White-Collar 9-5'ers = How do you stay sane? Vol. Office Space

I just graduated and I currently work with my dad at his accounting business. I'm basically an errand boy and though I get compensated decently for the work (or lack of) I do, It sucks. I need a "real" job, this gig is emasculating....I feel like a child receiving tips from daddy.
lurking on a couple of forums (realgm, local forums) and yahoo sports.. there are always going to be days when the hours go slow, even if you love your job. there are days when you're just not into it.
I honestly don't even know what office-workers do. Do you just sit and type stuff all day? What is the daily process like?
I have so much work to do between leases, security deposits, rent payments, posting or deleting charges bank recs, them 8 or 10 hours per day isnt enough time. And as far as surfing the web during company time, that's a big no no. its called counting key strokes, aka management can see what you've been looking at on your comp.
Originally Posted by MrDozo

I have so much work to do between leases, security deposits, rent payments, posting or deleting charges bank recs, them 8 or 10 hours per day isnt enough time. And as far as surfing the web during company time, that's a big no no. its called counting key strokes, aka management can see what you've been looking at on your comp.

I might be wrong but the truth is if management sees you as an asset then they'll let *@*$ like this go. Same with taking 10-15 min extra lunch here and there or coming in late every once in a while among other no-no's.    
If they want to bag you, they'll bag you even if you abided by all the "rules".  In the end you don't gain anything by walking the perfectly straight line.

I don't know where I heard this but it goes, (paraphrasing) "... life is about learning what rules do not apply to you."  
hate how bord i am at work. doing busy work sucks. only good thing is walking around for errands.
i be geeked to go to the bank

NT helps too
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

you just gotta find a job you really like.

i mean, at the end of the day its still gonna be work. im sure athletes, actors, musicians, (fill in the blank for other profession people dream of), still consider it hard work. you just need to find something that is tolerable.
not job but career
I don't know, man. It never bothers me. I guess I just appreciate being able to work and earn my own. Even when I struggle, I still try to appreciate and acknowledge the good. I honestly love work. Never thought I'd be working in the work comp field when I was growing up. I'm fortunate enough to have my closest friends from high school work with me. And besides work, there's always something going on; we're a small company, so we all get into each others' lives . There's always something to talk about./Also, it kinda feels like a 2nd family. Other than that, we hang out at the bro's spot after work and chill/vent. beer pong, mma fights, music, sports on tv or whatever just kinda lounging and having a stress relieving time. Then there are the potlucks, xmas parties, bbq, pool parties.

Plus we just got a new pay rate and may be expanding and moving to a larger office at the end of the year. Things are looking better for me personally, so I'm excited to see what the next few weeks bring.

The key is to try to enjoy work and enjoy when you're not working, too.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I think what it boils down to ultimately is doing something you don't have a passion for.
I'm completely past that stage in my life. My "Plan A" is more stressful and more grueling than a 9-5 but I have a passion for it so that's what I'm pushing towards.

The idea of rotting in an office the rest of my life, sitting on NT and listening to my iPod and coming home to "go the gym, play x-box, go to happy hour, etc." just doesn't resonate with my personality (no disrespect to any of you that do this). I shouldn't have to seek outside pleasures to balance out my displeasure with the corporate 9-5 world. I'd rather work 20 hours a day in my own office doing what I love.

I feel you. Even since my last post, a lottamthinsmhave happened for me and my company is in the growth stage. Personally I don't have any school loans to pay back and I've been fortunate to not have any debt. All this ismhow had you work for what you want.I cut back on buying kicks and stuff because in the and scheme of things they don't matter. They all come out every other year anyway. I just got the gold97s and will get the 3s this year but until the 4s drop, I'm done for a while. Being your own boss you learn how to Budget your finances better. At this point, a office job would be seed money for an office for my own company and any office tools would be used to make my company better. I honestly think that getting laid off is one of the better things to have happened to me in retrospect.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Make friends at work...My last summer job was boring as hell, but I met some cool people at the office and we went out to get drinks during lunch, watch the world cup, hit the gym after work, etc. 

Yup, i used to just show up, get paid, hate it all day and dip.  You're spending a decent amount of time with these people, might as well get to know them, and it helps to pass time joking around.
i've never worked in an office.  only restaurants and crate and barrel.  so i cant really comment on it.  i don't think i would like it though.  i don't ever plan to work in an office though.  
i rather be a on the field working.thats why im going for construction managment if not a firefighter.cant do that 9-5 crap.
Originally Posted by Numberr97

You're leaving out the Saturday and Sunday activities and the top notch vacations when they take breaks from work. Also the life they live after retirement. This is if you're talking about white collar good jobs

Well I planned on coming in here to bless NT was an enlightening response but someone already nailed it (partially) on the first page.

First off, forget everything that you ever heard about the saying "make sure you LOVE what you do or you will hate your life".  Less than .000001% of the working population loves their job all day, every day, 365 days a year.  It is a job.  It is work.  You WILL hate it sometimes.  It will be stressful sometimes.  But that has been the case since caveman days.  This is where a lot of people fail.  They start a job.  It gets stressful at times.  Then they think "I don't love this" and they end up jumping from job to job because of that same mentality.  Now, if on your way to work every day you contemplate purposely driving into on-coming traffic then you may need to re-evaluate your situation.  But for most people, it's probably not as bad as it may seem.  Also, don't ever think you are too good for any job because guess what? You'd be doing a better job if you were too good for the one you have. 

So if you're lucky enough to get a job you are capable of doing that you can tolerate most of the time and is stressful some of the time and you hate some of the time, then you are in a normal situation.  But what do you do to keep from feeling stuck in a rut?  Easy answer: make the most of your free time.  Like the saying goes "live for the weekend".  Whether you work a 9-5 M-F or you work shifts spread out through a week, just make sure you ENJOY your time away from work.  Seriously, that is what makes it all worth while.  If you are lucky again and your company grants you some vacation time, take advantage of it. Relax, re-charge, re-up your motivation.  This stuff is not a secret.  You just have to give yourself some time to realize it.
Originally Posted by MrDozo

I have so much work to do between leases, security deposits, rent payments, posting or deleting charges bank recs, them 8 or 10 hours per day isnt enough time. And as far as surfing the web during company time, that's a big no no. its called counting key strokes, aka management can see what you've been looking at on your comp.
Just wondering, do you work in property management?

I do the 9-5.  Enjoying the people you work with makes it THAT much better.  If I didn't I would have already started looking for another job.  Job is ehh and pay is ehh, but I love the people I work with.  My team consists of 5-6 people 24-30, and we just vibe so well together.  Yea we mess around a lot, but all of our work gets done, and if we have to stay past 5 we do.

We're in a fairly large office, and I would say half of the company is under 30 which is great. Make plans to go out after work during the week, and we take Thursday happy hour to another level.  There's no 2 drinks leaving at 7-730
Two of my best friends work in the same office as I do. We email eachother rediculous !!*+ all day. If it wasn't for that I swear I would not survive in that place.
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