Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

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There's something charming about Emma making a fool out of herself. I'm sure the WWE will ditch that persona a la Maria and make her insufferable though.

:lol: right? As soon as they dropped Maria's dumb bimbo gimmick, she lost every bit of her appeal and just became some chick on the roster
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For some reason I'm imagining that happening while her theme plays in the background.
DDP Yoga: Spring's Hottest New Workout?


If you haven't seen pro-wrestler Diamond Dallas Page since he was rocking a mullet (and let's be honest, you probably were too) it might be time to look up the three-time WCW World Champion.

Why? Because now Page is a yoga instructor and he's been promoting his workout program DDP Yoga like a maniac on HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, The Doctors, and, most recently, Shark Tank, where he reported the company profited $800,000 last year. Page wanted $200,000 to develop a DDP Yoga app in exchange for five percent interest in the company, but the investors turned him down.

But, hey, any press is good press, right? Since he went on the show, traffic to the DDP site has skyrocketed, and the workout's Twitter page is up to 128,000 followers and counting. At $50-plus per DVD set, it looks like he'll have his $200,000 soon enough.

Luckily, the workout seems to live up to the hype. Back in Page's wrestling days he ruptured two discs in his back. Part of his rehab included yoga-based moves, which he now integrates in his instruction. Meant to be as low-impact as traditional yoga styles, it also incorporates dynamic resistance and sports therapy moves for added muscle burn and flexibility. It has all the requisite yoga inversions and poses, minus the om factor. Can't touch your toes? All the better.

And while DDP Yoga comes primarily in DVD packs that are reminiscent of INSANITY and P90X, DDP Yoga Workshops also take place everywhere from New Orleans to London and devotees are already gearing up for this summer's DDP Yoga Retreat in Mexico's Riviera Maya.
Vince aint worried about the network exposing his weaksauce product as people get to see the old superior wwe
DDP Yoga: Spring's Hottest New Workout?


If you haven't seen pro-wrestler Diamond Dallas Page since he was rocking a mullet (and let's be honest, you probably were too) it might be time to look up the three-time WCW World Champion.

Why? Because now Page is a yoga instructor and he's been promoting his workout program DDP Yoga like a maniac on HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, The Doctors, and, most recently, Shark Tank, where he reported the company profited $800,000 last year. Page wanted $200,000 to develop a DDP Yoga app in exchange for five percent interest in the company, but the investors turned him down.

But, hey, any press is good press, right? Since he went on the show, traffic to the DDP site has skyrocketed, and the workout's Twitter page is up to 128,000 followers and counting. At $50-plus per DVD set, it looks like he'll have his $200,000 soon enough.

Luckily, the workout seems to live up to the hype. Back in Page's wrestling days he ruptured two discs in his back. Part of his rehab included yoga-based moves, which he now integrates in his instruction. Meant to be as low-impact as traditional yoga styles, it also incorporates dynamic resistance and sports therapy moves for added muscle burn and flexibility. It has all the requisite yoga inversions and poses, minus the om factor. Can't touch your toes? All the better.

And while DDP Yoga comes primarily in DVD packs that are reminiscent of INSANITY and P90X, DDP Yoga Workshops also take place everywhere from New Orleans to London and devotees are already gearing up for this summer's DDP Yoga Retreat in Mexico's Riviera Maya.

^ I would actually check that out :lol:
And would act grateful that you let her give you one..Probably even give you a ride home after she cleaned you up..

Sig worthy.

Pairing her with santino mightve been a good idea, but she needs more of a serious straight man/woman to play off of imo.
Been watching too much of the network.
Saw a ladder on campus today.
Felt like I could spear someone from the top (Edge-Jeff Hardy style) :lol:
The Young Bucks are doing an AMA @ 1:00 PST

Also, interesting tidbit from Triple H's Q&A today..

Re: Facing anyone from NXT

@TripleH 2h
.@Morselmouth good question. I would have to say Neville and Zayn. Both awesome. Future of #WWE. #NXTArRIVAL

I noticed the young bucks do the suck it taunt and superkick like HBK.

I slightly remember watching them in tna. Watched a little but of one of their matches in new japan.
Starting my attitude era marathon. Was gonna start with bad blood with hbk/undertaker in a cell but I've seen that match so many times so ima start with my favorite rumble. 98 royal rumble in my hometown San Jose. Don't remember the last time they had a ppv in San Jose. Might be this one. First match is Goldust and Vader. Can't believe what Goldust is wearing here :lol: and Vader as a face? :smh: :lol:

Man if they didn't bring up Chris hero because of his physique. Check goldusts here :lol:
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I see a charge of $9.99 from WWE for the network (not pending) on my bank account.

The same. To top it off, left my iPad at work, so I'll have to watch NXT on phone.
Will Xbox network subscribers get some discount? Don't mind a quick view on my phone but would like to see on my tv.
SMH, i buy xbox live membership and sign up for WWE network and i cant even watch it. so stupid
the return of robocop 
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