Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

PeterJamesThe3rd wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
i think they don't discuss women cuz women are on some ride or die type stuff...we play the background so our man can come up when we have our own issues we would like to address...

look at the churches in the hood or the burbs...chances are its mostly filled w/women...would you come at the people attending/tithing your church?
You mean workers or attendee's

i'm talking about Church Church...not the restaurant with the bangin biscuits...

noo, i don't go to church. religion isn't for me, but that's beside the point. i'm just tired of all the BS, and black men catching all the heat. i mean you have BW messing with bum __ dudes, and then are suddenly surprised when he's not doing anything with their life, and suddenly they want a "good" black man.
what does that have to do with this post...i agree but the same could be said for men who mess w/anything then complain about women so i'm notsure what your question is exactly...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

PeterJamesThe3rd wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
i think they don't discuss women cuz women are on some ride or die type stuff...we play the background so our man can come up when we have our own issues we would like to address...

look at the churches in the hood or the burbs...chances are its mostly filled w/women...would you come at the people attending/tithing your church?
You mean workers or attendee's

i'm talking about Church Church...not the restaurant with the bangin biscuits...

noo, i don't go to church. religion isn't for me, but that's beside the point. i'm just tired of all the BS, and black men catching all the heat. i mean you have BW messing with bum __ dudes, and then are suddenly surprised when he's not doing anything with their life, and suddenly they want a "good" black man.
what does that have to do with this post...i agree but the same could be said for men who mess w/anything then complain about women so i'm not sure what your question is exactly...

African Immigrants have the highest income among ALL ethnic groups. it appears african-americans harbor a self-defeating atitiude, while westindians/african immigrants tend to be go getters. this may explain why african immigrants/west indians tend to look down on african-americans...i just feellike this whole thread is a huge reach with the complaining
i'm not trying to make excuses for anyone but being AA and an immagrant from Africa/WI are two different experiences...may explain the difference...maynot...i think Americans may take for granted opportunites that immagrants take advantage of...
Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by 0cks

It's BS because it's not in a textbook. Yes I acknowledge there are genralizations, I can't get into an analysis of every past European nation-state. I just gave you some of that realness.

Think about it. How come other people never went on "Explorations"?
You're honestly trying to say that the only people who explored new lands and conquered other people were Europeans?
Well I mean break down the continents, when did Africans just show up in Europe on some "honey I'm home!". Asians? Aborigines?Native Americans? Eskimos? Whereas Europeans showed up out of the blue in every continent! Europe is like somewhat bigger than Texas? You have all those peoplein such a small area that hate each other. ALL THEY DID WAS FIGHT! Look at the two world wars. As soon as they had the means they managed to have the entireworld involved in their little quarrels. Give it up, Europe was the most belligerent continent on this earth.
I honestly feel for minorities in the USA, from African Americans, to Chinese, etc. Historical treatment of these groups has been ridiculous in the USA to saythe least...

HOWEVER, this thread turned into so much more than that, I mean, how could it not? The downside is theres a lot of bias (not unwarranted).

Quite frankly, I don't like that phrase "white man". Like a lot of things, its not unwarranted , but its a focus that seems to purposely ignore alot about black oppression and slavery.

People seem to ignore that Arabs and Black Muslims traded far more Blacks than any whites ever had. As a disclaimer, I will say I'm white, but my countryhas never been involved in trading of black slaves, heck, we were even slaves under the Tatars, so it is what it is.

Deaths attributed to the middle passage: 4 million
Deaths attributed to the eastern/Arab slave trade : 14-20 million

On top of that, average Africans still in Africa have very little opportunity for upward growth in their homeland right now. They are trying to immigrate likecrazy to France, the UK, the USA, etc., so while I in no way buy into that idiotic "but look how good blacks live here in the USA compared to Africa,slavery was a good thing" garbage, it IS true that those that have endured slavery that brought them to the USA are better off than those sold by Arab orBlack Muslim slave traders. Of course, a lot of times those slaves sold by Arab/BM slave traders are those very same ones that were later traded through themiddle passage, the numbers stack up disproportionately within the 2 trades. Also, the Arab/Black Muslim slave trade existed 100s of years before thePortuguese (first and first major slave traders to trade on the Ivory coast/Northwest Africa) set foot on African soil.

Also, a lot of people in here are very quick to point out Eurocentrism(for the 100th time, not unjustified), but won't admit that their views can get VERYAfrocentric. I mean honestly, if it inspires and empowers its great, but to make boastful and baseless remarks like Black history> White history is justunwise.

And that leads us into a topic in the same category, but slightly deviated, from what is being discussed.

Honestly, this whole "black" movement on the basis of black skin can be as detrimental as it can be positive and empowering. The reason I believethis is because it just furthers what racists have been trying to do for that longest time: turn it into a skin color issue. It basically says all blacks arethis and all whites are that, and then it turns into a who did this and who did that, which eventually just breeds "blanket hate" or really blanketemotions. Its a very powerful tool, because if used "correctly" can unite and divide people for all the wrong reasons. A white guy was a slavemaster? All white people are evil! A black guy stole your car? All black people are thieves! See my point? Also, whenever you go either up or down the unitylatter you just really cause conflicts. What I mean by this is all people united, usually by something or a cause. I joke that the only people the human racecan unit is if some aliens start a war with us or something, because if its not that, its either people are divided because of race, religion, nationalism,etc. So my point is that unification on the basis of skin color and nothing else is both powerful and dangerous because it causes serious tension sometimes. Acountry can be divided over, say, ethnic groups where 1 group is fighting for their independence, but if they are the same skin color and you form some newconflict with a different skin color, watch how fast the sides change. Its quickly goes from group A and B fighting factor X, to group A and B fighting group Ctogether once C is in the picture all on the basis that C has a different skin color.

Now lets go to the topic of Egypt since this is something broached often. Were the Egyptians black? Short and sweet answer: YES. I don't think anyone waseven debating that in this thread, but it relates to an Afrocentric favorite that the Egyptians were Black, and all modern knowledge came from them and onlythem, and therefore this whole modern European society stole the knowledge from blacks and used it to become successful, while systematically destroying andundermining blacks.

The point to that goes black to grouping people by skin color. There is no white knowledge, just as there is no black knowledge. Certain civilizations wereable to rise to the top, many of them inventing new methods to do things, and many of them borrowing from each other and trading knowledge. I don't saythat in a Egyptian and Greek/Roman context exclusively. The Persians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians etc. and other Mesopotamian civilizations had numerousbreakthroughs, and the civilizations all interacted (some of course did not co-exist time wise, but knowledge was passed on)

I mean honestly, how many blacks can trace their ancestry to Egypt? Other than skin color the average African has as much in common with them as the Averagewhite does with Albert Einstein. And since we all came from the original man, who was black, then it that case any white, asian, etc person has as muchrelation to Egyptians as any black does. Nas raps, "we were kings and queens never porchmonkeys"...I mean if that empowers you, thats awesome, butI'm sure Africa had no better a ratio of "royalty" to "plebeians" than anywhere else in the world.

As far as the whole Europeans having a superior society (ref. Handsome B), I mean it is what it is. I don't mean superior intellectually, of course.History ran its course and all you have to do to know how that turned out is to open any history book to see European world domination starting from the middleages. I don't even say that as a positive thing, because at the end of the day what does any of that add up or amount to for any of us other than the royalfamilies. Some posters where say, oh I'd rip that up but instead one world: eurocentrism. Isn't that a lot easier to say than just to admit certainEuropean nations were just superior at the time(again not in intellect)? China was occupied by the Mongols, but threw them out, then with the spheres ofinfluence, and threw the Europeans out. So like I said it is what it is, but honestly who cares, no one here benefited from any of it, and its important toremember the past but not live in it, because you can only try your hardest to change the present and the future, but you never know, maybe 10,000 years fromnow someone will be making a post on space shoe talk talking about the black privilege if the world becomes predominately populated by Africans and Ruled bythem, or maybe it will be the Chinese privilege, or the Indian privilege, who knows...

The only constructive thing to do is just to continue to better yourself. In the words of Huey P. Newton on his Ph.D. :

'My foes have called me bum, hoodlum, criminal. Some have even called me *$*%@$. I imagine now they'll at least have to call me Dr. (N word).'
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by 0cks

It's BS because it's not in a textbook. Yes I acknowledge there are genralizations, I can't get into an analysis of every past European nation-state. I just gave you some of that realness.

Think about it. How come other people never went on "Explorations"?
You're honestly trying to say that the only people who explored new lands and conquered other people were Europeans?
Well I mean break down the continents, when did Africans just show up in Europe on some "honey I'm home!". Asians? Aborigines? Native Americans? Eskimos? Whereas Europeans showed up out of the blue in every continent! Europe is like somewhat bigger than Texas? You have all those people in such a small area that hate each other. ALL THEY DID WAS FIGHT! Look at the two world wars. As soon as they had the means they managed to have the entire world involved in their little quarrels. Give it up, Europe was the most belligerent continent on this earth.
You're not looking at the entire picture. War has been going on since the beginning of man kind, and for you to say Europeans are more guiltythan others is ludicrous. Just because some of the people you listed didn't have the means to conquer other continents does not mean they all got alongmerrily with each other. You are aware that Genghis Khan had one the largest empires in history, aren't you? You don't think empires are builtthrough conquest? And how is the Japanese conquering parts of China and the Pacific Islands in WWII an example of being them getting drawn into Europeanquarrels?

What you're essentially saying is "I don't know of any examples of non-Europeans fighting and conquering, therefore they must not exist". Read a book before you say things like "Europeans were the most belligerent people"
ok guys...i gotta graduate in december and to do so i have to write a 20 page paper on the topic of my choice...im an african americanstudies major so it has to have something to do with black people...but i doesn't have to be in america...any topic suggestions???? i want to do somethingabout education but i can't narrow it down or focus it on mainly black people...HELP ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU...

dirty i'm not lookin for homework help just a topic suggestion...
I'd say a good topic is racism towards Africans Pre middle passage/White America

" The Arab Slave Trade is the longest yet least discussed of the two major trades. It begins in the 7th century AD as Arabs and other Asians poured intoNorthern and Eastern Africa under the banner of Islam, either converting or subjugating the African societies they came upon. In the beginning there was somelevel of mutual respect between the Blacks and the more Caucasian-Semitic Arabs. Mihdja, a Black man, is said to be the first Muslim killed in battle whileanother, Bilal, is regarded as a "third of the faith." Dhu'l-Nun al-Misri, born in Upper Egypt near Sudan, is regarded as the founder of Sufism.Today Sufism's greatest stronghold is in Southern Egypt and Sudan. Islamic prosperity was based upon Black as well as Arabic genius.

The children of a stinking Nubian black---God put no light in their complexion!
Arab Poet, late 600AD,

But as Islamic prosperity grew, so did an air of hostility towards many Blacks, Muslims or otherwise. Some Arabs complained about having to work next to Blacksin high positions. After the Prophet's death, even the descendants of Bilal received negative treatment. Arabic writings became laced with anti-Blacksentiment. This reaction of Blacks at the time to this can be seen in the writings of a contemporary 9th Century Black scholar in residence at Baghdad by thename of Abu 'Uthman' Amr Ibn Bahr Al-Jahiz. Al-Jahiz, to confront a growing tide of anti-black sentiment in the Muslim world, published a highlycontroversial work at the time titled, Kitab Fakhr As-Sudan 'Ala Al-Bidan, "The Book of Glory of the Blacks over the Whites." Al-Jahiz in hiswork contended that even the Prophet Mohammad's father may have been of African lineage. "
I just heard that some military people retiring this year are refusing to have Pres. Obama sign their retirement orders.

4 more people are beign court martialed for defacing his official govt photo.

No respect...
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

I just heard that some military people retiring this year are refusing to have Pres. Obama sign their retirement orders.

4 more people are beign court martialed for defacing his official govt photo.

No respect...
Same ##%! happened to Bush.
Originally Posted by Face82

I feel you. I hate when they try to discredit a black man.

I'm off topic but example...

"Tiger woods isn't black.....he's mixed."

"Obama is half white..not 100% black".

Get the $%$ outa here with that. The latest was the headline of a news paper about the super bowl mvp Santonio Holmes.
It read "From drug dealer to Super Bowl MVP".

I was so pissed man. They will never let you just enjoy your moment. They always have to throw some dirt on top. If I was an articulate brother....I could prolly get a lil deeper and word it a lil better for the readers. Other than that..you get what I'm sayin. You copy?

I agree with you in one sense, but the black community goes way to hard to claim things now a days. It's understandable though considering you guys werebasically in a form of enslavement just 40 years ago. The one drop rule though is an archaic, primitive idea that should have went out the door withsegregation. You guys don't go so hard to claim your equal anymore. By claiming people you are just keeping the idea of racial barrier's anddifferences alive. I can understand the logic of showing pride in having accomplished black citizens after not being able to participate for so long but bydoing that you still keep yourselves separated from society and keep the remaining racial barriers alive.
Originally Posted by duerr

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

I just heard that some military people retiring this year are refusing to have Pres. Obama sign their retirement orders.

4 more people are beign court martialed for defacing his official govt photo.

No respect...
Same ##%! happened to Bush.
One of them is a monumental failure....
man this guy is on to something .. And I don't have anything against white people but like the guy was saying how that white people have resessive traitsthis I turn would eliminate that race but have fun white people ..plus u don't have mellanan which u need it's good to be black that's all I gottasay ...
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

I just heard that some military people retiring this year are refusing to have Pres. Obama sign their retirement orders.

4 more people are beign court martialed for defacing his official govt photo.

No respect...
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Cause they're afraid of us...

This thread is extremely informative, and im learning a lot.Keep it up.There is also a lot of foolishness,but that crap comes with the topic at hand.
Do y'all see the divide and conquer, revisionist history and distraction tactics going on right in this thread?!...

4 million killed in the Trans-atlantic slave trade...the hell outta here.

I'm going in when I get home.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Cause they're afraid of us...
It's true...and it's why your Malibu's Most Wanted hillbilly *%@ wants to be one of us so bad. And before anyone over analyzes my original comment that I only entered to thread to say something similar to what Knowledge said...
The Black Man is the original man. People know that, and people fear that.

&nd you are also 100% correct in my opinion .

The white man enslaved us because he knew we can work ... another reason why he didn't want us to read .
They didn't want us to know the things that they did .
So when we started to do that , when we started to prosper , the white man got mad at that .
He got mad that we were getting smarter , they were afraid .

The white man was afraid of every ethnic group he came towards . Blacks , Indians , the only thing was they had an advantage over us (gunpowder). Without that, they were nothing . But with that , they could do anything they wanted with that easy kill .
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Cause they're afraid of us...
, or just wanna be us...

*cough* dreads *cough*

ok guys...i gotta graduate in december and to do so i have to write a 20 page paper on the topic of my choice...im an african american studies major so it has to have something to do with black people...but i doesn't have to be in america...any topic suggestions???? i want to do something about education but i can't narrow it down or focus it on mainly black people...HELP ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU...
do african american vernacular english. (AAVE)

hands down, the most interesting subject i studied in school...

you can even expand to a global dicussion if you expand the topic to all of the "black languages", to include various dialects from the carribeans, africas and everywhere else they speak variations of english...

it's really fascinating.....and you can get pretty long-winded in discussion of it..

if you really do pick this topic, i am sure you will end up taking immense pleasure in researching/learning about it and will ultimately develop the same passion i had when i discovered the topic...

Enphan, you just itching to get into an argument already.

But mouse your topic should be something about The Slave Mentality & how it affects black people still to this day
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