What takes more skill to excel at: Halo or Call of Duty?

Originally Posted by rice boy 45

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Neither play street fighter
now that takes skill

this. still trying to reach 3000pp,

Naw ULT Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

counter strike was okay. i dont see how you think search and destroy on any modern warfare isnt basically the exact same game as

counter strike, but whatever.

alex, you have a cod-bias

you told me the game had no depth

then i tried to explain how the customization of classes provided depth, you didnt want to hear it.

you're biased against cod....

typically people with bias' against cod in particular just suck at the game...thats why they dont like it.

i dont see how COD sucks but ANY OTHER FPS IS CONSIDERED 'GOOD' LMAO


in the same vein, i gave valid criticism of skyrim and you werent trynna hear it LMAO

so much for "cod-fanboy defense" being funny...its all video game fans, period.

people saying halo multiplayer is better than cod....just suck at cod

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

you right, halo 1 will prolly go down as a top 10 game ever, it also came out 12 years ago, b.

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos

the anicdote is for people who would respond "well you prolly suck at halo"

sorry, not at all.

"CoD has no chance at all; Maybe the first 2 which were praised for their single player but after that no chance in hell."

the perfect example of your bias....LMAO maybe for the single player?

bro, its the most popular online game like 4 years and running LMAO

mw2 was damn near flawless (all the glitching was out of hand)

people who cry about it just get raped and dont find that enjoyable.

you never hear people who are actually good at the game say its so trash and halo is so much better LMAO

I was playing CS for YEARS and it's very similar to CoD so in Cod4 and MW2 I had damn near a 2.0 K/D Ratio. I played Halo run and gun style and campers didn't know what to do. You hit a ceiling in CoD way too fast, that's why it stops being fun. And now I can only imagine with  how ridiculous the perks are how annoying the game must be to play. The game used to be fun when it had a good community in 4 after that the game is damn near unplayable online. You have to stop and think after a while, 90% of the fan base are teens are casual gamers who spew racist crap and troll. They don't even try to win 80% of the time. Do you really think you are "good" playing among these people? 

The online community of your game is a representation of the quality of your game. It's a simple game that's created to bring in as many people as possible to create sales. This isn't even an opinion, Bobby Kotick was hired for this sole purpose. CoD isn't even the most popular game in the LAST YEAR let alone the last 4 years. You're forgetting that about the PC community and handheld community.  
There's no point in debating. You listed GTA IV has a legit online game and named Halo 2 as a bad game when it's one of the best crafted multiplayer games of all time. I don't think you played enough different games or maybe you didn't invest time in them because you really do look like you trolling. I 

And...After playing OoT again it's amazing to me that Skyrim can't feel half as epic as that considering all the tech and the fact OoT is 13 years old. Skyrim is actually kind of disappointing to me. The world is amazing and it's a blast to play but it feels so generic sometime. It just feels like you have a laundry list of things to do, doesn't feel like adventuring at all. It's funny cause that's exactly how it is. And the characters really take you out of the experience. There has to be 10 people TOPS doing the voice work for the entire game. Not only that, it's absolutely terrible, completely lifeless. I find the lore and story so boring that it makes me wonder why I'm playing, there's no motivation at all. 
Halo and in particularly Halo1. The magic was in its simplicity. From there, they just kept piling on more crap.
Halo 2 is one of the hardest games to master, it's proof in the ranking system, a lvl 37 would destroy a lvl 32 but in cod lvl 70 and 65 go last all the time I can jump in sometimes and win and I barely play cod
Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

Halo 2 is one of the hardest games to master, it's proof in the ranking system, a lvl 37 would destroy a lvl 32 but in cod lvl 70 and 65 go last all the time I can jump in sometimes and win and I barely play cod

I lol'd that a guy named Master Chief randomly shows in a Halo thread.
almost none of you have any idea what you're talking about. 
as someone who has played both titles competitively (Halo 2 & 3, COD4), every Halo game, even Reach, necessitates far more individual skill than COD ever has. 

Symmetrical Maps with  methodically placed power weapons facilitates player movement and punishes campers, something that is painfully absent in COD.

The default competitive weapons in every Halo title (H1 Pistol, H2 & H3 BR) required an enormous amount of knowledge and skill (strafing, leading shots, BXR, RRY, etc) that although some of which can be found in COD, is not heavily relied on. 

Even online, the ranking system in Halo 2 and 3 actually means something. A level 35 will beat a level 30 every single time. in COD, one's rank reveals nothing about one's skill.   
Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

Halo 2 is one of the hardest games to master, it's proof in the ranking system, a lvl 37 would destroy a lvl 32 but in cod lvl 70 and 65 go last all the time I can jump in sometimes and win and I barely play cod

Not only that, Halo's leveling system actually makes sense. If you do bad in a game of CoD you don't get penalized or lose exp or levels. They STILL reward you!You can actually level up by going negative in CoD. That's how they cater to everyone. They make you feel like you accomplished something and are good.
I don't consider any video game to require any skill beyond the most basic hand-to-eye coordination.
Then again I know way too many people in their 20s whose only "skill" is video games
Originally Posted by spacerace

almost none of you have any idea what you're talking about. 
as someone who has played both titles competitively (Halo 2 & 3, COD4), every Halo game, even Reach, necessitates far more individual skill than COD ever has. 

Symmetrical Maps with  methodically placed power weapons facilitates player movement and punishes campers, something that is painfully absent in COD.

The default competitive weapons in every Halo title (H1 Pistol, H2 & H3 BR) required an enormous amount of knowledge and skill (strafing, leading shots, BXR, RRY, etc) that although some of which can be found in COD, is not heavily relied on. 

Even online, the ranking system in Halo 2 and 3 actually means something. A level 35 will beat a level 30 every single time. in COD, one's rank reveals nothing about one's skill.   
Gonna cosign all of this.

Does anyone still play? Reach or 3? This thread makes me want to play Halo again, something I havent done since MW3 came out since Reach doesnt have that long lasting appeal that the other titles had.
Originally Posted by Credo

I don't consider any video game to require any skill beyond the most basic hand-to-eye coordination.
Then again I know way too many people in their 20s whose only "skill" is video games

Starcraft would love to have a word with it. Replacing Chess is no easy task. Scientists are moving away from Chess and using Starcraft as the model organism to test how and why our brain works.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

you right, halo 1 will prolly go down as a top 10 game ever, it also came out 12 years ago, b.

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos
No bro. Halo 2 is the reason  your beloved COD series is anywhere near as successful it is today. 
Originally Posted by Antidope

Hardcore SnD is horrible and if Socom and Counterstrike are like those then I want no parts of those games.

its hardcore s & d without classes, basically. LMAO

thats all there is to it.

and its the best game ever


Halo you had to deal with vehicles and larger maps.CoDis way more accessible but it's not better it lacks depth and variety to me.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

you right, halo 1 will prolly go down as a top 10 game ever, it also came out 12 years ago, b.

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos
No bro. Halo 2 is the reason  your beloved COD series is anywhere near as successful it is today. 

and halo 2 is still trash

however you justify it.

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

Halo 2 is one of the hardest games to master, it's proof in the ranking system, a lvl 37 would destroy a lvl 32 but in cod lvl 70 and 65 go last all the time I can jump in sometimes and win and I barely play cod

Not only that, Halo's leveling system actually makes sense. If you do bad in a game of CoD you don't get penalized or lose exp or levels. They STILL reward you!You can actually level up by going negative in CoD. That's how they cater to everyone. They make you feel like you accomplished something and are good.

so you're mad terrible players still level up?


such a design flaw in the game b

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Halo you had to deal with vehicles and larger maps.CoDis way more accessible but it's not better it lacks depth and variety to me.

this is the only thing halo has that mw3 doesnt; vehicles....and honestly, people in vehicles were the easiest homocides...LMAO

i remember when the CTF beta dropped for PC, i would play with my dude...we would go 98-4.....LMAOOOOOO

cause, you know, halo is all about skill and technique

^ are you arguing as a casual player?
i ask because all of your rebuttals would suggest so. 
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Curb gotta be trolling. Same game type is not the same game. And you said halo 2 sucked lmfaoo it is undisputed pound for pound one of the best multiPlayer games ever. Cod is ridiculously easy, you can close your eyes and spray at an opponent and due to bullet damage you can easily get a random kill. Halos shield mechanics does not allow this. Its not 1 lucky shot its 5 consecutive well placed shots meaning if you choke, the better consistent player will catch up in that race to 5 and drop you.


whatever you say, b.

if anything, due to the shields, halo has a bigger "hit radius" than COD games

granted, 3 has terrible hit detection, but 2 was flawless.

@ you saying the same thing about COD i said about halo, but it only being true about halo.

they had a gun that auto locked on the bullets

shut up.


as far as weapon placement to discourage camaping....i mean, you want guns to pop up in COD games that you have to race for?


sounds quite trash to me...sounds like that terrible game halo 2


besides, in halo 1 people camped weapons all the time...LMAO camp the invisible shield all the time....

i was playing halo 1 when you dudes were in 5th grade


"undisputed" means that i wouldnt be in here calling the game trash, genius

if you could close your eyes and spray on COD and get a kill then WHY ARE ALL OF YOU GUYS' K/D RATIOS UNDER 1.00?

IF ITS SO EASY WHY ARE YOUR RATIOS .45 and "dont matter" ???????????


Originally Posted by gregbutler20

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by gregbutler20

Neither. Original socom titles and counterstrike took skill. This new gen of respawn shooters while at times fun, have ruined shooting games. I'm so glad counter strike GO is almost out.

so why cant you play hardcore search and destroy, again? its literally the exact same game with better graphics and more complex maps....literally the exact same game.
Not even the same. COD is like the nba jam of shooters. While at times it's fun, it just doesn't have the same feel, it doesn't feel......sim like. S and D is just call of duty with the mechanics that made it unique turned off. Not to mention, there is little communication at all on COD games, tons of kids talking about everything under the sun, but where the last guy may be hiding. Unless you have a clan, most people play S & D solo like all the other modes. I'm not attacking the game, I played COD 4 and MW2, own black ops and MW3 as well as battlfield 3. However, these space/arcade shooters today just don't feel as intimate as the early PS2 and PC shooters. I met dudes on those games some 9+ years ago that I still play with today. Since PS3, I've met 2 people that I play with on a regular. Everyone else on my friends list are people that I'm friends with, know from work, etc. Dudes on COD are often those teenage, let me play drake over the open mike type dudes.

Again, COD is fun, but not the same experience as earlier shooters.

so COD sucks because you play online with children? because you havent made very many friends?


valid criticism of the game.


Originally Posted by ricerocket1


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]second post in and we can seal this thread up.[/color]
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

counter strike was okay. i dont see how you think search and destroy on any modern warfare isnt basically the exact same game as

counter strike, but whatever.

alex, you have a cod-bias

you told me the game had no depth

then i tried to explain how the customization of classes provided depth, you didnt want to hear it.

you're biased against cod....

typically people with bias' against cod in particular just suck at the game...thats why they dont like it.

i dont see how COD sucks but ANY OTHER FPS IS CONSIDERED 'GOOD' LMAO


in the same vein, i gave valid criticism of skyrim and you werent trynna hear it LMAO

so much for "cod-fanboy defense" being funny...its all video game fans, period.

people saying halo multiplayer is better than cod....just suck at cod

i was a GOD at halo 1...so i can speak on halo if i want to speak on halo

you right, halo 1 will prolly go down as a top 10 game ever, it also came out 12 years ago, b.

...halo 2 was TRASH, so i stopped playing halos

the anicdote is for people who would respond "well you prolly suck at halo"

sorry, not at all.

"CoD has no chance at all; Maybe the first 2 which were praised for their single player but after that no chance in hell."

the perfect example of your bias....LMAO maybe for the single player?

bro, its the most popular online game like 4 years and running LMAO

mw2 was damn near flawless (all the glitching was out of hand)

people who cry about it just get raped and dont find that enjoyable.

you never hear people who are actually good at the game say its so trash and halo is so much better LMAO

I was playing CS for YEARS and it's very similar to CoD so in Cod4 and MW2 I had damn near a 2.0 K/D Ratio. I played Halo run and gun style and campers didn't know what to do. You hit a ceiling in CoD way too fast, that's why it stops being fun. And now I can only imagine with  how ridiculous the perks are how annoying the game must be to play. The game used to be fun when it had a good community in 4 after that the game is damn near unplayable online. You have to stop and think after a while, 90% of the fan base are teens are casual gamers who spew racist crap and troll. They don't even try to win 80% of the time. Do you really think you are "good" playing among these people? 

The online community of your game is a representation of the quality of your game. It's a simple game that's created to bring in as many people as possible to create sales. This isn't even an opinion, Bobby Kotick was hired for this sole purpose. CoD isn't even the most popular game in the LAST YEAR let alone the last 4 years. You're forgetting that about the PC community and handheld community.  
There's no point in debating. You listed GTA IV has a legit online game and named Halo 2 as a bad game when it's one of the best crafted multiplayer games of all time. I don't think you played enough different games or maybe you didn't invest time in them because you really do look like you trolling. I 

And...After playing OoT again it's amazing to me that Skyrim can't feel half as epic as that considering all the tech and the fact OoT is 13 years old. Skyrim is actually kind of disappointing to me. The world is amazing and it's a blast to play but it feels so generic sometime. It just feels like you have a laundry list of things to do, doesn't feel like adventuring at all. It's funny cause that's exactly how it is. And the characters really take you out of the experience. There has to be 10 people TOPS doing the voice work for the entire game. Not only that, it's absolutely terrible, completely lifeless. I find the lore and story so boring that it makes me wonder why I'm playing, there's no motivation at all. 

just cause i have a different opinion doesnt mean im trolling.

how you feel about COD i feel about halo 2

ruined the entire series for me

the ##+# is awful.

skyrim was dissapointing to me and i didnt even play any other elder scrolls game

counter strike wasnt that dope...yall suck that game off and it was polygon version of COD S&D...its the exact same game dog...lmao

GTA IV online was legitimately FUN and DIFFICULT....had a HUGE learning curve....

it was more fun online than halo 2 was.....im not trolling, thats really how i feel.

dudes in here talking undisputed this undisputed that, but then discredit the popularity of COD to like.....trap rappers or something LMAO

"its the vanilla ice of videogames"


alex, you didnt have a 2.0 ratio in mw2 or 3....those are the only modern warfares i have.

LMAO @ how you try to talk down to me because i value my personal opinion more than yours...which you think is some sort of authority on the subject

i havent played enough games, blah blah blah

bruh im on xbox live 6 times the amount of time you're on, playing 10 more games than you do.....



im trolling tho.

I was playing CS for YEARS and it's very similar to CoD
but when i say this im trolling?


You hit a ceiling in CoD way too fast,
while this is true, this is how i feel about every game put out for xbox 360 and ps3...

(besides gta, which i played till mw2 came out, and mw2..i played mw2 till the day 3 came out.... LMAOOOOO)

fable, skyrim, halo, any game thats come out...you hit the ceiling super fast. skyrim is the perfect game to let ANYTHING happen in it, and its like they stopped 1/3rd through....8 armors? LMAO i invested over 100 hours in the game and i can make 8 basic default armors? LMAOOOOOOOOO

such a dissapointment.

not to mention how awful the combat system is...

like, games like skyrim come out and people go bananas, but ##+# on games like mw2? which had a million users on that %#%$@ for 3 years?


lemme guess, they dont play cause its fun, they play cause theyre hypebeasts





I was and still am a Hardcore halo player and while H2 was great I dont think it was flawless. It had a lot of issues that I felt H3 fixed.
-Hitscan- Never was never will be a fan of hitscan weapons, It can ruin the flow of maps at times cause of how powerful it is. Look at TU Reach, No bloom Hitscan DMR breaks almost every map cause you can put down shots from anywhere and pin anyone down
-The Maps- H2 had a lot of maps that looking back were over rated, #1 being Midship. Midship isnt good, it never was, why it got so much love is beyond me.
-Button Glitches- I used button glitches, but they were unfair. I acknowledge that they added a new degree of difficulty to the game but the more you played team hardcore and the higher you got, the standard skills like aim, map control, and positioning, took a backseat to button glitches.
-Dual Wielding- This was the game that started it, and it needs to never come back. Reach had the right idea with this one.
like i said, i say counterstrike is basically a 9 year old version of hardcore s&D.....

alex completely agrees..

this guy calls me a troll


i know its frustrating to lose arguments, b.

use your brain more often rather than relying on ideas you THINK are widely accepted....

Originally Posted by spacerace

^ are you arguing as a casual player?
i ask because all of your rebuttals would suggest so. 

like what is a casual gamer? dog, i dont care about the corny nerd insults you guys keep up the sleeve...alex called me the same thing because i dont agree with his opinions on videogames...

do you get paid to play videogames? no. then YOU, sir are a CASUAL gamer...


(ive been asked to play competitively before, i dont think im good enough)

im willing to bet i play more hours a week than any of you arguing with me anyway......

ive played hundreds upon hundreds of games......i wont play a game if i dont think ill enjoy it.....if i dont enjoy a game im playing i wont pretend because its "acclaimed"

i dont crown horrible dissapointments like halo 2 as best anything

halo 2 wasnt even better than 1

if 1 had online multiplayer it would be the "greatest FPS ever"

halo 2 was hot because of the time it came out.

the game sucked.

we had more fun making our dorm a LAN and playing suite vs. suite in halo 1

true  casual gamer moves....playing LAN games of halo in the biggest undergraduate dorm in the USA.....


one more time, for the delicious nerd tears

if you could close your eyes and spray on COD and get a kill then WHY ARE ALL OF YOU GUYS' K/D RATIOS UNDER 1.00?

IF ITS SO EASY WHY ARE YOUR RATIOS .45 and "dont matter" ???????????

answer plz.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

like i said, i say counterstrike is basically a 9 year old version of hardcore s&D.....

alex completely agrees..

this guy calls me a troll


i know its frustrating to lose arguments, b.

use your brain more often rather than relying on ideas you THINK are widely accepted....

Originally Posted by spacerace

^ are you arguing as a casual player?
i ask because all of your rebuttals would suggest so. 

like what is a casual gamer? dog, i dont care about the corny nerd insults you guys keep up the sleeve...alex called me the same thing because i dont agree with his opinions on videogames...

do you get paid to play videogames? no. then YOU, sir are a CASUAL gamer...


(ive been asked to play competitively before, i dont think im good enough)

im willing to bet i play more hours a week than any of you arguing with me anyway......

ive played hundreds upon hundreds of games......i wont play a game if i dont think ill enjoy it.....if i dont enjoy a game im playing i wont pretend because its "acclaimed"

i dont crown horrible dissapointments like halo 2 as best anything

halo 2 wasnt even better than 1

if 1 had online multiplayer it would be the "greatest FPS ever"

halo 2 was hot because of the time it came out.

the game sucked.

we had more fun making our dorm a LAN and playing suite vs. suite in halo 1

true  casual gamer moves....playing LAN games of halo in the biggest undergraduate dorm in the USA.....


one more time, for the delicious nerd tears
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