What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

watched Assault On Wall Street on Netflix a few days ago. terrible terrible movie
If like to watch IG again but between me and my girl sitting there saying how boring it was and how bad we couldn't wait to **** afterwards (we had just started dating not too long before seeing the movie), it was dreadful.

The opening scene was VERY VERY good. After that it was dreadful...

If given the chance to watch again at the right place and time I will.

I enjoy Tarintino flicks but just didn't get what I wanted at that time with Inglorious Bastards.
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First Clockwork Orange and now Drive? To each their own I guess.
I loved drive. Re-read my post. 

I had no expectations from clockwork orange, and it turned out awful. I got it, there wasn't much to get obviously. 

The first scene of a gang fight, then beating up an old man and raping his wife 

After seeing the movie I thought I may give the novel a chance but before reading it, I read that alex drugs and rapes two teen girls... so yeah, not reading it for sure.
The room is nothing short of abysmal.

Latest movie I saw that was straight gawbige was Killing them softly. I have never been so heated at a movie.
I loved drive. Re-read my post. 

I had no expectations from clockwork orange, and it turned out awful. I got it, there wasn't much to get obviously

The first scene of a gang fight, then beating up an old man and raping his wife :stoneface:

After seeing the movie I thought I may give the novel a chance but before reading it, I read that alex drugs and rapes two teen girls... so yeah, not reading it for sure.


Did you finish it or did you turn it off after the rape scene?
There is no other way to describe this other than an hour and a half long abortion..


The spirit...

that was one expensive nap in the theater.....

Oh, and starship troopers. it was free and I still wanted my money back.....
Made a deal with this girl, we tried to see who could last the longest watching this movie. As soon as one of us couldn't take it anymore then we start f******.

I busted inside this girl cause the movie was so horrible.

It's on netflix
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She's Crushed and The Getaway (Selena Gomez can't act for **** :x )

The majority of the movies on Lifetime
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