Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

What up guys, Forbidden Door turned out amazing. I really wish they worked on there merch stands there was only 4 and nothing outside. I didnt bother waiting most of it is on PWT website anyways. We were floor seats row 9 but no take away chairs which was wack. You had to sit in the first 5 row i think to get one. Was at the first All Out in 2019 even with all the injuries and fillins this card ended being great. We had to deal with some obnixous dudes behind us. One grown a----s------s dude yelling at the top of his lung in my gf ear like whatever we switch seats so she didnt have to deal with it but his friend was slapping the empty chair on our row so it shook all the chairs in our row. Like this small little dweeb hitting the chair with all his might. I had to check him and the yeller because he wanted to bud-in when i told his man to calm down with the slapping.

Never thought i would ever see Sting in a match as an adult. My first wrestling show was WCW at the united center and i remember just being in all sting gear getting the mask from a merch table and popped just because i saw him on the tron, he was waiting in a hummer i believe lol

Claudio got the biggest pop of the night than Shibatas got a decent pop. Refs really blew some of the counts and everyone was calling them out for it. I really wanted to see Naito and Hiromo Tanahashi. Wouldve been cool to see los ingobernables with Andrade and Rush too.

I really enjoyed the Ocean Spray VS OJ the juice man cassidy. Beside the finish the 4 way for IWGP was maybe my favorite. The other 4 way was awesome too with pac winning, i didnt think Pac was guna win but was very happy to see him get some love. Crazy to see how much FTR accomplished this year alone. When Dash left with an injury i thought there was no way they win the titles.

I was verry surpised how this card turned out with no PUNK and DB. Punk vs Tanahashi with his first defense in his home town at the UC whouldve been nuts. Overall i had a great time, it was my first show since the pandemic started so it was bit scary not guna lie being with that many people.

Glad you had such a good time, man! My buddy and I were still toying with the idea of trying to get cheapies, but those last couple of card changes spooked him and he backed out completely. Doesn't seem to matter what promotion it is, there's always some a-holes around that think they're funny or trying to play heel, and don't get that people aren't telling them to sit down because they're heeling. They're telling them to sit down because they're in the *** way lol.

At this point, idk how they haven't realized how crazy the merch lines in Chicago are. It's still the same sht they did for the OG All In, and have people waiting on merch for 3/4 of the show. Why they don't have merch stands everywhere in those venues, I'll never understand.
Sting is having the GOAT "old man stage" of any wrestler ever..I would've always given that to either Flair or Funk, but Sting's just having too much fun while the other 2 were/are doing it solely cause they don't have any money left and need to do it..
Whats crackalacking Niketalkers

I hope PAC eventually defends his title against Take****a

(annoying that this name gets censored btw)
I think the move would be to have Seth win MiTB and cash in on Reigns at some point and then have Cody win the Rumble and beat Seth at WM

I hope the MITB winner has to choose Universal or WWE. A single title just doesn’t make sense anymore unless the champ is regularly defending/appearing on both shows
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