What's so bad about snitching?


formerly colombia
Jan 12, 2013
I've always found it odd how the US views snitching. I always enjoy learning stuff about different cultures so I'm looking to know a bit more about the concept of snitching in the US.

Where I live (Belgium) snitching isn't really looked down upon much. Of course there's similar repercussions for snitching if you're heavy into that street life but other than that I've never heard someone make a big deal out of it. Over here if someone does something to you, you go the police. Almost everyone will tell you to go to the cops and nobody's gonna look down on you for it.
I've went to the cops and filed 3 charges on a guy who punched me in the face for no reason and I'd do it again any time.
Hardly anyone even calls that snitching, it's something people expect you to do.

However in the US it seems like snitching is pretty much a crime and I've seen some things that baffle me. Camron's interview where he says he wouldn't report a serial killer comes to mind. That's obviously much more extreme than the general mindset but still I can't wrap my head around saying that and people agreeing with it.
Personally I applaud snitching because it helps rid more criminals from society.

What exactly is classified as snitching in the US? What is your personal opinion on snitching? I'm interested in learning more about this so feel free to post all opinions and/or experiences.
It comes from people snitching on drug dealers who arent hurting anyone that doesnt want to hurt themselves.

I dont think "pushers" ever actually exsisted.
snitching refers specifically to taking part in a criminal act...

not being able to deal with the consequences of that act...

and subsequently providing information on another party in order to receive a reduced sentence.

1. taking part in an action you cannot handle

2. escaping punishment by betraying somebody

I mean... sammy the bull got away with MURDERS!!! by snitching....

The government let a killer go back into society because he provided info...

and he ended up dealing with drugs and murder again... landing himself back in jail
Slightly unrelated but when are these coming back?

Without D'wight around his lips.

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snitching refers specifically to taking part in a criminal act...

not being able to deal with the consequences of that act...

and subsequently providing information on another party in order to receive a reduced sentence.

1. taking part in an action you cannot handle

2. escaping punishment by betraying somebody

All that there.
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