Women's March Appreciation

Calling out white women for their vote makes sense.

Calling them out at a march where people are there working towards the same goal is something I want to try to understand. I assume 90% of the people there know about that statistic.
As a HUMAN, you see that EVERYONE (well not everyone) hates you and wants to see you go, like damn, I wonder how how Trump feels man.

(Of course it is all his doing, that isn't my point)
As a HUMAN, you see that EVERYONE (well not everyone) hates you and wants to see you go, like damn, I wonder how how Trump feels man.

(Of course it is all his doing, that isn't my point)

My ***** when will you arrive at said point? :lol:

What are you even going on about?
My ***** when will you arrive at said point? :lol:

What are you even going on about?

I am simply stating how wild it is for the entre world to be against you and as a result people are coming together unlike many other times in US History.

I thought that was clear, but I guess not
This is on par with the "Million Man March", they came out and made a statement.

No arrest + World Wide Organized = :pimp:
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Yea that is cool man.

Did anyone from NT go? 
I went.  We can't honor those who fought and gave their lives for social justice Monday, inaugurate a racist, misogynist, xenophobic fraud on Friday, and just sit at home on Saturday.  
only women that should be marching are wmen of color...white women have no reason to march
If you're referring to "White feminism," or the suppression/exclusion of women of color by White feminists who claim to speak for all women, I believe the organizers planned this march with intersectionality in mind - and that was evident not just in the diversity of the speakers, but in the attendance of the event itself. 

There's a big difference between standing WITH someone and speaking FOR them.  

If you're implying that White women have it so good they don't need to march, I would suggest learning more about the intersectional nature of inequality.  In the same way that people try to make it seem like there's no such thing as racism, only economic injustice, people are attempting to dismiss or minimize sexism and other forms of inequality.  Racism doesn't only matter if it makes or keeps you poor.  

Just look at President Obama.  No matter how wealthy or educated or powerful you are, you can still be subjected to racism - and face things that even the poorest and most marginalized White man does not.  

In that same way, even the most privileged White women are still affected by aspects of sexism that a poor or otherwise disadvantaged man in America will never have to deal with. 

There are PLENTY of reasons for White women to march.  There are plenty of reasons for EVERYONE to march right now.  If you care about human rights, you have cause to march. 
I went.  We can't honor those who fought and gave their lives for social justice Monday, inaugurate a racist, misogynist, xenophobic fraud on Friday, and just sit at home on Saturday.  

If you're referring to "White feminism," or the suppression/exclusion of women of color by White feminists who claim to speak for all women, I believe the organizers planned this march with intersectionality in mind - and that was evident not just in the diversity of the speakers, but in the attendance of the event itself. 

There's a big difference between standing WITH someone and speaking FOR them.  

If you're implying that White women have it so good they don't need to march, I would suggest learning more about the intersectional nature of inequality.  In the same way that people try to make it seem like there's no such thing as racism, only economic injustice, people are attempting to dismiss or minimize sexism and other forms of inequality.  Racism doesn't only matter if it makes or keeps you poor.  

Just look at President Obama.  No matter how wealthy or educated or powerful you are, you can still be subjected to racism - and face things that even the poorest and most marginalized White man does not.  

In that same way, even the most privileged White women are still affected by aspects of sexism that a poor or otherwise disadvantaged man in America will never have to deal with. 

There are PLENTY of reasons for White women to march.  There are plenty of reasons for EVERYONE to march right now.  If you care about human rights, you have cause to march. 
Thread been a cesspool so far for no reason. How hard is it to say "Good job ladies" and leave it at that?
There's a bunch of sexists on this site that call anyone who sticks up for women's rights "simps", "SJWs", "soft", etc. All they care about is "the yambs"
You let the small ignorant voices define what this community is all about my dude 
This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
You let the small ignorant voices define what this community is all about my dude 
I'm not implying that most of NT is like that (although it used to be a while back :lol:) just saying that kind of people are definitely on here. Most of the current NTers in General are a lot more mature, intelligent, and open minded than the NTers that used to be out here in full force until around 2010. Unfortunately some NTers never grew up
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And everyone, there are local elections every year in you state, county, city or town. Electing local officials that will resist his buffoonery, especially on civil rights, is important.

Na they only care when the news tell them to, besides paying attention to local elections would mean they would actually care about politics, glad to see people exercising their right to protest but it comes off as lazy and insincere to me, when Brazil protested their government spending that was an authentic protest of anger, with all the random rhetoric behind this protest Im just not buying it. Seems like a good way to make women feel empowered but not really doing much else, not to come off as putting them down, just my observations

Wish they would have protested against the DNC for suppressing Bernie


View media item 2225472
:lol: Famb got washed, the DNC didn't sabotage him.
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I was at the march in Los Angeles. It was great and reminded me that although conservatives have a majority of the elected positions right now, the whole sociological landscape of America is different and the general public demands a minimum standard of progressivism that would have been unimaginable just a decade ago.

In 2004, when I was in college and many NTers were born. the expectations of marginalized groups were so much lower.

Gay people were in the closet, trans folks were casual punch lines, women knew that cat calling was normal, low wage workers knew that they deserved poverty wages, black folks knew that they were just supposed to fear the police and undocumented people knew that they and their children could be deported at any moment.

No matter what happens in terms of policy, our moral compass has shifted. Marginalized people have certain natural rights and anyone who denies them that is fundamentally illegitimate. Support for starvation wages or police brutality or sexual harassment is no longer a valid "point of view" it is now the marker of hostile and soon to be beleaguered and besieged minority.

These marches were a great start but we have to keep up the pressure.
I was at the March in DC yesterday. It was amazing seeing so many people out in the streets. It was nothing but love out there, completely different from the vibes on Inauguration Day

Exactly. I was there for both on Friday and Saturday. Friday felt like a funeral and Saturday felt more like a celebration.
All races of women were respresented and how many times did white speaker mention that they did not want the march to be seen as white feminist movement?

People in here are assuming this wasn't discussed, it was actually a very heavily discussed topic...but miss me with the "excluding white women from the march". White women themselves were ******** on their fellow white women for essentially selling themselves out. :smh:

Yep. I saw lots of white women openly booing and ridiculing other white women that were coming out of Trump Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. Telling them how they should be ashamed of themselves and how they "sold out". It was a great sight to see and witness.
This is on par with the "Million Man March", they came out and made a statement.

No arrest + World Wide Organized = :pimp:

That's what I love so much about this. It wasn't just main liberal states and districts, but it was world wide. A woman in Africa supporting a woman in Philly and vice versa, beautiful.
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