What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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When I was 18 and a freshmen in college, I ended up finding out that a girl I talked to was Charlie Villanueva sister. She looked good and we hung out and stuff, but she was stuck on some other Black dude who always played her lol. So I was trying to get the edge, and I don't know why but I started Googling Charlie, and found all of his social network websites. I literally messaged him on FB, Twitter, and even wrote a question on Formspring on advice to get with HIS sister.

Long story short she found out, I guess he told her and was like "WTF YOU HIT UP MY BROTHER ASKING HOW TO GET WITH ME"

I felt mad dumb. It was one of those moments where you do something dumb but can't explain why.
Damn dude you ****** up. You could've had that NBA money.
Hell yea, before he got booted for being wack LOL
Smh in high school I was running track. Never ran a race only did high jump. So I finally begged my coach to put me in the 200. Beforw the race I went up to the stands talking mad junk to my girl and her friends. Go I go start the race. After about have way I realized I was winning by a big margin. After I turned the corner I could see the crowd rise and cheer. Then tragedy struck. I guess my cleats got stuck and I fell like mad hard. Rolled across the finish line. Now mind you this was no small track meet about a couple of thousand were in the stands that day. I just faked a pulled hammy and rolled of to the side. Makes matters worst my girl came down like aww baby u ok with that half smurk like she wanna laugh. Then I get home and all my boys was there to so. I heard it at school and at home. I still finished 3rd in the race tho :pimp:
About a month ago I was getting it in with an NT thick broad. Was a dummy and tasted her first. So I get up, face like a honey glazed ham. Told her to put it in her mouf. She laughs and goes into her bedroom. I grab my clothes and leave. Didn't even put my draws back on. I'm a big dude. I was wearing jeans. Chaffed legs and all. Got played

I've got a couple

Something light. A couple Christmas' back me and my ex exchanged Christmas gifts. We were kind of on rocky terms and we had taken a little break. She went off to Kuwait to go visit her mom ( her mom was in the service) and I was back home doing my thing. She comes back home a day before New Years and "made up" and exchanged gifts. She got me 2011 BC 3's and I got her an iPhone. I was in a happy place, got my favorite shoes and my girl in one day...

Later that day the iPhone I had just got her was laying on the counter and we had just activated it with a new number and I was the only one with the number at that point. Or so I thought. The phone kept ringing while she was in the shower. I'm like "wtf, who could be blowing her up its a new number?" Pick up the phone, it's her ex boyfriend. I ask him "what the **** you doin calling this number?" He says ask (girls name) she's been texting me and just told me to call her she got a new number
just waited for her to come out the shower and started hitting her with all the questions cornering her till she cried. Took my shoes and promptly left that ***. Wearing my BC3's are so bittersweet
Please tell me you took the phone too .
I took alot of L's in my life...

99.9 percent of them revolve around church...

My pop got real sick, alzhimers... so i got real proactive and started to work on a cure...

I got to church and a 'prophet" tells me that god wants to heal my father but because i have my hands in the sitution he cant...

I abandoned my projects and fully put my faith in God to heal my father...He's dead now...

This is one of many...
Was down in Miami in the Fontainebleu for New Years 2013. I was down there with a super rich friend and a bunch of degenerates 21 year olds friends. We were down there for a week already and these disgusting clowns didn't wash their underwear and socks and used all of mine up smfh.

My boy had the best table for Drake's performance at the pool and I missed it. I had to go through hell to get to the club in the hotel. I missed the ball drop.

I get to the club and finally when I start enjoying myself one of the dudes blacks out and starts getting rapey with ******* and completely kills my vibe so I'm like **** it and leave and chalk up the L. Next day I hear about how Lebron and some players came through right after I left -_-

I can probably shut this thread down with stories of real Ls but thought I'd keep it light :lol:
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I've got a couple

Something light. A couple Christmas' back me and my ex exchanged Christmas gifts. We were kind of on rocky terms and we had taken a little break. She went off to Kuwait to go visit her mom ( her mom was in the service) and I was back home doing my thing. She comes back home a day before New Years and "made up" and exchanged gifts. She got me 2011 BC 3's and I got her an iPhone. I was in a happy place, got my favorite shoes and my girl in one day...

Later that day the iPhone I had just got her was laying on the counter and we had just activated it with a new number and I was the only one with the number at that point. Or so I thought. The phone kept ringing while she was in the shower. I'm like "wtf, who could be blowing her up its a new number?" Pick up the phone, it's her ex boyfriend. I ask him "what the **** you doin calling this number?" He says ask (girls name) she's been texting me and just told me to call her she got a new number
just waited for her to come out the shower and started hitting her with all the questions cornering her till she cried. Took my shoes and promptly left that ***. Wearing my BC3's are so bittersweet
these **** ain't loyal
Tried turning a o into a housewife. Had kids with her . Got cheated on and left by her with said kids.

my biggest L .
I must of worded that wrong. I have 2 of the kids . She gave my other daughter to her moms so I found out .
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naw CDP's, this was back in 2011, I was supposed to recieve two iphone 3gs'
dude got the kicks and never shipped out, I was young and dumb
This **** happened to one of my patnas :smh:

Its a fear of mine too when i meet up with boys
so i bought one of them counterfeit marker things for when i got a big transaction bout to happen
Be careful with those marker things fam, they aren't the best. I sold a pair of kd florals and I marked the bills to check if they were real and the line came out yellow(which means real), I go deposit the money today and it wouldn't take the 100 dollar bill. My dad checked the bill and said he's almost certain it's fake :smh:, luckily I broke even on them even with this counterfeit 100. I carry those markers every time I sell shoes.
True story. Back in 09 my high school bball teammate smacked my gf during school hours, at school and I found out about it literally an hour after it happened.

Also true story. Messed around with both of her bestfriends shortly thereafter. Like a month later :smokin
I remember in school my homie walked in the room with a fake 20 it lookd and felt real

He didn't want it so I asked for it an he gave it to me

Few days later I'm at my other friends house and we got hungry and I remembered I had the "money" used it to order pizza....... And it worked

Recently got a speeding ticket and wondering how to pay it off with no job smh

Went through the same scenario last March. Parking lot to a cafe my friends were at was full so I parked in a neighborhood next to it. Saw the sign but figured it was midnight so it was OK. :smh: walked out to a nice ticket on my windshield.

I didn't have a job and for the next week all I could think about was how I was going to pay it. Couldn't concentrate on school or anything else. Money is a really sensitive topic with my parents these days so that wasn't an option. Didn't have anything of value I could/wanted to sell. Didn't want to borrow the money from anyone. I ended up selling my plasma for three weeks to pay it off. I continued to sell plasma for the rest of the semester for pocket money and that **** mentally drained me. That is the biggest L I've taken recently
I've had bigger Ls but this is the biggest I ever took when it came to women :smh:

One day all my roommates left to go out to the club and for some reason I just chilled at the house dolo so I was smoking some :pimp: and sipping alittle Hen and just cooling out. Around 1:00am I get a text from this Ethiopian girl I had been talking too, but she lived in Stockton so we never really got past sexting and late night cupcakin. However ole girl text me saying she is in the car with her home girl driving back from SF and she wanted to slide through.

I shot up from my sleepy drunk stupor and got excited as hell. I called her back and she was tipsy as hell talking all types of nasty **** on the phone. I tell her give the phone to her friend to give directions and her friend is talking that nasty **** too.

My eyes go :wow: :wow: as I realize that these boppers are trying to get it crackin AT THE SAME DAMN TIME with ya boy. Now mind you, by this point I've been drinking and smoking so when they hit me I was straight curred on the couch sleeping. I make quick dash around the crib cleaning up as fast as possible and getting my **** together. My heart was beating so damn fast, bruh's I ain't got to front I was excited as hell. I ain't never had no threesome and this was it. Then I had a epiphany.

One of my roommates sold pills and I knew for a fact he had Viagra somewhere in his room. If I was gonna run the biggest race of my life I need every edge I can get word to Ben Johnson. I call him up he tells me where it is but its all mixed up with his other pills ( E or Molly's or whatever you call them, back then we said Thizz).

Now the problem for me was I was drunk as hell and loaded so them ***** all looked the same to me. I find two that are blue but both are different. So in my drunk stupor I figure that if i will just cut both in half and take each. I've taken E plenty of times before and had no issues, and he TOLD me the Viagara was a low dose.

So finally they come over around 2:30 am and its on from the moment they come in. Both had that straight African Booty worthy of praises in the Halls of the Booty thread. Lawd were these girls stacked. So now at this point we make our way to the couch in living room. They pull my pants down and start rocking the mic right word to Beans and Free no homo. They are breaking down sooooooo good I had to sit down. I'm sittitng there with my pants around my ankles getting the treatment so good that I lean my head back and close my eyes to savor.....

I open my eyes and the sun in shinning in my eyes. One of my roommates is poking me with a broomstick from across the room. I'm like WTF bruh and then I look down and realize that i'm still sitting on the couch with my pants around my ankles and my **** hanging out.

And when I saw **** hanging out, my **** is hard a rocket ship. Hard as a statue and sore to the touch . I am sitting there with my **** hanging out as all my roommates stare at me in disbelief. Because of my concoction of weed, Henny and pills when the girls sat me down I immediately fell asleep. I was soo ****** up and tired that when I feel asleep I started snoring and could not be moved. The girls just got they **** together and left me **** out on the couch and went home. I sat there until around 6 in the morning when my roommates make their way back from clubbing all night. Not only do they find me **** hanging out and *** naked on the couch, but these girls had left the door unlocked and cracked open. So on top of it all I got a mean *** cold from the draft of being there naked.

I called the girls back but they never picked up my calls ever again. |I

Got high and drunk
Girls call up for threesome
Takes Viagra
Fell Asleep while they topped me off
Woke up in the same position with my **** out and my roommates staring at me in disgust.

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