Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Might cop for my dude therealest1 therealest1

i really thought claudio was gonna turn on eddie on top of the cage. seem like they were stalling up there after claudio got the submission. it looked like claudio an eddie were being cool but the announcers were pushing that they didnt like each other at the same time. made no sense.

Something was going on with Eddie. At one point I was able to read his lips when he was talking to Claudio, and Claudio was trying to get him to stand up and raise his hand. Claudio looked like he was asking if he was OK and Eddie said "...but I'm OK though."
Finished Blood & Guts.

That match was absolute chaos. EYE was sports entertained.

They completed ignored the rest of those dudes once Kingston and Jericho went up the catch. :lol:

Sammy with another wild sport. Dude has no chill.

The visual of Claudio doing the giant swing on the Wizard on the top of the cage was gnarly.

Was just imagining if Jericho slipped outta his grip.

Like them continuing on the supposed animosity between Claudio and Eddie.

Where the **** was Santana when everybody was celebrating on the top of the cage at the end of the match?

6 Rings G.O.A.T. 6 Rings G.O.A.T. A1 camera work on those Tay Conti visuals.
Finished Blood & Guts.

That match was absolute chaos. EYE was sports entertained.

They completed ignored the rest of those dudes once Kingston and Jericho went up the catch. :lol:

Sammy with another wild sport. Dude has no chill.

The visual of Claudio doing the giant swing on the Wizard on the top of the cage was gnarly.

Was just imagining if Jericho slipped outta his grip.

Like them continuing on the supposed animosity between Claudio and Eddie.

Where the **** was Santana when everybody was celebrating on the top of the cage at the end of the match?

6 Rings G.O.A.T. 6 Rings G.O.A.T. A1 camera work on those Tay Conti visuals.
theres speculation that santana tore his acl or mcl or both. hes gonna be out for a while.

that also might have been why kingston looked distraught at the end.
theres speculation that santana tore his acl or mcl or both. hes gonna be out for a while.

that also might have been why kingston looked distraught at the end.

Now that I memba, he was MIA from match not to long after he entered the cage.

Sucks for him.
Something was going on with Eddie. At one point I was able to read his lips when he was talking to Claudio, and Claudio was trying to get him to stand up and raise his hand. Claudio looked like he was asking if he was OK and Eddie said "...but I'm OK though."
I was reading his lips, too. He was saying he hurt his back.
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