Who has gotten tested?


Nov 21, 2005
So I'm going in to get tested tomorrow afternoon. I'm not going to lie I made 3 very very very stupid decision this year. The circumstances don'tmatter, but my boy who gets a lot more then me just got tested and his came back negative for everything. My other friend told me that I was stupid for gettingtested but I think it's the right thing to do. So who all got tested and what was running through your mind for that week of waiting. I'm freaking outalready had never thought about it before today so I just went and made an appointment. I know I'm not the only one that is getting and soon will have gottested. Say something comes back positive how am I going to tell this girl(Who was one of the mistakes). What would I tell my parents what would I tell myself.I'm spazzing out right now and will be for the next week....maybe longer.
I slept with a prostitute in TJ many many years back. Needless to say, I felt compelled to get tested... and I was clean as a whistle!
Originally Posted by LUIS BALLER 88

*Waits for "NT, I have AIDS" thread*

j/k you'll be just fine

Not funny....
Pray for me and for anyone else that isquestionable. I haven't been with any questionable girls just questionable situations that I shouldn't have done. I know someone else has.
I've never been tested, and since I've never gotten busy raw, I don't think I have anything. Well, I hope I don't have anything.
been testing twice in the last 6 months even though my chances of getting it were extremely low. how can someone be stupid for getting tested though?
Maaaaaaan... I got tested just on the G... the whole wait I was going through all the experiences cursing myself out like "Cake that lil hieffa was toowilling too easily what the %%%@ were you thinking????"

Came back crystal tho
aight so here is the run down. 1 girl been with 9 dudes, the other girl is an unknown but from what I have learned about her she has been with less then threeto four the other girl has been with 9, but most recently has been in a two year relationship. I have been with 11 different girls those are the most recent.I'm thinking I really really may have something. I think I'm bout to cry. And what sucks is one of my best friends has been with 30+ girls, many randomhook ups, most of them raw(told me he hates condoms and only uses them when she makes them then breaks them when she's not paying attention) and he hasbeen tested and has nothing. But I fear the last three that I've been with one of them could have gave me something and they all def seemed clean but younever know.
got the oral test, about 20 mins wait but it was 100 bucks...almost pissed myself when i started thinking about it and id call my self damn safe when it comesto sex. clean as a whistle!
I'm sure there's a few nters with that Magic Johnson virus .. I shouldn't talk though, I've been pissing blood lately.
Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

I slept with a prostitute in TJ many many years back. Needless to say, I felt compelled to get tested... and I was clean as a whistle!
Adelita's FTW

I'm sure you're fine bro. If you got anything I'd be suprised, and if you do.. I'm sure it would be something minor you can get cured from apill or two.

Always use a rubber and you should be good!
ey my dude Fr year i was nervous cause of this girl i messed w/ in HS....but i got tested and i was clean as can be.....i had to wait a week for myresults....i swear i didnt eat anything leading up to the results
Originally Posted by theo6kid

aight so here is the run down. 1 girl been with 9 dudes, the other girl is an unknown but from what I have learned about her she has been with less then three to four the other girl has been with 9, but most recently has been in a two year relationship. I have been with 11 different girls those are the most recent. I'm thinking I really really may have something. I think I'm bout to cry. And what sucks is one of my best friends has been with 30+ girls, many random hook ups, most of them raw(told me he hates condoms and only uses them when she makes them then breaks them when she's not paying attention) and he has been tested and has nothing. But I fear the last three that I've been with one of them could have gave me something and they all def seemed clean but you never know.
i cant believe i just read that. thats sort of like rape in mymind.
aight so here is the run down. 1 girl been with 9 dudes, the other girl is an unknown but from what I have learned about her she has been with less then three to four the other girl has been with 9, but most recently has been in a two year relationship. I have been with 11 different girls those are the most recent. I'm thinking I really really may have something. I think I'm bout to cry. And what sucks is one of my best friends has been with 30+ girls, many random hook ups, most of them raw(told me he hates condoms and only uses them when she makes them then breaks them when she's not paying attention) and he has been tested and has nothing. But I fear the last three that I've been with one of them could have gave me something and they all def seemed clean but you never know.
its not how many people that the person you sleep with has been with...it's who the person(s) you sleep with has sleep with. High numbers area definant worry, but you could get the High 5 from a girl who has had sex only once.
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