what would you do?

Jul 19, 2012
if you had $500,000 and wanted to buy a house/condo/place to live, would you buy a house valued at 500,000 and put it all down, would you buy a cheaper house and invest part of that 500,000 into something else, or would you buy a house valued more than 500,000 and make payments?
Id buy me a nice brick home for 150-200k.

25-50k on a few acres in the country side.

50k on furnishing it to my liking.

The rest will go into everyday living/savings.
They key to success is staying liquid.

Why in the hell would you drop all your money on ONE THING

Buy a 500k house..put 100k down or w.e and make payments.

Buy another property in an up and coming neighborhood, renovate it, and rent it out at a price that can cover your monthly mortgage payments for both properties.

Invest the remaining cash in something with a high return. In a couple years, sell one of the properties if the price is looking good.

You don't have to have 500k to live in a 500k crib my G....
Purchase a townhouse/ condo for 200k pocket the rest. 3 bedroom 3 bathroom. I'm a simple man.
Buy multiple properties that I can pay off in full and rent out those properties so I can keep the money coming in from rental properties and live life lavishly once I get my initial investment back.
Buy a swanky bachelor pad for 150k, buy a swanky sports car for 100k. Invest 100k in stocks and/or real estate. Sit on the last 150k to support my coke and stripper habit
Cabin in the California woods with a matte black nova sleeper in the garage slowly invest in index funds
"Don't do it, please don't do it" -drake voice.
There is this thing called property tax that apperantly EVERYBODY forgets about. Once they spend all the money on the house. They can pay the tax. House gets taken away lol
I'd build a 2 br 2 bath house to my standards on about 30 acres and throw the rest in an account. Would maybe have 100k left. With prices in my area. I'd let my boy build a house on my land too. But he can pay for that he has more money than me. :lol:
Got to buy a modest place and invest the rest. Then you'll end up with a rental property after you upgrade to your new crib.
i would throw the 500gs in my savings and continue to work and pretend that money never existed... so when i retire im good
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