White-Collar 9-5'ers = How do you stay sane? Vol. Office Space

im not you

May 29, 2009
Am the only one that despises the world of offices and cubicles for 8 hours a day? I've been doing this for 6 years now and if I didn't self medicate...I think I might have gone crazy by now. I don't understand how so many people do this for 20+ years. It's the same *%%%%$+ cycle every day.
Wake Up.



Go Home.


Repeat process M-F.





Now I understand the meaning of Happy Hour. 
you just gotta find a job you really like.

i mean, at the end of the day its still gonna be work. im sure athletes, actors, musicians, (fill in the blank for other profession people dream of), still consider it hard work. you just need to find something that is tolerable.
You're leaving out the Saturday and Sunday activities and the top notch vacations when they take breaks from work. Also the life they live after retirement. This is if you're talking about white collar good jobs
Originally Posted by Numberr97

You're leaving out the Saturday and Sunday activities and the top notch vacations when they take breaks from work. Also the life they live after retirement. This is if you're talking about white collar good jobs

That doesn't sound like an appealing lifestyle to me. The average 9-5 White Collar employee is not taking top notch vacations every weekend. Maybe the higher ups (which usually are the old folks). 
Working for 20-30+ years and then spending your 50s-Death on a golf course in Florida doesn't sound appealing either.
The government holidays
job security (except this idea of an inevitable furlough
having an iPhone
and never having to take work home

Those are all the things aside from the obvious (having bills to pay) that get me through the week. I know a lot of people would kill to have a job so I won't take it for granted but it does get repetitive if you let it. Everyone wishes their job could be something they thoroughly enjoy but not me at this point in my life. I got too much student loan debt
/\ I don't know man. I find something wrong with the way (in DC) they drill "government job" in the brains of our youth. It's like they brainwash you that you made it if you have a government job. I had one...and while doing absolutely nothing for 8 hours day and having the greatest job security in the world was cool for a while...I then started to feel like I was wasting away. I never wanted to be one of those people there (I worked @ DOL) who were in their 50s-60s who'd been there all their lives.
I hate it too. I always fall asleep if I sit at the desk in front of the computer too long, regardless of how much sleep I have had the previous night. I got in trouble for a few times at my past job so I thought I'd outsmart myself and started holding ym phone in my hand, so the second I dose off I'll drop the phone which will wake me back up but all that happens is I adapted and now I can sleep holding stuff in my hand and not drop it.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

The government holidays
job security (except this idea of an inevitable furlough
having an iPhone
and never having to take work home

Those are all the things aside from the obvious (having bills to pay) that get me through the week. I know a lot of people would kill to have a job so I won't take it for granted but it does get repetitive if you let it. Everyone wishes their job could be something they thoroughly enjoy but not me at this point in my life. I got too much student loan debt

I work for the gov't too and everything here is true except we have to take mandatory furloughs.

At one point, it got so bad for me that I was lookin a month ahead to see where the furlough would take place. I would then take an extra day or two before/after that. and that my friends makes it bearable for me

Mojodmonky1 wrote:
you just gotta find a job you really like.

this is true. ive been here for 10yrs and wouldnt give it up for another job. i have my own office to myself, im on the net all day (when im not busy) and dont get bother that much within the 8 hrs im here. yeah i do the same routine to get to work but when im here its a different day everyday and thats why i think i stay sane. now getting home to my kids now thats another story
  they drive me off the walls   
exactly why I will never see myself working in an office...rather own my own business.work 12+ hours a day doing something I LOVE
It's important that you don't HATE your job, if you do then that's hard to overcome. If you don't hate your job then Nawth hit it right on the head.. in order to stay sane and not kill yourself or anyone around you utilizing the time you have away from work is key. Go for drinks after work, catch a movie, workout, have a white chick with a flat stomach and tiny waist and big booty come over for sexy time, work on your car, join a softball league...anything. If you allow your days to consist of waking up, commute, work, commute, then sleep you're going to jump off a cliff. I know Monday morning it's easier to get through my work week knowing I have a concert Friday night to look forward to.

That's what I've learned.
Oh, and alcohol.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ I don't know man. I find something wrong with the way (in DC) they drill "government job" in the brains of our youth. It's like they brainwash you that you made it if you have a government job. I had one...and while doing absolutely nothing for 8 hours day and having the greatest job security in the world was cool for a while...I then started to feel like I was wasting away. I never wanted to be one of those people there (I worked @ DOL) who were in their 50s-60s who'd been there all their lives.


but all that said, I'm getting one. My mom makes 100k plus.
You just get used to it,I've been doing it for many years now and I prefer it than working blue collar jobs, just my opinion

One of my buddies makes good money working a blue collar job and that's cool for him but not me..oh and having Internet access at work def helps the day go by assuming u use discretion lol
Ive been working at my office job for 6 months and everyday I ask myself what i got myself into. and its all the same answers, im here for a slightly better pay than my restaurant serving job for a lot less tiring work. But i did love my coworkers there and dont gel with anybody over here. thats why i put myself into school, hopefully the hard work pays off. full time desk job and full time student, its draining but you just have to get yourself motivated. i know this gets old, but there are plenty of people unemployed STILL looking for even a minimum wage. motivate yourself and make moves!
You dont have a life outside of work? Sure, I waste 8 hours of my life here but I don't hate the work. Plus I have outside hobbies and what not to fill my non work time with.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

The government holidays
job security (except this idea of an inevitable furlough
having a mytouch 4g
and never having to take work home

Those are all the things aside from the obvious (having bills to pay) that get me through the week. I know a lot of people would kill to have a job so I won't take it for granted but it does get repetitive if you let it. Everyone wishes their job could be something they thoroughly enjoy but not me at this point in my life.

fixedalso the fine women walking around my office and casual dress code
NT 95% of the day.. Take plenty of walks around the bldgs.. LolLuckily i like what i do. So the "daily grind" isnt too bad..
Thank god my work has most sites available like Niketalk and other blogs. With Facebook and other social newtworking sites, I have my iPhone. Also e-mailing between coworkers is always a plus. And with March Madness, we even got a brackets with $150 to the winner. Also things like happy hours after work sort of make work more interesting just because we get to gossip about it the next day.
Thats one of the reasons I changed my major I know id kill myself if I had to sit behind a desk all day
Thats one of the reasons I changed my major I know id kill myself if I had to sit behind a desk all day
try being a 9-5'er whose also in school part-time

wake up
work doing database management w/ 2 blinding $#@ screens in my face
leave work
go to school
study till I knock out
Wake up, rinse, repeat cycle

same *$$@, different toilet
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