Why do girls take pictures with mustaches drawn on their fingers?

And when I mean cook, I mean it in a based action, not a veiled kitchen quip.
One thing that's been bothering me is that that pose girls do when they put their hand on the side of their hip. I hope you guys know what I'm talking about cuz my girl does this every %*@%*%+ time. Like you can't just stand there and smile non-awkwardly? Every picture on her fb of her just standing has her hand on her hip.

This is an epidemic I see so many girls doing this and now all pictures just look awkward.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about or have never noticed, just go to a random girl's fb and check a few pictures of her and her friends and she'll be doing this ***@%#% pose
Originally Posted by zmoney3

for the dude that didnt know what it was....

I am... the dude. I honestly have no words for this so i'm just gonna leave.
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