Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Definitely would say the Road Warriors. They were my favorite team of that era.

So on NXT, Tyson Kidd & Percy Watson are supposed to face Mike McGill & Johnny Curtis. Tyson Kidd sees Watson writhing in
pain holding his knee (McGill jumped him apparently), and Kidd pretty much says "You go see the trainer man, I'll take care of this".
Watson is on the ground selling this as an ACL tear, and Kidd tells him "YOU GO SEE THE TRAINER"
How is he gonna
do that Tyson, he can't walk

***EDIT: toine, I'll just quote it in the S&T forum
Good looks on that spoiler 3dgar.

Spoiler [+]
Aksana on the mic. 

Antonio Cesaro's theme music. 

For those familiar with his ROH work, was that the same finisher he use there? Looks pretty weak imo.

Poor Teddy.

A gif is needed of his reaction to Cesaro and Aksana kissing ASAP.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

As much as I love the Steiners there is no way anyone is seeing The Road Warriors in their prime. They have dominated on every continent they have wrestled in.

Hart Foundation #1? As I said earlier, you must have grew up a WWF fan to say that. I would put them 3rd or 4th on that list.


It's not even fair to compare any of those teams to the Road Warriors. They were on a whole other level.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

As much as I love the Steiners there is no way anyone is seeing The Road Warriors in their prime. They have dominated on every continent they have wrestled in.

Hart Foundation #1? As I said earlier, you must have grew up a WWF fan to say that. I would put them 3rd or 4th on that list.

As dominating as the Road Warriors were, I feel like the other 3 tag teams were more technically sound in the ring. And I watched NWA,WCW,USWA,etc aside from WWF.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

@ brasil about Tamina and Darren Young. Even though Young was rocking an afro pick the other night, I'm

still trying to figure out if he's black or not
 I'm puzzled
I swear ever since I first saw him I thought it was a white guy with a really bad tan. His facial structure resembling Cena pretty much locked that down for me. The fact that he may be black had me on some
mind blown steez.

So...what's the answer?
Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

As much as I love the Steiners there is no way anyone is seeing The Road Warriors in their prime. They have dominated on every continent they have wrestled in.

Hart Foundation #1? As I said earlier, you must have grew up a WWF fan to say that. I would put them 3rd or 4th on that list.

As dominating as the Road Warriors were, I feel like the other 3 tag teams were more technically sound in the ring. And I watched NWA,WCW,USWA,etc aside from WWF.

I would personally say the Road Warriors, but I put the other 3 teams in there for that reason you said..They were all technical, especially AA/TB, and they had some power too..It was also hard to figure out any other teams from that time period who could realistically be put in there with those guys..I though about putting in Demolition, British Bulldogs, Rock and Roll Express, Midnight Express, and the Rockers..But I felt like even though each of those teams were very successful that at the end of the day nobody would honestly rank them higher than the 4 I picked..

Just for the record my top 4:
Road Warriors
Hart Foundation
Steiner/Arn & Tully tie for 3rd..
@ Edgar's spoiler:

Spoiler [+]
They should've let him keep that badass Dean Malenko theme...that goes so hard

His new theme sucks.

Also glad they're still letting him use Swiss Death, even though Tyson kinda botched it.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

damn, id hate to be Ahmed's pearl river plunger


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You wouldn't get it. This was done 8 years before you were born.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The joke is on the nose.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]well done club. [/color]
so ahmed johnson wrestled in 1988?
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

@ Edgar's spoiler:

Spoiler [+]
They should've let him keep that badass Dean Malenko theme...that goes so hard

His new theme sucks.

Also glad they're still letting him use Swiss Death, even though Tyson kinda botched it.

agree on everything 
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You wouldn't get it. This was done 8 years before you were born.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The joke is on the nose.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]well done club. [/color]
so ahmed johnson wrestled in 1988?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]my 6 year old knows how to use google too. he doesn't add on years to his age. enjoy your childhood... it'll go fast kiddo. [/color]
Originally Posted by biff lawson

When WCW was good it was DAMN good�

hes not employed by wcw yet he shows up in his wresting tights
and the announcers...they never witnessed anything like this a man just showing up unannounced? did they forget about scott hall?? lex luger? or any other surprise appearances??
I watched the Bubba Ray vs. Devon last night, and I gotta say that Bubba needs to be the next World champ for TNA..I never thought I'd say that a Dudley should be the World Heavyweight Champion, but theres just no denying that dude is hitting every mark right now..
Originally Posted by casekicks

I watched the Bubba Ray vs. Devon last night, and I gotta say that Bubba needs to be the next World champ for TNA..I never thought I'd say that a Dudley should be the World Heavyweight Champion, but theres just no denying that dude is hitting every mark right now..

Bubba is #@%*%$! amazing. Truly. Devon is surprisingly over, too.

BTW I should have my Sting response in before Extreme Rules. I'll be covering a lot of facts and material items in my response. It should be a good one.
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Wouldn't it be hard for Rock to do steroids and still be in movies?..If I'm not mistaken, in order for studios to get insurance on it's actors/films they require the actors to get very extensive physicals and submit to drug tests..I can't give specific examples but I know I've heard of movies either not getting made or stars being replaced because a studio couldn't get insurance on them for several different reasons..

So how does this pertain to the massive amount of weed users, cocain users (both more than 50% of actors/actresses) and vin dieselers in the acting world?

I'm not sure how it pertains..I'm pretty damn sure that Lindsay Lohan was replaced during filming of a movie do to either drugs or alcohol and the reason was the studio lost it's insurance on her..And I don't know why Im blanking out, but I know I've heard of atleast half dozen of these cases happening in the not so distant past..But then again he could be walking around with an IV pole pumping roids into his veins as we speak..

Sting deserves the HOF of the WWE and WON..It's a fact..Dude was one of the top 5 guys in the business for well over a decade and that can't be denied by anyone..Just give the man the respect he's worked for almost 30 years for and lets end the discussion..

Now onto another topic of discussion: In their prime, who was the better tag team?..Here's the list..

-Road Warriors
-Steiner Brothers
-Hart Foundation

There you go..I tried to do a good seperation of the teams..I broke it down like this RW=Power, SB=Power/Classic, HF-Classic/Technical, AA & Tully=Technical + a very active manager outside the ring..All 4 teams have been multi-time world champs..All teams have competed on ppv's..All teams have a pretty good length of time together, so they weren't just a 6 month flash in the pan..These were full fledged teams that gave their all to tag wrestling and took pride in being tag team champions..Plus they were all from a great period of time, which is the mid 80's to early 90's..Alright big boys let's talk it ou..


#1-Road Warriors
#2-Hart Foundation
#4-Steiner Brothers

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Peep Game

@ brasil about Tamina and Darren Young. Even though Young was rocking an afro pick the other night, I'm

still trying to figure out if he's black or not
 I'm puzzled
I swear ever since I first saw him I thought it was a white guy with a really bad tan. His facial structure resembling Cena pretty much locked that down for me. The fact that he may be black had me on some
mind blown steez.

So...what's the answer?
I have no idea. But I literally can't get enough of Young/Titus' shenanigans

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