Why in the world do black ppl call each other the N word?

Originally Posted by cartune

Why do jewish people make jewish jokes?

Cause if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

And to be honest, I could really care less cause it is here to stay, but white people would say it a whole heck of a lot less if black people didn't use itlike they do.

And for the person who was questioning why hispanics use the word, well it is really only Ricans and Dominicans who are black themselves.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Ricasho

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I am a black individual and i think the usage of the N word is dumb regardless of if your black or not. It doesnt matter. We are the only race of people who calls ourselves a derogatory term. I prefer to use whats good my"brother" rather than the N word. Using the N word just shows how dumb and uneducated you are, seriously

Yup, and thats the sad part man. Anyways, lock this topic please. I got my answer. Some of you are ignorant as s*** and others are wise. Thank you.
about as ignorant as africans thinking theyre better than black americans right ? but thats another topic right ?

PREACH....nothing worst then Africans who try to look down on African Americans.....that stuff is hilarious....like really son?....a lot of native africans beon that !!%$ too....
.....they have no room to talk about anybody.....
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Ricasho

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I am a black individual and i think the usage of the N word is dumb regardless of if your black or not. It doesnt matter. We are the only race of people who calls ourselves a derogatory term. I prefer to use whats good my"brother" rather than the N word. Using the N word just shows how dumb and uneducated you are, seriously

Yup, and thats the sad part man. Anyways, lock this topic please. I got my answer. Some of you are ignorant as s*** and others are wise. Thank you.
about as ignorant as africans thinking theyre better than black americans right ? but thats another topic right ?

PREACH....nothing worst then Africans who try to look down on African Americans.....that stuff is hilarious....like really son?....a lot of native africans be on that !!%$ too....
.....they have no room to talk about anybody.....
exactly but hey they are the smart ones......we just ignorant we don't know +@!*...but they expect us to call them brothers and sisters..thehell out of here....

not a knock on Africans who don't think this way
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I am a black individual and i think the usage of the N word is dumb regardless of if your black or not. It doesnt matter. We are the only race of people who calls ourselves a derogatory term. I prefer to use whats good my"brother" rather than the N word. Using the N word just shows how dumb and uneducated you are, seriously
so just because a person use the N word they are dumb and uneducated...yeah sure guy......go to the hood and call one of them guys BROTHER we will see how much of a BROTHER he is to you so i will get beat up for calling someone in your atlanta suburban hood a brother? They prefer me to say " sup N" to them? How backwards is that? I like how you argue my claim that only uneducated ******s only say the N word by asking me to visit your "hood" and ask them to call them my brother. your intelliegence is in question, not only because you cant find a positive word to call your fellow black friend but also because you are a fan of gucci mayne
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
That person would be labeled a racist, and rightfully so. "Cracker" has nowhere near the history as a term of oppression that the nword does. Not that I condone use of the word "cracker," but there really is no comparison between the two.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
Have you ever heard of a guy named Eminem?
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
Have you ever heard of a guy named Eminem?
im sure paul wall has dropped a n bomb or two
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
That person would be labeled a racist, and rightfully so. "Cracker" has nowhere near the history as a term of oppression that the n word does. Not that I condone use of the word "cracker," but there really is no comparison between the two.

I know what mean about the history of the word but its the same concept. Cracker is racial slur used towards white people and it is "ok" to use. Nowlet me ask this, if a white person were to use a different racial slur towards black people besides the N word what do you think would happen?

Just looking for opinions....
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
Have you ever heard of a guy named Eminem?
im sure paul wall has dropped a n bomb or two

I'm just asking. Not here to argue. Never heard paul wall say it in a song tho.
^ word. i don't listen to him, but hes the first white rapper that popped into my head besides eminem
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I wrote this on my Blog

N i g g e r--originally a dialectal variant of Negro, the term is a derogatory and vulgar racial slur directed primarily toward black people.

I am no civil rights leader. I'm no black panther, NAACP member, or anything else for that matter. I'm just a regular man. I still feel as a regular man, it is necessary for me to try to remind everyone of the negative meaning of this word, in hopes of having it permanently erased from our vocabulary. I'm not even going to front and act like I don't say it, because I do. I am conscious of it though, and I am trying my best to stop. We all should stop.

It seems like our generation is so far out of touch with what happened during slavery, the civil rights movement, and almost every other event throughout history that has contributed to the oppression of black people. Black people were bought and sold. Black people were hung in public for looking at white women. Black people had to deal with segregation, police brutality, discrimination, and so many other obstacles, just for the right to be considered EQUAL. Previous generations of black people went through so many years of pain, struggle, and sacrifice... just so our generation would be able to benefit and prosper. And how do we repay them? Our generation took the main racial slur that was used to define the negative perception of black people, and flipped it into a term of endearment. How did we let this happen?

Things have gotten so bad, that even other races feel comfortable saying the word. Latino's, Asians, and even some white people, use the word freely and with out regard. It is not just adolescents and uneducated people either, but grown professionals--even religious people who are using the word just like it was any other. Some people attempt to justify the use of the word, by justifying the context it is used in. So why are no other racial slurs used in that manner? If I would use the word honky, spick, **#%%, or any other racial slur in any context, people would look at me like I was crazy. So why is that one ok?

We have to make a change. We have to. I had a recent conversation with a teacher about this issue. He told me the kids in school are too far gone, and that they use the word casually all of the time. He said it is ingrained in our youth and in their language. Now I know it may seem impossible to reverse this way of thinking, but we have to try. We owe it to past generations who dedicated their lives to granting us the freedoms and equality we have today. The same freedoms and same equality they could only dream of. We have to educate our kids, and at the same time keep reminding ourselves of the history that is behind that word. It won't be easy, but we have to make it stop. We have to.

I hate threads like this but I have a question??
In music I know I have heard black people use the work Cracker plenty of times. Which is a racial slur towards white people.
But if a white person were to use the n word in a song what would the outcome be?

Just wondering?
That person would be labeled a racist, and rightfully so. "Cracker" has nowhere near the history as a term of oppression that the n word does. Not that I condone use of the word "cracker," but there really is no comparison between the two.

I know what mean about the history of the word but its the same concept. Cracker is racial slur used towards white people and it is "ok" to use. Now let me ask this, if a white person were to use a different racial slur towards black people besides the N word what do you think would happen?

Just looking for opinions....

ok now you're just instigating, you know good and well what would happen. If not because you're a sensible human being who is smart enough to turn ona computer in 2 out of 3 tries, then because I already said what would happen.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Because I can?

. Like i said only dumb ppl and the uneducated use the term. Peep homeboy's reasoning
And ignorant people generalize but you probably dont know any better.
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