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Couldn’t speak The Englishes well enough for Vince’s liking. His run in A&W has somehow managed to be even worse though.
How do you rate his NXT run? He was on fire for a hot minute but then the call up to the main roster did him in like so many others.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican EYE don't know much about his time in Japan. Are thre any matches that stick out to YOU?
Grace's steroid voice is insane

Listen to her 3 years ago

And one month ago

It's crazy how she, Dany Garcia, and all the women I've known to be large body builders sound the same. Never thought about this until your observation 1995 1995
Andre's stock has fallen off SO far over the last 2.5 years man.
Crazy, he was a Final Four in the Royal Rumble a few years back. I can see Hunter bringing him back when his contract is up. I foresee many others coming back as well. He and Zelina were money just like Kross and Bordeaux.
Thought his NXT run was strong. Match with Oregano was great. His theme was awesome.

He had an actual character arc in NXT. Then when he got called up he was “guy who has good matches with Rey Mysterio” then Vince liked Garza better before getting tired of him too. But yeah his AEW run has been somehow worse. They’ve given 0 reason for us to care about him
Dakota Kai on the main roster under the Triple H regime alone is better than anything AEW has.

Dont get caught being part of a failing product.

Theres no room on the bandwagon, but we got room on the yacht.
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