towns and wipe em off da map so i can enjoy my wifi, smartphone, A/C, fresh gear & kicks and not missing a meal..thats just something imma reconcile in my mind.

there's alot of bloodshed to make this Country pop, and alot of bloodshed to continue to keep it up to snuff.

this isn't new though, all those beautiful marble statues of greek and roman gods were commissioned & financed by da spoils of war.

There's no reason why we can't enjoy those things w/o bloodshed.

Plenty of other nations get along just fine. Now I understand that we have these industries in place and deincentivizing warfare and incarceration would undoubtedly hurt our economy.

Here's the part I'm supposed to care....

.....I don't. I mean I definitely care about the economy but I don't exactly have a bleeding heart for those who would stand to lose a job or benefits from military budget cuts and policy change. It's a pipe dream for me to believe that it wouldn't be a difficult transition. It would be intellectually disingenuous for me to say we would get along just fine w/o these industries operating as they traditionally have.

However I do believe a paradigm shift, a change from military contracts to say green energy contracts would be the ideal transition to make.

Instead of relying on something that is ultimately counterintuitive like warfare, we can be focusing on something that has serious merits for the world we live in.

That's just one idea. There's plenty more. It requires however, people like ourselves to change our attitudes on such topics.
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Ok, I'll take the bait and continue with the complete derailing of this thread. This may sound mean crass or insensitive but the reality of the world is this: There has never in human history been a hegemon or empire whose hands are clean. None. Not the Romans, not Brits, not the Mongols. Even looking throughout history at the regional powers you'll see that they've done absolutely heinous things to one another. The US gets a lot of flack because we're the top dogs now but every empire has done what we have in one way or another to gain or maintain power. Not justifying it, just staying facts.

And every empire you have mentioned fell.

Empires are meant to fall.

Perhaps we should aspire for more.
And every empire you have mentioned fell.

Empires are meant to fall.

Perhaps we should aspire for more.

All things good or bad come to an end at some point. Honestly, humans are selfish and we'll always fight unless we face a larger threat of some kind. As long as there is a way to profit (power, money, resources) people will strive for that. That's the flaw in man. Not to mention some religious ideologies and cultures are simply in direct contrast of one another.
All things good or bad come to an end at some point. Honestly, humans are selfish and we'll always fight unless we face a larger threat of some kind. As long as there is a way to profit (power, money, resources) people will strive for that. That's the flaw in man. Not to mention some religious ideologies and cultures are simply in direct contrast of one another.

I had a longer reply typed out but my browser crashed (I'm mobile right now) and I don't feel like retyping everything so I'll cut right to the tl;dr version.

-We can't take any of this stuff with us.
-We don't know if there's a hereafter, if we will ever see our kids or our loved ones again. More than likely we won't so it's integral that we cultivate a harmonious and hospitable society to leave for others.
-Materialism is fine, I'm materialistic but it doesn't have to come at the cost of human lives.

There was a lot more but I think I've summed up my views pretty succinctly. We can have our cake and eat it too. Just got to find another way to bake it up.
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I had a longer reply typed out but my browser crashed (I'm mobile right now) and I don't feel like retyping everything so I'll cut right to the tl;dr version.

-We can't take any of this stuff with us.
-We don't know if there's a hereafter, if we will ever see our kids or our loved ones again. More than likely we won't so it's integral that we cultivate a harmonious and hospitable society to leave for others.
-Materialism is fine, I'm materialistic but it doesn't have to come at the cost of human lives.

There was a lot more but I think I've summed up my views pretty succinctly. We can have our cake and eat it too. Just got to find another way to bake it up.

I totally agree with you. Tell that to the guys who have perverted their religion to the point where they think its OK to kill people who don't agree with them. Tell that to the guys who kill and pillage for resources. Tell that to the cartels to run drugs and guns. We're actively and knowingly destroying our planet using fossil fuels. There are other more efficient energy sources but oil companies suppress that research. Animal agriculture (mass slaughter of animals for food) is the 2nd largest source of carbon emissions. Are you ready to stop eating meat to save the planet?
I totally agree with you. Tell that to the guys who have perverted their religion to the point where they think its OK to kill people who don't agree with them. Tell that to the guys who kill and pillage for resources. Tell that to the cartels to run drugs and guns. We're actively and knowingly destroying our planet using fossil fuels. There are other more efficient energy sources but oil companies suppress that research. Animal agriculture (mass slaughter of animals for food) is the 2nd largest source of carbon emissions. Are you ready to stop eating meat to save the planet?

I try to buy humanely raised meat and produce whenever I can. Aside from my Nike fetish which I concede to, I try to purchase ethically sourced fair-trade goods whenever possible.

I can't reach cartels or terrorists, but I can try to raise my kids the best I can.

That's what it's all about IMO. They'll inherit this planet, it's up to us to engender the right morals and values into our kids.

The thing is my views would be considered unorthodox. While most Americans tell their kids that aspiring to join the military or police is something virtuous. I intend on telling them what it's really like. They can make their own decisions at that point.

It starts with us, young parents with children with young malleable minds. There's no quick fix but the baby boomers are eventually going to pass on in this world and we the millennials can usher in a new era. An era marked by peace, sustainable energy, nutritious ethically sourced organic foods and goods.

Nothing wrong with being a materialist but I think we need to start looking at the bigger picture.

Gentlemen, with the correct paradigm shift we could make unfathomable advances in science and healthcare. I'm not only talking about increasing lifespan significantly I am talking about enjoying a healthspan well beyond what would currently be considered retirement age.

We dream too little. Nice cars, nice clothes and nice houses. That's all, nice. Nothing is more important than your health and your life. Nothing.

A lot of this is a topic that warrants it's own thread but what I'm saying is this. We are a space aged civilization that still engages in barbarism as if we are in the dark ages. It's time we let it go. If we squander the time we have with trivial pursuits and politics future generations stand to look back and laugh at us, as well they should.

It's 2016 people, the game is changing. We can change the world but it starts at home and how we raise our children. Don't stand on the sidelines while the media and school systems indoctrinate your children into their brand of dogma.
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