Who shot the nose off the Sphinx?

it's funny how everyone's repeating something they heard in a rap song like it's fact
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

They destroyed it because it had African features. I thought everybody knew that....

This. Erosion theory been debunked... One of the first instances of white ppl discrediting black ppl... They couldnt believe that sumone with those features was renowned as god like. It was too be rebuilt but they couldnt figure out how. Unsure where I heard all this tho so,it may,be partially incorrect

Idk about the last part, but in one of my classes my prof. told it was removed by the white man because it resembled the black man's features.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

They destroyed it because it had African features. I thought everybody knew that....

This. Erosion theory been debunked... One of the first instances of white ppl discrediting black ppl... They couldnt believe that sumone with those features was renowned as god like. It was too be rebuilt but they couldnt figure out how. Unsure where I heard all this tho so,it may,be partially incorrect

Idk about the last part, but in one of my classes my prof. told it was removed by the white man because it resembled the black man's features.
the face of the Sphinx was vandalized in 1378 A.D. by Mohammed Sa'im al-Dahr, a "fanatical sufi of the oldest and most highly respected sufi convent of Cairo." The nose and ears are mentioned specifically as having been damaged at this time. According to one account, Haarmann states, the residents in the neighborhood of the Sphinx were so upset by the destruction that they lynched him and buried him near the great monument he ruined.
the face of the Sphinx was vandalized in 1378 A.D. by Mohammed Sa'im al-Dahr, a "fanatical sufi of the oldest and most highly respected sufi convent of Cairo." The nose and ears are mentioned specifically as having been damaged at this time. According to one account, Haarmann states, the residents in the neighborhood of the Sphinx were so upset by the destruction that they lynched him and buried him near the great monument he ruined.

In presenting our history of the worlds first civilizations, we rely heavily on pictures of the statues and relief's that the ancients made in their own image to tell their stories. In viewing these images, it immediately becomes evident that the noses don't look like Black peoples noses. That is because the White people responsible for restoring these artifacts to good condition for display, routinely modify them to make them appear to be White people. In many cases, they don't even bother to change the noses, they simply just break them off.

The British Museum - one of the main depositories of ancient artifacts: has come up with a truly novel explanation for the defacing of Black artifacts.

From the British Museum - Quote: Royal statues in Egypt were sometimes usurped (taken over) by later rulers. The normal procedure was simply to re-carve their name over the old one, but in some cases the physical features were also altered. Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) seems to have altered a number of statues of Amenhotep III in this way, presumably because he wished to represent his ideal image in a certain form. Ramesses seems to have concentrated on changing the characteristic thick lips of the older statuary to thinner ones. In other cases he took to reducing the plump stomach areas of Amenhotep's statues to make them closer to his ideal of the physical shape of the king. End Quote.

So now we are to believe that it was not White people, (modern Europeans and Turks) they who have held Egypt's treasures for over 2,500 years; who are responsible for defacing Black artifacts, but rather, it was done by another Black man, Rameses II. Great, but we are left to wonder how Rameses II managed to get his hands on all of those statues, even those made after he was dead; and what about Sumerian statues? Seeing as how the same thing was done to them too, truly amazing.

Putting aside that nonsense from the British Museum, let us look at some examples of defacement of Black artifacts by White people. One of the best examples is of the wife of the aforementioned Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Queen Tiy. The Egyptians often used "faience" a finely glazed ceramic material, to make small statues and jewelry. Being a brittle material, faience would break if it was filed down, and it would be impossible to patch it to make it look natural after modification. Thus Queen Tiy's small faience statue below has her natural nose - compare that to her bust.






Perhaps the most blatant!
The case of Hemiunu
Hemiunu was a son of prince Nefermaat, son of King Snofru. He is believed to be the architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Below is his uncle, King Khufu.


This is Hemiunu's Grandfather, King Snofru or Sneferu , 1st king of the 4th dynasty.


The British Museum - one of the main depositories of ancient artifacts: has come up with a truly novel explanation for the defacing of Black artifacts.

From the British Museum - Quote: Royal statues in Egypt were sometimes usurped (taken over) by later rulers. The normal procedure was simply to re-carve their name over the old one, but in some cases the physical features were also altered. Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) seems to have altered a number of statues of Amenhotep III in this way, presumably because he wished to represent his ideal image in a certain form. Ramesses seems to have concentrated on changing the characteristic thick lips of the older statuary to thinner ones. In other cases he took to reducing the plump stomach areas of Amenhotep's statues to make them closer to his ideal of the physical shape of the king. End Quote.


In presenting our history of the worlds first civilizations, we rely heavily on pictures of the statues and relief's that the ancients made in their own image to tell their stories. In viewing these images, it immediately becomes evident that the noses don't look like Black peoples noses. That is because the White people responsible for restoring these artifacts to good condition for display, routinely modify them to make them appear to be White people. In many cases, they don't even bother to change the noses, they simply just break them off.

The British Museum - one of the main depositories of ancient artifacts: has come up with a truly novel explanation for the defacing of Black artifacts.

From the British Museum - Quote: Royal statues in Egypt were sometimes usurped (taken over) by later rulers. The normal procedure was simply to re-carve their name over the old one, but in some cases the physical features were also altered. Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) seems to have altered a number of statues of Amenhotep III in this way, presumably because he wished to represent his ideal image in a certain form. Ramesses seems to have concentrated on changing the characteristic thick lips of the older statuary to thinner ones. In other cases he took to reducing the plump stomach areas of Amenhotep's statues to make them closer to his ideal of the physical shape of the king. End Quote.

So now we are to believe that it was not White people, (modern Europeans and Turks) they who have held Egypt's treasures for over 2,500 years; who are responsible for defacing Black artifacts, but rather, it was done by another Black man, Rameses II. Great, but we are left to wonder how Rameses II managed to get his hands on all of those statues, even those made after he was dead; and what about Sumerian statues? Seeing as how the same thing was done to them too, truly amazing.

Putting aside that nonsense from the British Museum, let us look at some examples of defacement of Black artifacts by White people. One of the best examples is of the wife of the aforementioned Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Queen Tiy. The Egyptians often used "faience" a finely glazed ceramic material, to make small statues and jewelry. Being a brittle material, faience would break if it was filed down, and it would be impossible to patch it to make it look natural after modification. Thus Queen Tiy's small faience statue below has her natural nose - compare that to her bust.






Perhaps the most blatant!
The case of Hemiunu
Hemiunu was a son of prince Nefermaat, son of King Snofru. He is believed to be the architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Below is his uncle, King Khufu.


This is Hemiunu's Grandfather, King Snofru or Sneferu , 1st king of the 4th dynasty.


The British Museum - one of the main depositories of ancient artifacts: has come up with a truly novel explanation for the defacing of Black artifacts.

From the British Museum - Quote: Royal statues in Egypt were sometimes usurped (taken over) by later rulers. The normal procedure was simply to re-carve their name over the old one, but in some cases the physical features were also altered. Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) seems to have altered a number of statues of Amenhotep III in this way, presumably because he wished to represent his ideal image in a certain form. Ramesses seems to have concentrated on changing the characteristic thick lips of the older statuary to thinner ones. In other cases he took to reducing the plump stomach areas of Amenhotep's statues to make them closer to his ideal of the physical shape of the king. End Quote.

what about white people who have wide/beak/long noses though 
(not disregarding any theories, just saying). I know PLENTY of French and Spanish people with big/wide noses...hell I'm half Portuguese and while my nose isn't huge or anything, its still bigger than the "typical" white person's 

You can't just classify all of us white people into one group and blame us...there's plenty of "white" people with "non-white" features, esp. in Portugal/Spain/France due to the Moorish occupation and many of us don't care about features. Blame the British or something
what about white people who have wide/beak/long noses though 
(not disregarding any theories, just saying). I know PLENTY of French and Spanish people with big/wide noses...hell I'm half Portuguese and while my nose isn't huge or anything, its still bigger than the "typical" white person's 

You can't just classify all of us white people into one group and blame us...there's plenty of "white" people with "non-white" features, esp. in Portugal/Spain/France due to the Moorish occupation and many of us don't care about features. Blame the British or something
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