Women's March Appreciation

No..no....please don't
I used to **** on people protesting, used to think it would be pointless after the fact and nothing would really change. 

Then I saw first hand what happened in Egypt in 2011.  They never stopped protesting, people risked their jobs to go out and take down the old regime, and it worked.  Then again, almost 1k people died and they burned down almost 100 police stations.  So who knows if that same type of thing can happen here.
yea the arab spring was no holding hands with celebrities and singing nonsense, that was a real revolt
A lot of my friends went to the March in DC. It was cool seeing them coming together for something positive.

Zazie Bae was there :wow:
This is why we can't have nice things....men are literally the cause of all the havoc on this planet. Is it even possible for us to march peacefully with other groups? Serious question. :lol:

All kinds of women showed up to that, NOT ONE ARREST. :rofl:

Million man march 95.

But let's be real that was us, I shudder at what a million white man march would look like :lol:

What would they mad about? I don't wanna find out :lol:
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I feel that certain questions are dismissed out of hand without being adequately examined for the benefit of those who may not have considered all the factors at play.

yes, it's unfair for someone to say that white women shouldn't march in human solidarity for a cause they believe in, but it is fair to question how much skin they have in the game given that they may be the country's most protected resource.

certain issues such as reproductive rights are non-negotiable from a societal standpoint the way I see it, but in a country where affirmative action designed to benefit underpriveleged minorities ends up boosting a certain unintended demographic, inquiring as to their motive and level of altruism in changing the status quo that indirectly benefits their standing is valid from my seat as well.

just because it's uncomfortable doesn't make it objectively false.

I watched a video  recently that really stuck with me because the speaker contended that a lack of authentic dialogue concerning the structure of society and the modern necessity of its various unspoken underpinnings is a direct cause of us finding ourselves in the timeline we currently inhabit.

bearing witness to fair points razed flat by subjective fervor on a regular basis here, I can kinda see his point.

EDIT: went back and fixed "altruism." it was bothering me, dammit.

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White women face the same hurdles that placed in front of all women based on the their gender.

Women of color face the hurdles placed in front of all women based on heir gender AND face hurdles placed in front of them based on the color their skin.

It's not that deep y'all. Women worldwide are ******** on by a patriarchy. Trump has NO women in positions of influence. He advocates molesting women, and limiting their rights.

Y'all choose to talk about the dumbest **** instead of the real problems. Some of y'all would Legit sit and argue for pages on why white Girls should or should have been their rather than why they were there to begin with.
I saw plenty of dudes, but this is choices made by men if they went or not. Also I saw more men at the individual city marches than the main one in DC
again, people can ride for whatever cause they wish...any issue needs supporters for legitimacy, and so every new voice counts toward swaying the popular opinion.

all I'm saying is that reasoned explanation works better than pouring venom and virulence down the digital urethra of a stranger on the Internet.

at least, it might. who knows any more.
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Again, men walked with women....if anything you should be ******** on them. I for one have always held women in the highest of regards, I think they are the stronger sex yet that march was literally about how men have harmed women of ALL RACES historically. Why don't we discuss that for a change bud?
nnnyeah, that's where you're gonna lose me...there are as many weak and worthless women as men, no one will ever convince me that there is black girl magic, white woman wizardry, white power, black excellence, penis prowess, ***** privilege or anything else that tangibly distinguishes one set of human characteristics from the next by default.

people arrive on a one by one basis. as a given individual, one might be remarkable in some widely recognized fashion. probably not tho.

that said, now we're deviating into a discussion about human nature, animal instincts, the development of the sexual contract in society and the inherent value of life...that's way outside the scope of this thread although I'd be happy to have it with you.
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Crazy thing is anyone who actually watch the march saw the parade of women of color speakers.

All races of women were respresented and how many times did white speaker mention that they did not want the march to be seen as white feminist movement?

Did people actuallly watch or participate or just read headlines and comment?
Ok so you wanna call out white women instead of calling out the actual reason for the march? I gotcha...This thread isn't for you, go make a racism thread and leave us alone. Theres a thousand racism threads on NT, I'm sure you could find one.

I'm sure when the LGBT march starts you fools are going to be coming in with deflections. But but....what about racism. Go to hell...with all due respeck.

PREFACE: I have addressed the racist roots of white feminism countless times in here, I'm tired of it. Let's get back to the issue at hand. If you want to sh on white women, make a thread I will join you. 
please show me where I directly called out women of any flavor in my "people is people, b" speech.

you get really cranked up in these things before you read what I said again and find out we agree, it's cool I've seen this movie before. 
Bamma, I quoted you before the edit. Hence why your quote looks the way it does. You can go back to eating from your 24-pack of crayons.

Just gave you a rep. I'm sure thats why your here. Have a wonderful evening.

These internet NT tough guys kill me. :smh: :lol:
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this sounds a lot like...dude blacks can be racist too. Go away dude. All you want to do in here is create distractions. That's your response when I challenge you to address patriarchy? 

If you wanna talk about black penises prowess, create  a thread b.
 "create distractions"...not to mention you made a clip show out of my comments instead of taking each of them as the direct responses they were.

you got it, good sir. have a stellar Sunday.
Man it sucks that a lot of dudes You see in sneaker threads who you think are cool show their racist, ignorant, backwards mentality when these topics come up.

These type of dudes would def stay quiet if this conversation occurred in person
Man it sucks that a lot of dudes You see in sneaker threads who you think are cool show their racist, ignorant, backwards mentality when these topics come up.

These type of dudes would def stay quiet if this conversation occurred in person

Facts at these dudes being ALL **** in public. Learned that from summints back in the day :lol:

Right is right, equality is not a complicated concept y'all. I'm not gonna be on the wrong side of history straight up. I got two little girls who deserve more than what we giving them right now
for real. like I'm a troll and A hole bout kicks and the lakers . but we tombout basic human and civil rights, ima stand with you.

some of these dudes backwards 
I was at the March in DC yesterday. It was amazing seeing so many people out in the streets. It was nothing but love out there, completely different from the vibes on Inauguration Day
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