What takes more skill to excel at: Halo or Call of Duty?

As far as the most popular shooters go

Halo>Gears of War>Battlefield=Call of Duty

I was good at Halo, but I never got to the level I was in the other games mentioned, just didn't play enough. Gears always had a steep learning curve even with them dumbing it down with the sequels.

But BF=CoD for me. I literally change nothing about my playstyle when switching between those games and it works regardless. Run & gun to the max and I have a 3.0+ in BF. 2.0+ in CoD because sometimes I just play for the lulz.
Originally Posted by c0dyboy2222

I've been to mlg events and have placed top 24 which is pretty good. without question halo takes way more skill.

Oh word? Which game? I've never gone but I play with kids whove gone and plan on going.

Either way Halo is dead and H4 wont save it either. I used to go hard on halo myself, H3 in particular, they both take different skillsets to be good at, but COD is miles away the more fun game at this point.
To answer OP it's def Halo.
I think Halo requires more skill than Battlefield. Anyone can pick up a controller and play COD and have a good match.

Counterstrike is a completely different story
halo is ******edly simple.

not to say MW3 is much more complex, but it is certainly more complex than halo.

i could practically play halo 1 with my eyes closed.
Originally Posted by sNc magic

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Counterstrike 1.6

true recoil
Originally Posted by Wilroc

As far as the most popular shooters go

Halo>Gears of War>Battlefield=Call of Duty

I was good at Halo, but I never got to the level I was in the other games mentioned, just didn't play enough. Gears always had a steep learning curve even with them dumbing it down with the sequels.

But BF=CoD for me. I literally change nothing about my playstyle when switching between those games and it works regardless. Run & gun to the max and I have a 3.0+ in BF. 2.0+ in CoD because sometimes I just play for the lulz.
I agree with everything except the halo>gears. Both to me, require the same amount of skill. You have to be adept at the gnasher in gears, but also be able to guage distance and other variables as with halo. So for me, Halo = gears. As for COD, its just frenetic see somebody first, you win. which is not really the games fault, just the nature of the "type" of game. Realistic shooters only require 1 good shot to kill. So any real war game would have this issue

I was just playing halo reach yesterday with some friends.Its still fun to me,cod is fun as well.But Imo cod is more difficult
Originally Posted by Wilroc

As far as the most popular shooters go

Halo>Gears of War>Battlefield=Call of Duty

I was good at Halo, but I never got to the level I was in the other games mentioned, just didn't play enough. Gears always had a steep learning curve even with them dumbing it down with the sequels.

But BF=CoD for me. I literally change nothing about my playstyle when switching between those games and it works regardless. Run & gun to the max and I have a 3.0+ in BF. 2.0+ in CoD because sometimes I just play for the lulz.

What's the point of a good k/d ratio if your team loses?
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

halo is ******edly simple.

not to say MW3 is much more complex, but it is certainly more complex than halo.

i could practically play halo 1 with my eyes closed.

Try and tell this to die hrd halo kids, see what kind of reaction you get. Gonna look something like
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

halo is ******edly simple.

not to say MW3 is much more complex, but it is certainly more complex than halo.

i could practically play halo 1 with my eyes closed.

Try and tell this to die hrd halo kids, see what kind of reaction you get. Gonna look something like

people who play halo hardcore after halo 1 just stink at COD...

same with people who religiously play battlefield....

huge yawns for them.

i'd argue GTA IV online is harder to be good in than battlefield AND halo...

im not good at halo? i was 3rd in the only tourny i ever got in, at tOSU's campus

i came in 3rd behind two twin brother roomates...

who also came early like me and used their XBOX for the tourny to help

so we tested the projections screens out

we played 2 v 1

i beat them 100-20

they were 1st and 2nd on a campus of 55k+

halo is very very very very simple and easy.

when they added the melee weapons it became a joke that i wouldnt even consider playing

(and i dont even play mw3 all like that, its slightweight boring now, too)

im decent at cod.....usually people discrediting COD are super terrible at it...hence why its not a good game, to them....
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

halo is ******edly simple.

not to say MW3 is much more complex, but it is certainly more complex than halo.

i could practically play halo 1 with my eyes closed.

Try and tell this to die hrd halo kids, see what kind of reaction you get. Gonna look something like

people who play halo hardcore after halo 1 just stink at COD...

same with people who religiously play battlefield....

huge yawns for them.

i'd argue GTA IV online is harder to be good in than battlefield AND halo...

im not good at halo? i was 3rd in the only tourny i ever got in, at tOSU's campus

i came in 3rd behind two twin brother roomates...

who also came early like me and used their XBOX for the tourny to help

so we tested the projections screens out

we played 2 v 1

i beat them 100-20

they were 1st and 2nd on a campus of 55k+

halo is very very very very simple and easy.

when they added the melee weapons it became a joke that i wouldnt even consider playing

(and i dont even play mw3 all like that, its slightweight boring now, too)

im decent at cod.....usually people discrediting COD are super terrible at it...hence why its not a good game, to them....
You always end up sounding crazy ignorant and give your life stories.You GO IN. 
Why do you have to suck at X game to be good at Y game? Stop thinking like that. It's backwards. How does one experience you had in a tourney equate to the final word on a video game millions play? I think you're wrong that a lot of people hate on CoD cause they suck. Most of the people who hate on CoD are old school PC Gamers who used to mess with CS. It's the logic that a lot of CoD stans have that's annoying : More stuff = More complex. It couldn't be more opposite. The only CoD game that had good multiplayer was CoD 4 and that was because they kept it simple,straight up gun battles, all skill. It was the only CoD you can actually get good at. After that they just kept dumping perks, death streaks, etc. All this un necessary %#+! to bring in casual gamers and girls. 

But yeah I'm not gonna get too much into it. They're both past their prime but Halo is definitely held to a much higher standard then CoD. Halo will most likely be a top 20 series of all time with the likes of Half-Life, Zelda, GTA 3, Tetris. CoD has no chance at all; Maybe the first 2 which were praised for their single player but after that no chance in hell. 

CS > Halo > CoD 
Neither. Original socom titles and counterstrike took skill. This new gen of respawn shooters while at times fun, have ruined shooting games. I'm so glad counter strike GO is almost out.
counter strike was okay. i dont see how you think search and destroy on any modern warfare isnt basically the exact same game as

counter strike, but whatever.

alex, you have a cod-bias

you told me the game had no depth

then i tried to explain how the customization of classes provided depth, you didnt want to hear it.

you're biased against cod....

typically people with bias' against cod in particular just suck at the game...thats why they dont like it.

i dont see how COD sucks but ANY OTHER FPS IS CONSIDERED 'GOOD' LMAO


in the same vein, i gave valid criticism of skyrim and you werent trynna hear it LMAO

so much for "cod-fanboy defense" being funny...its all video game fans, period.

people saying halo multiplayer is better than cod....just suck at cod

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

you right, halo 1 will prolly go down as a top 10 game ever, it also came out 12 years ago, b.

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos

the anicdote is for people who would respond "well you prolly suck at halo"

sorry, not at all.

"CoD has no chance at all; Maybe the first 2 which were praised for their single player but after that no chance in hell."

the perfect example of your bias....LMAO maybe for the single player?

bro, its the most popular online game like 4 years and running LMAO

mw2 was damn near flawless (all the glitching was out of hand)

people who cry about it just get raped and dont find that enjoyable.

you never hear people who are actually good at the game say its so trash and halo is so much better LMAO
Originally Posted by gregbutler20

Neither. Original socom titles and counterstrike took skill. This new gen of respawn shooters while at times fun, have ruined shooting games. I'm so glad counter strike GO is almost out.

so why cant you play hardcore search and destroy, again? its literally the exact same game with better graphics and more complex maps....literally the exact same game.
Hardcore SnD is horrible and if Socom and Counterstrike are like those then I want no parts of those games.
Curb gotta be trolling. Same game type is not the same game. And you said halo 2 sucked lmfaoo it is undisputed pound for pound one of the best multiPlayer games ever. Cod is ridiculously easy, you can close your eyes and spray at an opponent and due to bullet damage you can easily get a random kill. Halos shield mechanics does not allow this. Its not 1 lucky shot its 5 consecutive well placed shots meaning if you choke, the better consistent player will catch up in that race to 5 and drop you.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by gregbutler20

Neither. Original socom titles and counterstrike took skill. This new gen of respawn shooters while at times fun, have ruined shooting games. I'm so glad counter strike GO is almost out.

so why cant you play hardcore search and destroy, again? its literally the exact same game with better graphics and more complex maps....literally the exact same game.
Not even the same. COD is like the nba jam of shooters. While at times it's fun, it just doesn't have the same feel, it doesn't feel......sim like. S and D is just call of duty with the mechanics that made it unique turned off. Not to mention, there is little communication at all on COD games, tons of kids talking about everything under the sun, but where the last guy may be hiding. Unless you have a clan, most people play S & D solo like all the other modes. I'm not attacking the game, I played COD 4 and MW2, own black ops and MW3 as well as battlfield 3. However, these space/arcade shooters today just don't feel as intimate as the early PS2 and PC shooters. I met dudes on those games some 9+ years ago that I still play with today. Since PS3, I've met 2 people that I play with on a regular. Everyone else on my friends list are people that I'm friends with, know from work, etc. Dudes on COD are often those teenage, let me play drake over the open mike type dudes.

Again, COD is fun, but not the same experience as earlier shooters.
Halo... by miles.

I just got into COD a few months ago after I gave up on Halo: Reach

I couldn't stand the armor locking and all the other BS, but at least they went for something different whereas COD is the same game year after year with minimal changes, but why try to fix something that ain't broke and is making them millions or billions of dollars.

Curb... can't believe you said Halo 2 sucked when it's regarded as the best FPS of all time and made online FPS what it is today... although can't like I've never played Halo 2 online because I didn't play online until I got a 360... it's your opinion though and you're entitled to it.

Also, to dude saying Halo is all about jumping and shooting
couldn't be farther from the truth... you try that with someone who's somewhat decent at Halo and you'd get your %%# outstrafed and laying dead on the floor... not saying that jumping and shooting isn't widespread in Halo, but it's just another tactic to get an edge over your opponent.

Halo is all about team work for mulitplayer slayer... and as far as one on one battles goes (also applies to multiplayer slayer too) it's all about your strafe and execusion.

I used to hate on COD though, but once I starter playing it I got pretty decent quickly in MW2 and then I got MW3. COD is easy to pick up and play and just have fun. Most people don't have the time to put into these other games to get good at them like that so that's why COD is so popular because it's easy to pick up and play and anyone with half a brain can be decent at it.

I like them both, but I enjoy COD more because like I said I'm busy and don't have all the time needed to play at a high level in Halo (doesn't apply to Halo: Reach because they took out the ranking system) whereas COD I pick up the controller on the weekends when I have some free time and play a little and enjoy myself... sometimes... but sometimes COD pisses me off with it's BS and the camping and also with whoever has the better connection will take a battle. I also prefer COD because I'm a lone wolf and in Halo you have to play as a team to win... at a high level at least.

Long read... sorry!
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