Why Don't They do Pre-Oreders for Shoes?

Apr 9, 2017
After dealing with my first ever launch day shoe that I didn't have someone else get... I realized how stupid the whole reservation system is for shoes... come in to the store, check in, we might hold your size crap. Why don't they just do like media and let you put money down to preorder it? It would reduce the cost amount of shoes that sit as most people wouldn't bother unless they really wanted the shoe day one. Obviously they would still have to have a few for shelves because they still sell, but I just don't understand why they would under produce something and just leave money on the table, this seems like an easy solution. I heard they used to do this in the past but stopped...
Economies of scale.

Nike needs to have their production facilities produce X amount of each release. For them to create a contract with a supplier, they have to have a predetermined number for “X” months in advance. If the same materials are used with some customization, it usually isn’t a problem (I.e. Nike ID). But if it requires new/different materials for each release, it becomes a lot more complicated (i.e. Wool AJ 3s vs True Blue 3s).
You'd still reach a point where stores stop taking pre-orders due to not having enough pairs. People would just get in a mad rush/camp out to get a reserve in. That's how it works for other hot items that you can get a pre-order on.

As for Nike themselves doing it, you'd have to know well in advance what the demand is. Say a popular shoe is coming out next year like the Concords. They'd have to announce them a year early to know what the demand is. They'd have to do that for all their shoes really. How often do they announce with certainty shoes that are coming out that early in advance? Usually all we get are rumors. That would have to change along with other things. It's just not very realistic to expect.
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Been saying this., but
Among the other things mentioned above ,the biggest factor is a possible decrease in hype.
Without the allure of the exclusivity, the brand takes a hit.
Granted they aint as sought after as they were a few yrs back, if they was to start guaranteeing pairs, itll eliminate the thrill of the hunt.

Ppl like us are still going to buy regardless of what the masses deem "hot or not". But the hypees will fall off, all good for us , but all bad for business.
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Kind of a dumb thought... But speaking of the Concord that's rumored next year, why cant they go to the preorder system? We all know that shoe will sell out. Create hype by bringing back the old add with the phone number on it. Which they already have with the shirts I believe. Air the old 100 ft commercial during NBA games. Ive always wondered why they don't use the old commercials from the 90s and air them now to create the hype for certain retro releases. Yes it would be more expensive for nike I'm sure. Most of there hype/marketing is done through their social media accounts. But how cool would it be to watch the frozen moment commercial during a playoff game today, weeks/months before a taxi release. Dumb thought maybe but Id enjoy it.
JRepp23 JRepp23

Aint nothing dumb about that, Id love to see those commercials back in rotation, itd be nostalgic, and would build up anticipation as well.

The pre order aspect would be nice, but there again, it'd bad for longevity.
makes too much sense.....

TBH it would pretty much 86 all da hype.

they would have to balance it out by jacking up da prices to add exclusivity.
Biggest reason is inventory. Sometimes stores don't know exactly how many pairs they will receive until the week of. I've seen instances where stores' final inventory haven't update until Wednesday before release and by that time, who will come take your preorder? That's why when you go raffle, most stores don't call until the Friday before.
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