What's the coolest thing you've done so far in life?

you just said had sex with megan fox though

story? i think this is cool
 it was a lie to make me look cool 
saw kobe in person at some nike event, dude doesn't look as tall in person.
high fived jarrett jack, thats the most interaction ive had with a pro
met a war veteran who fought on dieppe
got head at a gym
I once had a conversation with Bernie Williams in an elevator-albeit a brief one. I like the subtle things in life, I think the coolest things make the least noise in life. 
Off the top...

Warriors playoff game
Swam in open water in the PI on vacation last winter
Zip lining across the Palawan sea
In highscool I went to a party in a mansion-esque house and saw people snort for the first time in my life
Hiked like dam near every point-of-interest in the Bay Area
A couple of protests at cal :lol:

EDIT: Reading over my list lol looks boring
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It's weird I don't ever think anything I do is super cool until years later when I can reminisce

I kind of just live my life and enjoy it
Visited another country solo solo
Made a website and sold it for profit
Moonwalks on 106 and park
Flew on a private jet

Talked to Meagan Good at the airport once for a few minutes. Had no clue it was her til someone told me lol.
Visited Copenhagen, Denmark for a week, :pimp:

The women there :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Want to go back badly
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being former active duty military..pretty much meeting and skeeting foreign women raw with no dambs given... And meeting the dream team. And back in the day meeting pac.
hit 160 when I was almost 15 years old on highway 5.

had a beer with one of my teachers

been to bars since like age 14.

Was a rep for my middle school :pimp:

Soccer team got 2nd place in the far west regionals. :smh:

Get to help my uncle work on all kinds of old muscle cars.
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