Why Shouldn't Men Hit Women?

This dude DC stays makin the worst threads.

It's really quite obvious as to why men shouldn't hit women. Men are stronger.

Idk how someone can be so stuck on having each gender be exactly equal in all things. Life doesn't really work like a math equation, women get advantages in a lot of areas and men get them in other areas.
Think about the fights you've gotten into over the years....there have probably been disputes with both men/women....ask yourself this, in the disputes where you've thrown hands with men, what held you back from swinging on a girl? A lot of you guys are quick to point out that men not hitting women is BS/outdated, but when it actually comes down to it, 99% of NT has never hit a female....on the flip probably 99% of NT has hit a dude.
Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

DC gets a lot of hate, he is on point with this thread. Its just easier to try to dismiss him than to admit this "rule" is one of the many outdated/BS parts of today's society.

he actually makes sense in many of his threads.

its just cool to dislike him though.

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

This dude DC stays makin the worst threads.

It's really quite obvious as to why men shouldn't hit women. Men are stronger.

Idk how someone can be so stuck on having each gender be exactly equal in all things. Life doesn't really work like a math equation, women get advantages in a lot of areas and men get them in other areas.

All this dude does is bring up a topic, then finds something to go against what everyone has to say.

He just likes arguing for the sake of arguing.
Cliff notes: How can she slap?
Did you listen to your mom OP?

Women aren't as strong as us men are....no reason to hit them...you're an instant beyotch if you hit a girl
DCAllAmerican wrote:
JoseBronx wrote:
someone get this guy laid!!!
There is always one. Nice one though. Always the answer when in doubt, just tell someone to go get some P*ssy.

If you must question everything relating to girls then it seems you've never been with one. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but damn son

If it gets to the point where your life is in danger then go ahead and smack that #&@^! but out of how many women would you find one that stronger than a guy. They're physically and emotional frail, its like if a grown man would pick a fight with a kid.

You sometimes over think the obvious
I don't generally believe you should hit women, but sometimes it is understandable. I had a friend, his girlfriend got pregnant. After she got pregnant, he spent tons of money on stuff for her and the baby, then she stops answering his calls and won't answer the door. He saw her at the mall a week later, and she said that she had gotten an abortion, and to get over it and leave her alone. The first punch broke her jaw.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

there's no real logical answer, but if you were raised right then you would know better than to hit a female.

There are many other ways (when in a confrontation) with a female to get your point across without having to actually punch them.
but if that first punch i landed, the rules are out of the window
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

do you want someone to hit your mom??? Thats why. Men can get themselves in and out of situations, women are weaker regardless of size. Grown man strength

Very sexist
--Right or wrong...if ol'girl is outta line and deserves to get smacked, she will get smacked. Its that simple.
Well if a girl hits me or slaps ma face that #@%#@ better be ready to get it right back because that is just straight up disrespectful.

And DC is right, all this time women have fought for rights to become equal just like men so they should be treated just like that.

I don't hit women, but if she disrespects me and lays her hand on my face then she has to and Will definitely get it right back.

And i know for a fact that if any guy over here gets slapped on the face by a girl i know you guys aren't just gonna be like "Oh i was raised in this way and i shall not hit no woman".
A man just shouldn't. Any dude that hits another woman like a dude is a sissy.

You shouldn't hit women for the same reason you shouldn't hit kids.
Um ironically i still remember the post urself post and alot of you dude are built like women, so i dont see why some against it.
What would you get out of hitting a woman though? You should have enough self control not to hit a female, how hard is it to grab her hands so she doesn't swing at you? The only time a beat down is allowed is if she's trying to kill you
, otherwise that "she hit me! so I hit her!" mess don't fly

and related to the Kat Stacks video, how you let shorty words effect you that much? that makes it look like whatever shorty was claiming is true
Women's equality is one of the most complex issues you could discuss. I think I kinda get the underlying issue. Woman want equal opportunity but don't want equal treatment. No woman wants to be treated like a man, they like the traditional values of treating a woman like some delicate flower (i.e. paying for dates, physical protection, dealing with their emotional unbalances, not touching her even if she punches you in the fae). At the same time, they do want the same opportunity to make the same money, vote, and pursue happiness that men have. The question is that a reasonable expectation? Doesn't equal rights mean equal treatment. Why do women gain all the benefits from an egalitarian society, while losing none of the benefits from the traditional male/female roles of the old school. It does seem like the equation is unbalanced now. Right?

But we live in a capitalistic society. The invisible hand of the economy always finds ways to create equilibrium. There are ways to even the plaing field. There are things we as men can get away with that women can't. Sleep with as many women as you want. Cheat on your girl at least a few times. Go to the strip club while the wife is at home sleeping. Be an unreasonable jack a#% just to keep her on her toes. As men we find ways to even the odds. If a man plays by the rules that are currently written, he's going to be on the short end of the stick in most situations. Funny thing is women know this, and that's why they expect a real man to be unfair or do dirt at some point in the relationship. If things were really equal women would be divorcing men left and right for bad behavior, but somehow we get a pass. So instead of lobbying to change the system, learn how to operate within the system.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

What would you get out of hitting a woman though? You should have enough self control not to hit a female, how hard is it to grab her hands so she doesn't swing at you? The only time a beat down is allowed is if she's trying to kill you
, otherwise that "she hit me! so I hit her!" mess don't fly

and related to the Kat Stacks video, how you let shorty words effect you that much? that makes it look like whatever shorty was claiming is true

Same could be said about a dude what could any person say that warrents attacking them? Like words are diff just cause a man woman said it. Ok so if someone breaks into your house you gonna say oh let me not whoop they or shoot them i gotta check see if its a woman first.
I don't make the rules, but I do know how to play the game. In this society, hitting a woman is frowned upon. I don't know why (I can guess, does that make it right? probably not), I just know that it is.

One could argue that the biggest reason not to hit women is because society will frown down on you. Does that matter to you?
a culture that condones violence against women promotes a society where crimes of sexual nature becomes a problem (i.e. sexual assault, rape). on an extreme scale, look at soldiers/war and women/rape.
I think a viable question i'd like to see NTers answer would be:

Would hit a girl? If yes, why?

As for kat stacks, she isn't worth the little internet fame she is getting honestly. I don't cosign with what happen to her one bit. However, am i surprised she pissed off a lot of people and put herself in a situation that could lead to her being harmed? of course not. i don't even need to see all her videos to know that she is causing trouble. i don't know why shes such a big deal, if no rapper cares about her, then damn, why should anyone else?

bottom line:

at kat stacks (have u seen her face?)


at dudes getting active on her the way they did in that video.
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