Which Comic Book Characters have been disgraced the most by Hollywood?

Dec 26, 2004
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What are the worst on-screen adaptations of comic book characters that you've seen?

I'd have to go with "Rogue" as my top choice. After that, I'd have to go with the entire character cast of "Batman & Robin"
What was wrong with Rogue? I mean she didn't always have Ms Marvel's powers.

But anyway Dark Phoenix...
Rogue was pretty well executed my man... minus the Ms. Marvel "Add-ons".

If you wanna talk X-men, I'd say the Phoenix was obviously the most bastardized. Everything else is just a bad adaptation. But they clearly said "+#%#it, we'll just make %%$% up!" with the Phoenix

I'm not a fan of casting bobby drake as Niceman either.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

What was wrong with Rogue? I mean she didn't always have Ms Marvel's powers.

But anyway Dark Phoenix...
until i can think of my own ima have to agree with Phoenix.

even though it might not have "transferred well on the screen" i think the OG story line of her woulda made a much better/longer movie than X3.

geez i cannot believe thats what they decided to do with that movie. its so short.



how u gonna make a movie with one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel universe, but have him POWERLESS for most of the movie?????
seems like they ran outta money so they decided to take away his powers so they aint have to do extra action/effects
oh my god venom was awful, im trying to fathom what there thought process was when they were brain storming this guy for the movie, like "hey lets havevenom,but who should play him, how about someone funny(f.y.i. not a funny character) i got it who's that funny kid from that 70's show..........TOPHERGRACE! hey good idea, but isn't he a little small(f.y.i. not only is venom tall but really buff, and was a jock back in the day) who cares we'll makethe suit buff(suit wasn't that big) i feel good about this" it was so wack i cant even explain more
The Dark Phoenix. I guess it would've cost too much to give her flames. Venom also, mainly because of the dude that played Eddie Brock.
Originally Posted by calibeebee


I was watching that %@!%*@+% today too and caught myself saying "I don't remember John Leguizamostarring in this joint...oh yeah
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

What was wrong with Rogue? I mean she didn't always have Ms Marvel's powers.

I'm not saying that she had to fly around with super strength, though I would have like to have seen some of that is at least one of the films. Hecharacter in the older comics had her dressing more of a punk rocker type. I guess they tried to show some of that by making the movie Rouge"semi-goth". But her character always had more attitude even in the older comics when she used to tag along with Wolverine.

My other gripe is that though she didn't have to meet Ms. Marvel and take her powers, she could have easily taken another hero/villain's powerstemporarily and wrecked shop for a bit. The key to the Ms. Marvel situation was that Rogue held on for too long and absorbed the powers for ever. All I saw herdo in the trilogy was touch people to make them weak. I just look at it a wasted potential. She could have grabbed Night Crawler and teleported, touchedMagneto and moved objects, touched Bobby Drake and frozen things, touched ShadowCat and walked through walls, etc. But she just made people tired (includingme). Anna Panquin wasn't a real good choice to me.

I know I'm nitpicking, but I just feel it was a poor adaptation for a character with so much potential.

Another one of my nitpicks is the Logan never donned the trademark mask or boots. That actually was a big one for me. Hugh Jackman still hasn't fully gwonon me as "Wolverine". I still plan on checking on X-Men Origins though. The bar is low so hopefully I won' be disappointed.
Dude, the central plot of the first X-men movie involved her being kidnapped and forced to use Mag's powers... or did I miss something? I thinkyou're asking for too much. It wasn't called "Rogue and The X-men". She did more than her share in carrying the action and the plot linealong IMO. It wasn't her very own Origins flick, after all.

You shouldn't really disappointed with Wolverine: origins.... unless you're really expecting that blue and bright yellow spandex uni. Itwoulda been great though just to see it one time, even if he played it to the left like Banner did with the purple "mas stretchy" joints in Hulk
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

What was wrong with Rogue? I mean she didn't always have Ms Marvel's powers.

I'm not saying that she had to fly around with super strength, though I would have like to have seen some of that is at least one of the films. He character in the older comics had her dressing more of a punk rocker type. I guess they tried to show some of that by making the movie Rouge "semi-goth". But her character always had more attitude even in the older comics when she used to tag along with Wolverine.

My other gripe is that though she didn't have to meet Ms. Marvel and take her powers, she could have easily taken another hero/villain's powers temporarily and wrecked shop for a bit. The key to the Ms. Marvel situation was that Rogue held on for too long and absorbed the powers for ever. All I saw her do in the trilogy was touch people to make them weak. I just look at it a wasted potential. She could have grabbed Night Crawler and teleported, touched Magneto and moved objects, touched Bobby Drake and frozen things, touched ShadowCat and walked through walls, etc. But she just made people tired (including me). Anna Panquin wasn't a real good choice to me.

I know I'm nitpicking, but I just feel it was a poor adaptation for a character with so much potential.

Another one of my nitpicks is the Logan never donned the trademark mask or boots. That actually was a big one for me. Hugh Jackman still hasn't fully gwon on me as "Wolverine". I still plan on checking on X-Men Origins though. The bar is low so hopefully I won' be disappointed.
wow ur right. Lost potential with Rogue but I still don't have a problem with her
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

What was wrong with Rogue? I mean she didn't always have Ms Marvel's powers.

I'm not saying that she had to fly around with super strength, though I would have like to have seen some of that is at least one of the films. He character in the older comics had her dressing more of a punk rocker type. I guess they tried to show some of that by making the movie Rouge "semi-goth". But her character always had more attitude even in the older comics when she used to tag along with Wolverine.

My other gripe is that though she didn't have to meet Ms. Marvel and take her powers, she could have easily taken another hero/villain's powers temporarily and wrecked shop for a bit. The key to the Ms. Marvel situation was that Rogue held on for too long and absorbed the powers for ever. All I saw her do in the trilogy was touch people to make them weak. I just look at it a wasted potential. She could have grabbed Night Crawler and teleported, touched Magneto and moved objects, touched Bobby Drake and frozen things, touched ShadowCat and walked through walls, etc. But she just made people tired (including me). Anna Panquin wasn't a real good choice to me.

I know I'm nitpicking, but I just feel it was a poor adaptation for a character with so much potential.

Another one of my nitpicks is the Logan never donned the trademark mask or boots. That actually was a big one for me. Hugh Jackman still hasn't fully gwon on me as "Wolverine". I still plan on checking on X-Men Origins though. The bar is low so hopefully I won' be disappointed.

It is not nitpicking, it is a reasonable concern but what you missed is he doesn't control the powers she acquired. Didn't you notice when she absorbedMagneto's powers? She automatically magnetized to the metal handle and couldn't do anything else.
She cannot simply absorb a power and use it, especially if it makes whoever she gets her power from vulnerable. I mean yeah, she could take Iceman's powersbut then Iceman wouldn't have any. It is just not reasonable for her to take he team mates powers. She could take her opponents but she never really was ina situation when she could have.
The only time she has experienced using others abilities was in X-Men 3 but she was too busy dealing with how she can get laid without paralyzing the dude sothey didn't have a chance to really show her abilities, which was fine because she really didn't have much of a role in the 3rd one anyways.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Superman. Notice how he didn't throw a single punch in Superman Returns.

Couldn't have said it ANY better. I remember expecting something...anything really... but it wasn't until he lifted that continent out of thewater that I realized, "He's way too powerful to realistically fight anyone in this movie. It's jut NOT gonna happen. Period. at that point, Ibecame utterly disgusted with the film. It's one of few superhero flicks that I almost never re-watch and I'm the same guy that didn't mind theBlade series.
Originally Posted by bobmakihara

oh my god venom was awful, im trying to fathom what there thought process was when they were brain storming this guy for the movie, like "hey lets have venom,but who should play him, how about someone funny(f.y.i. not a funny character) i got it who's that funny kid from that 70's show..........TOPHER GRACE! hey good idea, but isn't he a little small(f.y.i. not only is venom tall but really buff, and was a jock back in the day) who cares we'll make the suit buff(suit wasn't that big) i feel good about this" it was so wack i cant even explain more

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Dude, the central plot of the first X-men movie involved her being kidnapped and forced to use Mag's powers... or did I miss something? I think you're asking for too much. It wasn't called "Rogue and The X-men". She did more than her share in carrying the action and the plot line along IMO. It wasn't her very own Origins flick, after all.

You shouldn't really disappointed with Wolverine: origins.... unless you're really expecting that blue and bright yellow spandex uni. It woulda been great though just to see it one time, even if he played it to the left like Banner did with the purple "mas stretchy" joints in Hulk
My thing was that I expected control of her powers to develop gradually with each film. I mean she was living with Professor X who was supposed tobe helping the students control their powers. I liked the first one, but mostly because I thought I would see some type of progression, particularly with acharacter like Rogue. I thought NightCrawler's adaptation was borderline brilliant, but we didn't see him getting stuck in walls and such. I know itwasn't "Rogue and the X-Men", but they took the time to bring out Dark Phoenix so I didn't see why bring out the most popular form of Roguewould have been a big deal over the course of 3 films.

As for the blue and yellow tights, I really wouldn't expect those but the brown get-up he used to wear could have been used as a basis for an on-screencostume.


She cannot simply absorb a power and use it, especially if it makes whoever she gets her power from vulnerable. I mean yeah, she could take Iceman's powers but then Iceman wouldn't have any.
I get what you're saying. But there was obviously liberal creative control for the film, and taking the powers completely was a"sometimes" type of deal, so they could have pulled it off. Either way, to follow the comics to a "T" in this particular case seem like acop-out for the directors.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Dude, the central plot of the first X-men movie involved her being kidnapped and forced to use Mag's powers... or did I miss something? I think you're asking for too much. It wasn't called "Rogue and The X-men". She did more than her share in carrying the action and the plot line along IMO. It wasn't her very own Origins flick, after all.

You shouldn't really disappointed with Wolverine: origins.... unless you're really expecting that blue and bright yellow spandex uni. It woulda been great though just to see it one time, even if he played it to the left like Banner did with the purple "mas stretchy" joints in Hulk
My thing was that I expected control of her powers to develop gradually with each film. I mean she was living with Professor X who was supposed to be helping the students control their powers. I liked the first one, but mostly because I thought I would see some type of progression, particularly with a character like Rogue. I thought NightCrawler's adaptation was borderline brilliant, but we didn't see him getting stuck in walls and such. I know it wasn't "Rogue and the X-Men", but they took the time to bring out Dark Phoenix so I didn't see why bring out the most popular form of Rogue would have been a big deal over the course of 3 films.

As for the blue and yellow tights, I really wouldn't expect those but the brown get-up he used to wear could have been used as a basis for an on-screen costume.


She cannot simply absorb a power and use it, especially if it makes whoever she gets her power from vulnerable. I mean yeah, she could take Iceman's powers but then Iceman wouldn't have any.
I get what you're saying. But there was obviously liberal creative control for the film, and taking the powers completely was a "sometimes" type of deal, so they could have pulled it off. Either way, to follow the comics to a "T" in this particular case seem like a cop-out for the directors.

They hinted at the brown get up in Origins IMO. The scene in the barn reeked of brown costume hintage
. Abd they could have developed Rogue more in laterfilms, but the thing is, each film has its own central characters. There was no room in X2 for developing her after introing Night Crawler so thoroughly. AndX3 added so many faces, it could only half-$%+ it's way through a backstory for them. I could pick apart X3 if yu wanna talk character development. No*%++, but I was real thirsty for some Colossus screen time after X2 and all I got was a lazy $%+ fast ball special
. no *%++ of course (some of you willtruly get the "joke"). When I saw juggs strapped to the inside of a truck I almost threw my phone at the movie screen. The only characters I REA:LLYlike are Raven, Erik, Charles, and Hank. The casting for Beast was incredibly spot on
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