would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex



Here's some advice for you... you can take this to the bank w/ about 80% of ladies...

and trust me.. your chick is in the 80%..

1. woman never end it with the first guy until they have the second guy primed and ready.

2. women, ESPECIALLY DURING COLLEGE, have TONS of "dont count sex" IE: i was drunk, i was drugged, he had a little D, he only licked it, i only kissed it, etc

3. women like taller men

4. women rarely go more than a month without the D.

5. women arent necessarily smarter than men.... they're better LIARS than men.. they just BELIEVE their lies much more than we do, which leads to them being more convincing.

this last point really lends itself to you because she could LEGIT FEEL that's a friend... but to a logical person, or someone outside of her shoes, they would say that isnt cool...

For instance: she might lay in the same bed... and he might hold her... in her eyes, she's thinking "we didnt have sex.. he's just being protective and good friend"

but to any other person, they'd think "nah.. that aint cool"

women are masters of the "grey area" because they believe it themselves.

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Here's some advice for you... you can take this to the bank w/ about 80% of ladies...

and trust me.. your chick is in the 80%..

1. woman never end it with the first guy until they have the second guy primed and ready.

2. women, ESPECIALLY DURING COLLEGE, have TONS of "dont count sex" IE: i was drunk, i was drugged, he had a little D, he only licked it, i only kissed it, etc

3. women like taller men

4. women rarely go more than a month without the D.

5. women arent necessarily smarter than men.... they're better LIARS than men.. they just BELIEVE their lies much more than we do, which leads to them being more convincing.

this last point really lends itself to you because she could LEGIT FEEL that's a friend... but to a logical person, or someone outside of her shoes, they would say that isnt cool...

For instance: she might lay in the same bed... and he might hold her... in her eyes, she's thinking "we didnt have sex.. he's just being protective and good friend"

but to any other person, they'd think "nah.. that aint cool"

women are masters of the "grey area" because they believe it themselves.
so what you think i should just dip out already?
So play it cool until she gives you a reason not to but I'd be lining up my bench personally, you need to have other options available.

If she sees no problem with her hitting the movies with another dude then you should be doing the same, txt a couple chicks around she how she acts, tell her your homegirl wants to go grab a bite to eat or a drink or something but dont just sit around while she out here parlaying.
yeah i hit up a couple girls last night when she told me and trying to set things up for both friday and saturday night
so what you think i should just dip out already?
nah... You ain't gotta do all that...

But take the necessary steps to avoid getting your heart broke...

Because I've broken limbs and extremities...

Nothing hurts like a broken hurt and ego.

1. Maintain bench players... You ain't gotta smash...but chicks that you can turn to when things go sour

2. Prepare yourself mentally for the worse, but hope for the best

3. Tell her how you really feel. If you don't like something, and its a reasonable request, as a lady friend, she should adhere to your requests, as you would do with her.
nah... You ain't gotta do all that...

But take the necessary steps to avoid getting your heart broke...

Because I've broken limbs and extremities...

Nothing hurts like a broken hurt and ego.

1. Maintain bench players... You ain't gotta smash...but chicks that you can turn to when things go sour

2. Prepare yourself mentally for the worse, but hope for the best

3. Tell her how you really feel. If you don't like something, and its a reasonable request, as a lady friend, she should adhere to your requests, as you would do with her.
ayy man quick question  i know your in the engineering businesses. is utd a good cool to get an ee degree planning to transfer there after i finish i finish all my basics at cc 

sorry about the thread derail just wanted to ask someone who went through all that
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thanks guy im going to let her go and just probably go play ball with one of my boys no point in worrying about it anymore she can do what she wants
Wait, I wanted to see how this plays out. I swear I learn something new everyday.
Talking to dude that said he's gonna end it with her. I don't believe him.

Sounds like she's gonna be hugged up with her "friend" and dude is cool with it, but is portraying something different.
nah man i never said i was going to end it i just said im going to let her go because i trust her  i said if she does something stupid who am i to stop her from doing what she wants we are just 18 we have to much life left ahead of us
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Oh. :lol:

My bad. I thought you meant "let her go" as in breaking up. :lol:
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Why would your woman want to do anything with another guy that wasn't immediate family though? As a man why would you even entertain the thought of your woman doing any type of leisure time activities with another guy?


Also, when has there been a time that a man and woman share similar interests be it movies or politics etc and compatibility hasn't crossed NEITHER of their minds...
A secure man doesn't care about any of that. :rolleyes
Why would your woman want to do anything with another guy that wasn't immediate family though? As a man why would you even entertain the thought of your woman doing any type of leisure time activities with another guy?


Also, when has there been a time that a man and woman share similar interests be it movies or politics etc and compatibility hasn't crossed NEITHER of their minds...
A secure man doesn't care about any of that.
Yes there is a difference OBVIOUSLY.

No a married woman shouldn't want to spend ANY PLANNED time with another male 1 on 1 that is not related to her.

clear enough?
I can't agree with that. What do you mean SHOULDN'T want to? Monogamy isn't innate Steezy.

Now, I am not saying that I would let my wife spend time with another dude. Yes let. LOL. But I can't say she is WRONG for entertaining the thought. Maybe there is somebody at her job that is cool as hell that she wants to spend time with.

Now, this is only an issue if she acts on it.

But just because you are married doesn't mean you don't WANT to entertain others. It just means you have committed to one person.

But nobody is wrong for wanting to chill with others and just because someone wants to chill with someone else doesn't mean it is because their current mate is boring/stale, etc. It just gets tired being with one person man.
So you text them but never hang out outside of work? If you meet up with them, your wife has to be there too?

Once again, if you call any hang out a "date" then you need to count any 1 on 1 hangout with your male friends as a "date."
I have told her I feel about this but she is stuck on going.she says she wants to hang out with him as friends and if this is any better this is her description of him"he is tall super super skinny and has kinda big ears and glasses"

Like the guy said.above me I really think this girl is only down for me so I don't have much to worry about. Just her trying to be friends with somebody

Man its a wrap.. She holding on to you until she make it official with the other dude. She's covering her tracks now by telling you incase it don't work out and word get out

As a man you should always have women lined up ready on the bench always, women do

I don't get why not ask these questions, get advice, do the opposite then come back crying..

Tell your girl you going to hang out with this girl as a friend do the same back and she what she says he ain't down for you if she doing stuff that you havetto question and not sure of
I have told her I feel about this but she is stuck on going.she says she wants to hang out with him as friends and if this is any better this is her description of him"he is tall super super skinny and has kinda big ears and glasses"

Like the guy said.above me I really think this girl is only down for me so I don't have much to worry about. Just her trying to be friends with somebody

Man its a wrap.. She holding on to you until she make it official with the other dude. She's covering her tracks now by telling you incase it don't work out and word get out

As a man you should always have women lined up ready on the bench always, women do

I don't get why not ask these questions, get advice, do the opposite then come back crying..

Tell your girl you going to hang out with this girl as a friend do the same back and she what she says he ain't down for you if she doing stuff that you havetto question and not sure of

That's female trait bruh... don't be giving that kind of advice. You shouldn't have to play games and "see" what she does if it bothers you.

Communication is the key. If you're honestly alright with it, then log off NT and stop reading our advices, because you'll still end up doing what you wanna do.
Tell her you def not cool with that, but at the end of the day you can't control her, so do what she deems fit...she either gonna pass or fail this test
just going to let her go to the movie its as simple as that.  i trust her to keep what she has with him as just friends and if she crosses then line like i said a lot of times its a wrap.

thanks for all the comments and suggestions
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sorry to grave dig but kinda of an a similar situation.

Me and my girlfriend have been together 11 months and we go to separate schools. On friday nights at her university they play a movie thats free to all the students there. So she has this guy friend lets call him Bill that she tells me about and they have been hanging out lately. So right now she texts me and says that bill asked if she would go with him. I told her she could go but i am kinda worried about it because you know guys we are all chasing P. Did i make the right call in saying it was cool to go with hum. Keep in mind we never have time during the week to see each other so we try and spend as much time togetehr on friday nights and saturday nights.

horrible typing i know
You two don't spend much time together and she's using free time to hang out with another guy and didn't invite you?

Red flags all around. 
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