What grade does hip-hop deserve right now?

Mar 5, 2005
Give hip-hop a letter grade and point out the positives and negatives. Also leave a closing statement.

What I like:
+Production is great right now, its always evolving and plus producers are mixing other music genres in their beat (rock, pop, symphony, etc.).
+Variety, lots of different styles these days whether you favor substance, punch-lines, charisma, etc.
+I like the whole super-collabos in one song (props to Khaled).

What I don't like:
-Too many club-bangers.
-Too many main-stream rappers ignore creativity and let beats do the work for them.
-50 cent, has no kind of respect for any rapper (dude's career is built upon a publicity stunt).
-Too many followers, not enough leaders.
-Too many rappers claiming to be a trap-star, who gives a !#%%, you don't have to be a trap-star to be hood.
-Rappers picking a %#*%$$* dance over substance or at least punch-lines.
-Ban the lines "Do the right thing like Spike Lee" or "I'm the best since 2pac/Biggie died".

I'm sure I have more faults I just can't thing of right now but I give hip-hop a D. It's not dead to me, but you have to look harder to find itsvital signs (I mean good rappers).

Rap is soooo boring right now. Nothin has made me go "WoW" since the Black Album came out.

Rock on the other hand something happens every week.
i would give it a C... too much garbage to sift through but if ya do your homework you can find the real%!+% that makes you love the genre again.
C-/D Too much garbage there was a time where the quality overflowed to the surface constantly to the point Id be unintentionally ignoring a lot of issh. I missthose days

I guess C- only for the few underground records that have dropped. They have been up to par, but mainstream hip hop is at an all time low. But honestly, I justwanted to figure out how to post, spell check & all that on the new board.
I forgot my ezboard password & question/answer, so I had to start a new profile. R.I.P bscan
man, i forgot about 8 diagrams. this year really hasnt been that bad, all the good stuff just keeps coming out at the end of the year.

Alot of these new dudes comin out embody everything I hate in the world. And actually I can't hate on dudes like Soulja Boy, Hurricane Chris, because atleast they're being real. Their *%%! is still kinda wack but at least they're being all the way real. All the escobars and superthugs are the biggerproblem to me. And DJ Khaled. I can't stand that goofball.
I'd give hip hop and A +. I don't listen to a lot of what's out there, but all of that is ungraded material at this point. I like Graduation,American Gangster, Finding Forever, Mood Muzik 3( hopefully soon), B.A.R.S., PE#1, 1 of every 40 Wayne verses, and a lot of the music in the last couple years.Theres a lot I hate, I hear it in the club or when I'm around ppl who listen to wack juice. At those timesI zone out and make sure I have music on me tofix my ears
71% Barely passing. The grade can still be saved in the fourth quarter. Hip Hop reflects my life right now, repetitive boring, but with a few shimmers, when Ikeep it real I can "thug my way through"(Finish that line)
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