Who else puts salt on their meal before tasting it?

Sep 27, 2008
I always do it..
I haven't used salt in years. The first few weeks were a bit weird but after that you get used to everything being less salty - and it still tastes good.

I've never understood salting stuff before tasting it.
This bothers me to no end. You haven't tasted it why are you gona throw salt on it from the get go?? I've read that it signifies impulsive tendencies.

Depends on what food it is, any sort of potato (baked, mashed, french fries, ect) then automatically I put salt on it.
This bothers me to no end. You haven't tasted it why are you gona throw salt on it from the get go?? I've read that it signifies impulsive tendencies.

Because I already know what it tastes like and know it needs salt. Popcorn and steak arent the same without salt.
Always. Even ichiban. Ichiban with soya sauce already in it. It's my one majorly unhealthy tendency.

The salt I consume in a day would kill a normal person over the span of a month. Yet my blood pressures low, and the doc says I'm astoundingly healthy. Mywhole extended fam OD's on salt though and no one's had blood pressure or heart issues or health issues or anything. Acquired immunity FTW!
Originally Posted by milbert

This bothers me to no end. You haven't tasted it why are you gona throw salt on it from the get go?? I've read that it signifies impulsive tendencies.
THIS. I feel like just smacking the salt out of the persons hand and screaming "TASTE THE FOOD!"
I used to do this when I was younger. it urked my moms. and I understand why.

One time to make me stop, she unscrewed the salt bottle shaker top because she knew I was going for it.
walked off with a plate full of salt food.

But I still sometimes do it with pizza, along with other seasonings.
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