Will You Marry Me?

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Here are two ideas that you are free to use:

2.)  This one takes some collaborating with a third party.  Oh, and it helps if she likes Happy Meals from McDonalds.   Before hand you go to a McDonalds and talk to whichever manager is on duty and tell him that you are going to come in at a specific time and order a Happy Meal and you want them to put the ring inside the box (or bag) like where you'd normally find the toy.  So you are with her and you tell her you are in the mood for McDonalds and you convince her to go.  You go through the Drive Thru and order the Happy Meal for her.  She looks in the bag and she finds the ring. 
   It takes some planning though and you need to ENSURE that the manager and other employees know what they are doing and they don't accidentally give the bag to another person.  I'm pretty sure you won't get it back if that happens. 

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