Wrestling Thread Jan 4-10 | Missed TNA iMPACT on Monday? Replay on Spike Thurs 9pm ET

I watched both shows near the end. I thought it was kinda boring, but I haven't yelled at the tv like I did tonight in a long time.
Brings back some good memories.
^Nope, true flights.

Anyway. I'm not gonna lie..I watched TNA pretty much the whole time. Raw was just the same ol' raw with Bret. I loved it and hated it at the same time.I hated hall and waltman there at iMPACT but AJ and Kurts match more then made up for all that.

And as for the endings? Both were weak. I see that it's going to be Bischoff and Hogan VS. Jarret and Foley (if you've been watching TNA you'llfollow). And with WWE well obviously they are taking Hart through a nice program through WM.
AJ styles is one of my fave wrestlers. Havent watched him wrestle since TNA started.
I actually enjoyed TNA minus the fact Fat Hall and Sean Waltman were back along with The Nasty Boys. It will be interesting how TNA turns out in the upcomingweeks...But IMO I thought the show was a success. I did have a good chuckle when I heard Val Venis' laugh and also was pretty interested in Jeff Hardybeing in TNA even when he was the WWE Champion not too long ago.

The Styles VS. Angle match was a great match...Even my Dad who came by the house was interested in that match.
Just got back from Raw. I'll post some videos tomorrow. After the show went off the air most of the wrestlers from the back came out and got in the ringwith Bret, then he went around ringside and took pictures and greeted with the fans. He then went back up the ramp and celebrated with the Hart Dynasty.

I'm gonna check out tna in the morning.
Read through everything, will probably watch both shows tomorrow.

But as far as Bret v. Vince at WM. I mean it'll be entertaining but there is so much they could do with this fued, seeing as I don't think Bret can puton a match anymore, and Vince probably can't handle beatdowns like the one he took at WM 22 anymore, I would just love a crazy 6 man tag match.

DX w/ Vince vs. Hart Dynasty w/ Bret

Prob. a reach but eh one can hope.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by StillIn729

WWE just crapped all over TNA

TNA built no drama and with one kick Vince has the wrestling world talking
Talking outta your #@$. That was a stupid ending fam. Be real.
I forgot making Hogan have a dilemma about restarting the NWO is a great ending
I already said the TNA ending was wack. Horrible acting and a long speech about nothing isn't any better, duke.

And CIDMAN, didn't you say you were entertained by DX and Hornswoggle? enough said.
I tuned in solely on TNA at the end because I was expecting something big to go down, so naturally I was pretty disappointed. Of everything going on in TNA right now, seeing the NWO reform is what I am least excited about. Hogan and Nash can't wrestle. Hall and Waltman are drug addicts and out of shape. Bischoff is an ego-maniac who lives in the past. I don't see a whole lot of good coming out of it. So seeing the NWO reunion to beat down Mick Foley was pretty lame ending, especially after what was an overall good show with a fantastic main event.

By the time I tuned into Raw, it was the end of the Hart/McMahon segment. I saw them bury the hatchet, celebrate, and then Vince turn on Bret. That was entertaining albeit predictable. However, I may have been bored if I watched the whole segment, especially if it was like Bret and Shawn's segment earlier in the night.

TNA is stuck in the past bringing back all these old out of shape wrestlers. NWO?

and brett hart isnt old? thanks for reminding me why i stop looking in the wrestling threads in the first place. u wwe fanboys would take a bullet to the headthan admit raw was garbage
My Biggest Gripe is that there is no logical reason why the Hart Dynasty wouldn't go and talk to Brett Hart the entire night
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by StillIn729

WWE just crapped all over TNA

TNA built no drama and with one kick Vince has the wrestling world talking
Talking outta your #@$. That was a stupid ending fam. Be real.
I forgot making Hogan have a dilemma about restarting the NWO is a great ending
I already said the TNA ending was wack. Horrible acting and a long speech about nothing isn't any better, duke.

And CIDMAN, didn't you say you were entertained by DX and Hornswoggle? enough said.
I tuned in solely on TNA at the end because I was expecting something big to go down, so naturally I was pretty disappointed. Of everything going on in TNA right now, seeing the NWO reform is what I am least excited about. Hogan and Nash can't wrestle. Hall and Waltman are drug addicts and out of shape. Bischoff is an ego-maniac who lives in the past. I don't see a whole lot of good coming out of it. So seeing the NWO reunion to beat down Mick Foley was pretty lame ending, especially after what was an overall good show with a fantastic main event.

By the time I tuned into Raw, it was the end of the Hart/McMahon segment. I saw them bury the hatchet, celebrate, and then Vince turn on Bret. That was entertaining albeit predictable. However, I may have been bored if I watched the whole segment, especially if it was like Bret and Shawn's segment earlier in the night.

TNA is stuck in the past bringing back all these old out of shape wrestlers. NWO?

and brett hart isnt old? thanks for reminding me why i stop looking in the wrestling threads in the first place. u wwe fanboys would take a bullet to the head than admit raw was garbage
ma dude.

bret hart was a 1 time thing. maybe for wrestlemania but he doesnt wrestle. Taker, Michaels, HHH, Kane (?) are really the elder statesman in the WWE, theyrepushing Sheamus, Orton, Cena, Kingston, Punk, Miz and theyre all young.

Now look at TNA: Sting, Foley, Angle, Jarrett, Raven, hell Hogan might be back wrestling and so is the NWO. I mean cmon you cannot tell me the WWE is pushingmore of their younger talent better than what TNA is doing.

I admit some Raw's are garbage but overall I still like the WWE more than I do TNA. Matter fact, you need to do the same with TNA
there were reports that the macho man was supposed to be at raw....

anyway here are som of my early wm 26 matches

orton vs debiase jr (ted eliminates orton at the rumble, lets say by accident causin a ted face turn startin the feud)

hbk vs undertaker 2

sheamus vs hhh(rumble winner and sheamus mentor) for the title

edge vs jericho

cena vs the rock(wwe is heavily trin to get the rock to host raw)

vince vs brett cage match

batista vs mysterio for the world title

money in the bank match

gimme ur thoughts
I just rewatched the opening segment...

Did Bret say he tried to come back a few times and Vince said no?

My DVR didn't record Impact

So I'll be watching it tomorrow online somewhere. I heard it was good though.

And watching Raw right now.
what was jarrett talking about when he had the mic in that fairly long segment?

i hate that $$#+%! so i muted and directed my attention elsewhere

just curious
Wrestle factor went to TNA hands down with Styles vs Angle alone, was a great match. Kofi vs Orton and DX vs Jerishow weren't bad at all though, and Idon't think it was a bad Raw at all and both definitely had weak endings. I don't want Hart in a match at all, I want him to be the mouthpiece for aHart Dynasty push, same as alot. Anyone else think his music was remixed to sound more like the Hart Dynasty's for that very reason?
Or am I grasping?

TNA needs more Angle vs Styles and Pope vs Wolfe, less old fossils trying to rehash the same old garbage. Like I said at one time, I was definitely an old nWomark but you have Fat Hall out there easily half drunk and nobody took X-Pac seriously 10 years ago, that's why they call it "X-Pac heat". I wantthat on my TV about as much as DXswoggle pushing merchandise.

Both shows definitely had their ups and downs though and I am anxious to see how TNA did in the ratings.
DVR'd em both and just finished watching em.

Wrestling wise, TNA's women's division blows WWE out of the water. But I'd rather look at Maryse than some good wrestlers.

Jericho is the best thing going in this industry. I jumped up and down like a kid when he booted Horns.
Like many have said, Santino should be the only comedy in WWE. This DX %%$% is beyond tired, and even HBK looks bored with it.
Vince kicking Bret

As for TNA, this is the first time I've ever watched it... and it did nothing to get me to watch next week.
I had to
@ Bobby Lashley not being able to cut his own promos.
I didn't understand how AJ Styles got put in the ankle lock like 107 times and didn't sell it at all. Something about TNA just doesn't come offwell on TV.
Hogan can barely walk... but Brooke would've got the business.
And Scott Hall was drunk as a skunk in that @**%$. Dude's equilibrium is SHOT.
Just watched both shows from my DVR. Raw most likely won the ratings with the Bret segments. I knew that Vince would attack Bret. He just can't sell ababyface look anymore. In fact, it's kind of creepy looking at him being nice(even though both Bret segments were most likely not kayfabe). That AJ vsAngle match was the best "pure" match I've seen on monday nights in I don't know how long. One thing's for sure, if the future star inTNA is Styles, and the future/now star in the WWE is Cena, AJ blows Cena in everything other than mic skills. And that's not that bad considering the onlything AJ Styles needs now is a new persona. Maybe turning heel would work for him.

Cena can't be a pure technical wrestler if his life depended on it. BTW where was he? no show?

Raw was the better segments, but TNA showed better wrestling matches.

LOL on "it's real, it's damn real."

And I also forgot how hot Krystal Lashley is.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

If Bret can even take 2 bumps I would rather see Bret and Michael's VS HHH and Vince in a tag match. Cause I really don't want to see Vince in a singles match. They would be setting it up with Shawn's mannerisms all night too.

this right there is enough for me to even think of buying a ppv.

Bret and Michaels...
DX vs Jericho and Big show was a pretty good match

The rest of raw including the ending was terrible
I was dosing off last night around the time Hogan had his moral dilemma and Bret and Vince groin segment.
Both shows were pretty boring to me aside from Bret/Shawn segment and AJ/Angle match.

Also, Arsnal, the **** you doing in the wrestling thread?

The only dude here that holds Horace Hogan close to his heart.

EDIT: Just went through the results of last night to see what happened when I wasn't watching.
- I wonder who the masked dude on TNA was? Mr. Kennedy? Was it the same dude who attacked Rhino and Beer Money?
- Nasty Boys is feuding with 3D? Sag still looks alright, but Knobbs looks like he can barely breathe, let alone walk.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

1. When the hitman's theme song came on I got goosebumps..
Except they had to give it some stupid 2010 remix. There was nothing wrong with his original music.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

1. When the hitman's theme song came on I got goosebumps..
Except they had to give it some stupid 2010 remix. There was nothing wrong with his original music.

I will probably be DVRing(if thats even acceptable as a word) RAW, Smackdown! and TNA for a bit. I'll give TNA a month or so to determine if I like thedirection they are headed into.
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