Would you dunk on your mom? vol. 1

Mar 19, 2004
For all my hoopers and non-hoopers..
if you could ..

would you dunk on your mother (or add your own) ?

me: yes! without question/hesitation 
For all my hoopers and non-hoopers..
if you could ..

would you dunk on your mother (or add your own) ?

me: yes! without question/hesitation 
What kind of lame topic is this ?
Easy answer....YES. I doorway dunk on her all the time. 

I catch her slipping walking out of the living room sometimes. She's completely unsuspecting and I'm right around the corner, as soon as she walks through that door, BOOM! I doorway dunk her *@+ into the fridge. Not last time, but the time before she had to get three stitches cause she hit her head on the dog bowl. I was mean mugging for about 30 seconds before I realized she was actually hurt.
Easy answer....YES. I doorway dunk on her all the time. 

I catch her slipping walking out of the living room sometimes. She's completely unsuspecting and I'm right around the corner, as soon as she walks through that door, BOOM! I doorway dunk her *@+ into the fridge. Not last time, but the time before she had to get three stitches cause she hit her head on the dog bowl. I was mean mugging for about 30 seconds before I realized she was actually hurt.
I'll slam on my moms afro right after serving detention in Mr.Andersons room for hitting that game winning jumper on Biff in the c building bathroom
I'll slam on my moms afro right after serving detention in Mr.Andersons room for hitting that game winning jumper on Biff in the c building bathroom
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