Why is Cam Newton hated so much?

Wilbon just emptied a clip on Cam 
[h1]Here’s The Real Reason Cam Newton Left The Post Super Bowl Press Conference[/h1]
For the first time in known NFL history, a post-game press conference was held where the QB of the losing team was being interviewed right next to the the key defensive player of the opposing team. The reason Cam may have had his hood up on his now famous Panther sweatshirtmay have been to try to block out the insults.

Here is what Cam was hearing right before he left the interview;

Denver corner Chris Harris, who has been vocal about Cam in the past, is talking bad about Cam’s performance right in Cam’s ear. Instead of hearing the interviewers, Cam was hearing Chris yell, “…throw the ball, can you throw the ball?”

It seems clear that Cam didn’t leave because of the media – he left because he wanted to be the bigger man as the opposition continued to insult his performance.

Here's The Real Reason Cam Newton Left The Post Super Bowl Press Conference  
I can't really rock with his reasoning for not trying to recover the fumble though. 4 mins left, on your side of the field down 6.....with the SuperBowl in grasp. You HAVE to dive for that ball.

Can't be worried about getting hurt on that play. Other team recovers...game essentially over.
I have such a huge problem with this, because Cam is flat out LYING.  Look at the picture:

The way your leg was Cam?  You mean normal positioning directly towards the ball?  In what way would it have been contorted in some way?

There are only 2 possible scenarios here.....

1-- Cam was scared.  He saw Ware and was afraid of a collision.

2-- He quit.

I dont really believe #2 at all, but those are the only possible scenarios in this case.  Either way, it was a major b**** move.  I have more of an issue with this lack of a dive than I do with his press conference.  Its the Superbowl, and this was an extreme lack of effort on the play.  Inexcusable.

And we know Cam....you didnt lose the Superbowl because of this fumble.  But that is sooooooo unbelievably far from the point that he clearly doesnt understand.
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his team still had a shot at winning until that fumble so you could argue that the fumble DID lose the game for them
:lol: @ dude on the Seahawks saying "I can't wait to play him". You just did and got stomped in the 1st half. He shoulda tried to get that fumble but people just coming out the woodwork talking just to talk.

And I really don't care about him walking off on the press conference.


He showed Peyton his respect. That's more important
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his team still had a shot at winning until that fumble so you could argue that the fumble DID lose the game for them

The Panthers offense overall stunk it up pretty much the entire game due to how well the Denver defense oplayed. played. The Panthers defense gave their offense every opportunity to put something together by getting off the field, yet the offense couldn't muster up anything. That fumble was what, with 4-5 minutes left in the game? The fumble was the icing on the cake, but not the reason they lost.
I don't like that Cam celebrates after every got damn first down :smh:

Dude acts like a clown when he's winning and can't handle the butthurt when he's losing
I don't like that Cam celebrates after every got damn first down :smh:

Dude acts like a clown when he's winning and can't handle the butthurt when he's losing
I agree with this. Instead of being respectful and mindful, he continues to push the envelope in a rather distasteful way.

If only he was just more humble in a charismatic way. He showed his true colors at the Super Bowl.
I agree with this. Instead of being respectful and mindful, he continues to push the envelope in a rather distasteful way.

If only he was just more humble in a charismatic way. He showed his true colors at the Super Bowl.

I have no problem celebrating touchdowns and stuff. Aaron Rodgers does it... TBH, I hate it when any player celebrates a first down or some kinda big play. Those things don't matter unless you put points on the board. You don't win games by how many first downs or big plays you have. If you score, then go ahead and celebrate. Until then, put a lid on it and wait until you get to the endzone.
I have no problem celebrating touchdowns and stuff. Aaron Rodgers does it... TBH, I hate it when any player celebrates a first down or some kinda big play. Those things don't matter unless you put points on the board. You don't win games by how many first downs or big plays you have. If you score, then go ahead and celebrate. Until then, put a lid on it and wait until you get to the endzone.

That‘s the thing. Guys like Rodgers are class acts. They have emotions just like anyone else, but their ability to carry themselves a certain way is what sets them apart.

Cam hasn‘t learned to do this. He is letting his ego get the best of him. He just doesn‘t understand humility, and that is why he‘ll continue to come off as a jerk.

Whether he‘s doing it on purpose or not, no longer matters.
I don't like that Cam celebrates after every got damn first down

Dude acts like a clown when he's winning and can't handle the butthurt when he's losing
I agree with this. Instead of being respectful and mindful, he continues to push the envelope in a rather distasteful way.

If only he was just more humble in a charismatic way. He showed his true colors at the Super Bowl.
 Get that politics of respectability garbage out of here. Respectful and mindful to whom? Please, expound. 

The thing is that y'all are intimating things subtly without even realizing it (so you claim), but you swear that it isn't about race. 
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:lol:  Get that politics of respectability garbage out of here. Respectful and mindful to whom? Please, expound. 

The thing is that y'all are intimating things subtly without even realizing it (so you claim), but you swear that it isn't about race. 

Nah, Cam lost it when he brought that up. He lost it because the pressure got to him. Suddenly he felt more irked by it to the point where the media‘s attempt to entrap a player really got to him.
I love Cam and the image he presents, but I don't know if it's just too fabricated. The laptop incident was really the only negative thing going against him, right?
Nah, Cam lost it when he brought that up. He lost it because the pressure got to him. Suddenly he felt more irked by it to the point where the media‘s attempt to entrap a player really got to him.
so out of one side of your mouth cam brought it up (race)

on the other side the media's attempt to "entrap" him "irked" him?

entrap him how? what irked him?
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