Why is suicide looked down upon?

Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

It's their life, not yours. And saying what somebody should or shouldn't do with it when it has nothing to do with you is completely ridiculous.
you know anyone that has ever committed suicide?
or ever been to a funeral for someone who committed suicide?
it hurts the family and friends just as much my dude
My friends sister in law commited suicide thursday. She was only 20. You cant imagine what it does to the family.
My friends sister in law commited suicide thursday. She was only 20. You cant imagine what it does to the family.
FACT in Boston this guy jumped off of the Tobin bridge... which is a really big bridge and he survived the fall. He told people that the minute he jumped off, he regretted his decision. We was lucky to have survived but think about the other people that do it and die.
FACT in Boston this guy jumped off of the Tobin bridge... which is a really big bridge and he survived the fall. He told people that the minute he jumped off, he regretted his decision. We was lucky to have survived but think about the other people that do it and die.
Their life.

It's unfortunate and I will try to prevent it if I am ever in a situation to help, but I see it as a sad thing, not something that they should be looked down upon for.
Their life.

It's unfortunate and I will try to prevent it if I am ever in a situation to help, but I see it as a sad thing, not something that they should be looked down upon for.
theres technically nothing wrong with it.

its pretty mindblowing that there is not much purpose to life.

#*!+# move if you leave problems behind on other people though.
theres technically nothing wrong with it.

its pretty mindblowing that there is not much purpose to life.

#*!+# move if you leave problems behind on other people though.
some of y'all need a basic lesson on the power of the human brain-- "man up" means nothing to a brain that can't function properly or a depleted serotonin tank.  Ever had a computer with a virus that couldn't be fixed?  Probably ended up tossing that badboy out.... how is the human brain that much different than a computer? (other than the presence of emotions)?
Situational depression (loss of a loved one, traumatic event) is one thing.... but inexplicable onset of depression... literally becoming less than YOURSELF and what you know is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone.
some of y'all need a basic lesson on the power of the human brain-- "man up" means nothing to a brain that can't function properly or a depleted serotonin tank.  Ever had a computer with a virus that couldn't be fixed?  Probably ended up tossing that badboy out.... how is the human brain that much different than a computer? (other than the presence of emotions)?
Situational depression (loss of a loved one, traumatic event) is one thing.... but inexplicable onset of depression... literally becoming less than YOURSELF and what you know is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by zmoney3

because its illegal

thinking you can regulate human life...
Objectively, suicide is looked down upon because society looks down upon anything it deems destructive. It's that simple.
Yes, it's your life but at the end of the day, if society condones suicide and teaches it is socially acceptable behavior, the society will feel the negative impact of its people killing themselves off left and right. I mean just look at Japanese society where suicide is culturally acceptable. The suicide rate it Japan is consistently one of the highest in the world year after year. Most societies won't accept these types of destructive behavior and American society happens to be one of those that doesn't It might be naive, unfair, irrational, etc, etc but that's what it boils down to at the end. Its the same idea behind the use of drugs. Using drugs = self-destruction and self-destruction = destruction of society.
Objectively, suicide is looked down upon because society looks down upon anything it deems destructive. It's that simple.
Yes, it's your life but at the end of the day, if society condones suicide and teaches it is socially acceptable behavior, the society will feel the negative impact of its people killing themselves off left and right. I mean just look at Japanese society where suicide is culturally acceptable. The suicide rate it Japan is consistently one of the highest in the world year after year. Most societies won't accept these types of destructive behavior and American society happens to be one of those that doesn't It might be naive, unfair, irrational, etc, etc but that's what it boils down to at the end. Its the same idea behind the use of drugs. Using drugs = self-destruction and self-destruction = destruction of society.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by AceBoogie



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!

How about it's their life and they'll do as they please with it?
And who are you to judge whether or not they are weak-minded or not "fit for the grind", you have no idea what type of circumstances they've been through and I question whether you have even come close to the struggles that they had to endure, and yet you're here sitting on your throne and talking out of your @!@ like you're the one to judge.

child, please.

who are we to judge another man?  worry about yourself and drop that holier than thou attitude
Watch your mouth first of all.

Second, I don't need to know their circumstances. I've lost my father, grandfather and a brother in the last 9 months and I still function. People are living with heavy hearts and burdens everyday, but don't take it to that level.

Folks are out here fighting to live everyday. Fighting diseases, bullets, poverty etc... because they have a desire to live, and i'm supposed to empathize with some bamma that just can't take it anymore.

What does suicide accomplish, peace of mind. Peaceful and dead, a combination I want no parts of. Life is precious, I see no reason in speeding up a inevitable process.
Spoiler [+]

How are you comparing yourself to a person that suffers clinical depression that's on the verge of committing suicide?

Just because your family members died, and you "manned up" has absolutely nothing to do with another individual. 

Each individual's circumstance is unique to them, that's why nobody should ever be judging anyone else.

Take your situation for example.  If someone underwent the same events as you did, but still wants to commit suicide, would you judge him as "weak"?  I mean, both individuals underwent the same tragedies as they should react the same way, but that's wrong.  Just because we undergo identical events doesn't make each person identical.  You never took into consideration one's physiology being unique to each individual.  Just because you "manned up" doesn't mean you're anyway better.  What if there's an issue with someone's hypothalamus which in turn affects their pituitary gland which creates an imbalance of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine?  So all of a sudden you're better for having a properly working limbic system?

Child, please.

Everyone undergoes unique circumstances, whether it be social, environmental, or biological in which nobody else can fully comprehend.  That's why only we can judge ourselves as opposed to passing judgment onto others.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by AceBoogie



Life is about overcoming obstacles, if your too weak-minded to get past the low points in your life you're not fit for the grind anyways.

Congratulations, instead of being depressed you're now dead, stiff, and rotting. Bravo!

How about it's their life and they'll do as they please with it?
And who are you to judge whether or not they are weak-minded or not "fit for the grind", you have no idea what type of circumstances they've been through and I question whether you have even come close to the struggles that they had to endure, and yet you're here sitting on your throne and talking out of your @!@ like you're the one to judge.

child, please.

who are we to judge another man?  worry about yourself and drop that holier than thou attitude
Watch your mouth first of all.

Second, I don't need to know their circumstances. I've lost my father, grandfather and a brother in the last 9 months and I still function. People are living with heavy hearts and burdens everyday, but don't take it to that level.

Folks are out here fighting to live everyday. Fighting diseases, bullets, poverty etc... because they have a desire to live, and i'm supposed to empathize with some bamma that just can't take it anymore.

What does suicide accomplish, peace of mind. Peaceful and dead, a combination I want no parts of. Life is precious, I see no reason in speeding up a inevitable process.
Spoiler [+]

How are you comparing yourself to a person that suffers clinical depression that's on the verge of committing suicide?

Just because your family members died, and you "manned up" has absolutely nothing to do with another individual. 

Each individual's circumstance is unique to them, that's why nobody should ever be judging anyone else.

Take your situation for example.  If someone underwent the same events as you did, but still wants to commit suicide, would you judge him as "weak"?  I mean, both individuals underwent the same tragedies as they should react the same way, but that's wrong.  Just because we undergo identical events doesn't make each person identical.  You never took into consideration one's physiology being unique to each individual.  Just because you "manned up" doesn't mean you're anyway better.  What if there's an issue with someone's hypothalamus which in turn affects their pituitary gland which creates an imbalance of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine?  So all of a sudden you're better for having a properly working limbic system?

Child, please.

Everyone undergoes unique circumstances, whether it be social, environmental, or biological in which nobody else can fully comprehend.  That's why only we can judge ourselves as opposed to passing judgment onto others.
Some people just can't take it..... I would never call them weak though... To me it's harder to say efff it all
Some people just can't take it..... I would never call them weak though... To me it's harder to say efff it all
Some of yall are really clueless. I hope no one close to you or your children ever suffer chronic depression, because hearing "man up" and "youre weak" is definitely not what we like hearing when we're literally spending 3/4 of most days looking for reasons to stay alive. My kid is the only reason I'm still here today and with her mom having a similar condition, I know our child might be on the same inevitable path.
Some of yall are really clueless. I hope no one close to you or your children ever suffer chronic depression, because hearing "man up" and "youre weak" is definitely not what we like hearing when we're literally spending 3/4 of most days looking for reasons to stay alive. My kid is the only reason I'm still here today and with her mom having a similar condition, I know our child might be on the same inevitable path.
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