What was your overall highschool gpa?

Originally Posted by inglewooood

a damm 2.9

but eei graduamated fromm daa 21 best hi skoool in amerika
for some reason strange reason im thinking ducktales........unless they just dont teach english at "daa best 21 hi skoool in amerika"?
Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

around 3.7 but i went to one of the most prestigious college prep schools in the nation my high school classes were just as hard as college
which one

I'll take your Jesuit school and raise you mine.


just browsing the wikipedia of your school no doubt a great school but i have to say that we have you on the ap courses offered..... but im in no position to be comparing two schools is the bottom line

I raise you mine

I had over a 3.9 going into Senior year.

Effed off and didn't take classes too seriously Sr Year, so I graduated with a 3.83...

My %$!# was like a 1.7

No lie...I only went to school when I had some new %$!# to wear...
and even then I spent all my time in the halls and participating in bathroom dice games...

Still graduated in 4 years though...

and I will be getting my bachlors in the spring...
So whats the moral of the story?
Community college FTW...
1.9 HS GPA, but a few years later i got my own apartment, car, etc... tryna finish up my online classes to get my associates

i went to school for the wrong reasons
, but at the time is what i felthad to be done
3.4 Unweighted...
No reason for me to not have at least a 3.75 forNHS, but whatever.

Freshman/Sophomore years I slacked off too much in English class. I'm in all honors classes, with four APs being done by the end of Junior year.

Fresh Prince, how was dual enrollment for you?
It was easy because I had a young teacher who was cool about everything. After the college class my high school gave me permission to go home so that was nicetoo. I think most of the experience depends on the teacher. I wish I did it my junior year
Out of curiosity, those of you who graduated below 2.5....................

What are you guys doing these days? Simply curious.
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