When You Talk To God, Is The Response From Him or Is It From You Talking To Yourself

Three whole pages arguing about semantics instead of the topic at hand.

Anyway, is anyone else willing to share some personal viewpoints on the topic at hand. Why do/did you pray before? Did a god/gods answer you? Do you still pray now? and what do you expect out of doing so?
I think it's more enlightening hearing about others experiences (believer or not.)
Yah!!! I wonder why guys bring that stuff up

"Legend has it"

Don't get bent out of shape buddy. Back on topic okay?
I'd be genuinely interested in hearing a personal account of you talking to god/gods.
Help me understand something, I ask this in all honesty. Is english your first language, I think I picked something up in a prior thread?

And no I don't talk to gods. I pray to a god. Thank's for assuming though
Help me understand something, I ask this in all honesty. Is english your first language, I think I picked something up in a prior thread?

And no I don't talk to gods. I pray to a god. Thank's for assuming though>D

Nah, I don't even speak English now really. I just pick words that I think sound important and throw them together hoping it makes me sound smart :pimp: Trying to get my parseltongue bars up though.

Son, this thread is called "WHEN YOU TALK TO A GOD, IS THE RESPONSE FROM HIM OR IS IT FROM YOU TALKING TO YOURSELF" and you have the audacity to ask me if English is my first language. Do you even know what thread you're in? or are you just typing just to type?

But okay, you pray to a god. Not talk. I guess there's an important distinction in there somewhere. But before we get hung up on semantics again, you're saying you communicate to a god, just not verbally. Does this god communicate back? Does it talk to you?
Help me understand something, I ask this in all honesty.Is english your first language, I think I picked something up in a prior thread?

And no I don't talk to gods. I pray to a god. Thank's for assuming though
But dude you're the one who said I used a word wrongly, and brought it up in this thread. I told you why it wasn't used wrongly and you want to be smug about it. You see why this doesn't work right. 
But dude you're the one who said I used a word wrongly, and brought it up in this thread. I told you why it wasn't used wrongly and you want to be smug about it. You see why this doesn't work right. 

You can go on believing that a single troll fabricating a tabloid-esque post about another NTer's personal life qualifies the phrase "legend has it" and I'm going to continue... to find it amusing :lol: We agree on what legend means. I just think you're acting childish.

But okay, you pray to a god. Not talk. I guess there's an important distinction in there somewhere. But before we get hung up on semantics again, you're saying you communicate to a god, just not verbally. Does this god communicate back? Does it talk to you?
"Legend has it"

Don't get bent out of shape buddy. Back on topic okay?
I'd be genuinely interested in hearing a personal account of you talking to god/gods.
Help me understand something, I ask this in all honesty. Is english your first language, I think I picked something up in a prior thread?

And no I don't talk to gods. I pray to a god. Thank's for assuming though
Theres a difference?

What is so special about verbalizing it as opposed to thinking it? Are you saying god can't read your mind? 
You can go on believing that a single troll fabricating a tabloid-esque post about another NTer's personal life qualifies the phrase "legend has it" and I'm going to continue... to find it amusing
We agree on what legend means. I just think you're acting childish.
But okay, you pray to a god. Not talk. I guess there's an important distinction in there somewhere. But before we get hung up on semantics again, you're saying you communicate to a god, just not verbally. Does this god communicate back? Does it talk to you?
You bring up a point about semantics. 

I address  it.

...forget it this is childish. 

Good luck to you man.
Help me understand something, I ask this in all honesty. Is english your first language, I think I picked something up in a prior thread?

And no I don't talk to gods. I pray to a god. Thank's for assuming though>D
Nah, I don't even speak English now really. I just pick words that I think sound important and throw them together hoping it makes me sound smart
Trying to get my parseltongue bars up though.

Son, this thread is called "WHEN YOU TALK TO A GOD, IS THE RESPONSE FROM HIM OR IS IT FROM YOU TALKING TO YOURSELF" and you have the audacity to ask me if English is my first language. Do you even know what thread you're in? or are you just typing just to type?

But okay, you pray to a god. Not talk. I guess there's an important distinction in there somewhere. But before we get hung up on semantics again, you're saying you communicate to a god, just not verbally. Does this god communicate back? Does it talk to you?
Theres a difference?

What is so special about verbalizing it as opposed to thinking it? Are you saying god can't read your mind? 
I emphasized it for the sake of the original questioner. He for whatever reason condescendingly questioned whether I talk to a god or god(s).

I never made a distinction between between verbalizing or thinking something, but I can see why you think that. One can pray 'out loud' (verbally), or quietly (perhaps in silence).

I think 'talk' is a loaded term, that is why I was careful with it. I don't believe god is talking to me, there is no little voice (or loud voice) telling me what to do. I gave an analogy earlier about being given a map. I pray and try to live up to that map (I already have your views on this). 

So no, god does not talk back as is implied in the thread title.

I hope that is, to a degree ,clear and a bit more about what 'I' believe.

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What about you future what do you think? What are your thoughts on this point/subject?
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Theres a difference?

What is so special about verbalizing it as opposed to thinking it? Are you saying god can't read your mind? 
I emphasized it for the sake of the original questioner. He for whatever reason condescendingly questioned whether I talk to a god or god(s).

I never made a distinction between between verbalizing or thinking something, but I can see why you think that. One can pray 'out loud' (verbally), or quietly (perhaps in silence).

I think 'talk' is a loaded term, that is why I was careful with it. I don't believe god is talking to me, there is no little voice (or loud voice) telling me what to do. I gave an analogy earlier about being given a map. I pray and try to live up to that map (I already have your views on this). 

So no, god does not talk back as is implied in the thread title.

I hope that is, to a degree ,clear and a bit more about what 'I' believe.

Do you have to believe in that god to follow that "map?" 

And why do you think thats the map, out of all the others, you need to follow?
:lol: The troll of semantics. I remember when dude did that in the last thread and got suspended for it.

Son probably gonna quote me so he can have the last word again
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Do you have to believe in that god to follow that "map?" 

And why do you think thats the map, out of all the others, you need to follow?
1. Good question, maybe a question for a different thread. But I think I touched upon it when we talked about faith.

2.  I have my personal reasons. And that may also be a discussion for a different, time thread.

What about you?

You mentioned that you were not deep into christianity. But from your experiences what did you take away on this subject?
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Do you have to believe in that god to follow that "map?" 

And why do you think thats the map, out of all the others, you need to follow?
1. Good question, maybe a question for a different thread. But I think I touched upon it when we talked about faith.

2.  I have my personal reasons. And that may also be a discussion for a different, time thread.

What about you?

You mentioned that you were not deep into christianity. But from your experiences what did you take away on this subject?
1. Answer it. 

2. Answer it

I can't respond to anything since you haven't answered anything.

My experiences with christianity? Looking back on religion, I can't help but laugh but I have to remember people take it seriously. 
1. Answer it. 

2. Answer it

I can't respond to anything since you haven't answered anything.

a. My experiences with christianity? Looking back on religion, I can't help but laugh but I have to remember people take it seriously. 
a. Taking it seriously? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
1. Answer it. 

2. Answer it

I can't respond to anything since you haven't answered anything.

a. My experiences with christianity? Looking back on religion, I can't help but laugh but I have to remember people take it seriously. 
a. Taking it seriously? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I don't know if its a good or a bad thing itself. To me? Its bad. Its also dumb. But hey...free country.

You didn't answer ANYTHING else, however. 
Why did God need to "fake kill" is sonself to save man? Couldn't he just snap his/her/its fingers, dude sounds like an attention-$%@#$.

i can only tell u what i've learned or heard. in this case, i think he "fake killed" Jesus to show the amount of suffering Jesus would go through in order to save the people? Jesus told them how he would be treated, told them he would rise from the dead. then he proved it by suffering and rising. probably to get the people believe what he says is true? faith by sight so that when he is gone, faith will remain.

I will agree that i dont know everything and that some things aren't very clear to me, but I am learning and this is what i believe in.
i can only tell u what i've learned or heard. in this case, i think he "fake killed" Jesus to show the amount of suffering Jesus would go through in order to save the people? Jesus told them how he would be treated, told them he would rise from the dead. then he proved it by suffering and rising. probably to get the people believe what he says is true? faith by sight so that when he is gone, faith will remain.
I will agree that i dont know everything and that some things aren't very clear to me, but I am learning and this is what i believe in.
what if all he was, was god's son? Nothing more nothing less, just as Adam was god's son.
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i can only tell u what i've learned or heard. in this case, i think he "fake killed" Jesus to show the amount of suffering Jesus would go through in order to save the people? Jesus told them how he would be treated, told them he would rise from the dead. then he proved it by suffering and rising. probably to get the people believe what he says is true? faith by sight so that when he is gone, faith will remain.
I will agree that i dont know everything and that some things aren't very clear to me, but I am learning and this is what i believe in.
what if all he was, was god's son? Nothing more nothing less, just as Adam was god's son.
Did Adam have a belly button?
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