Wrestling Thread Jan 6-19 | 1/13 RAW - Bray & Daniel Wyatt v The Usos - MAKE YOUR 2014 PREDICTIONS!

Are you planning to buy the WWE Network? ($59.94 for 6 months)

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If a WWE/F appearence makes or breaks you, then I don't know what to tell folks

WCW/NWA had some of the BEST wrestling matches of all time.

Not the best WCW/NWA match but certainly one of the biggest
lol this basic mess you posting. Dude Sting was nothing
Flair > Sting

but don't get me wrong he's still one of the best to do it, it's just his pride got in the way and didn't want to give the fans what they want.
meh dude was never exciting.  I mean just never displayed the it factor. How can you be great and youve never been in the WWE? Like Even Flair got a WWF run on his a resume. I mean Sting was just never that good hence why WWF took his pal UW
Yea this is 4w...............

That point is SO damn flawed that I won't even touch it.
I've NEVER said you HAD to be in WWE to be great.
Sting and Jeff Jarrett on the same level?
Yup. Dare to disagree? JJ was HW champ many times in the 00s, but nobody ever says he is their fav cause he was trash..... similar to Sting. Only Sting Stans are the ones who liked the face paint. Dude is just far too boring. I mean SCSA had his brawler behavior, The Rock could talk and wrestle with entertainment, Y2J told stories, HHH was a good brawler, Cena is Superman or Super underdog, Orton is a mind playa, Kurt could flat out wrestle anybody, But Sting and JJ? Same two old dudes who were never that great.
I feel as if this is just the start of some sort of "reset" for the WWE as they head in to the Network Era. Bryan being as popular as he is, and even more so with the IWC, needs a big time program and being agains the Wyatts is better than being with them for that. I can also see Cena winning the title just in time for the start of the Network too for all the promotional appearances (even though he doesn't REALLY need the title for that, but this is the WWE we're talking about)
I feel as if this is just the start of some sort of "reset" for the WWE as they head in to the Network Era. Bryan being as popular as he is, and even more so with the IWC, needs a big time program and being agains the Wyatts is better than being with them for that. I can also see Cena winning the title just in time for the start of the Network too for all the promotional appearances (even though he doesn't REALLY need the title for that, but this is the WWE we're talking about)
Who the last big WWE made stars? Dolph?
Sting didn't go to the WWF because he was smart. Vince always made other stars look week compared to his own. Besides he's got a sweet deal in Orlando.
Yup. Dare to disagree? JJ was HW champ many times in the 00s, but nobody ever says he is their fav cause he was trash..... similar to Sting. Only Sting Stans are the ones who liked the face paint. Dude is just far too boring. I mean SCSA had his brawler behavior, The Rock could talk and wrestle with entertainment, Y2J told stories, HHH was a good brawler, Cena is Superman or Super underdog, Orton is a mind playa, Kurt could flat out wrestle anybody, But Sting and JJ? Same two old dudes who were never that great.

I'll get back to this.

But on a SRS note..

Honestly, WWE better bring up the whole Kane connection. Otherwise the whole story doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Which fine whatever, since it was likely an audible. But if they do actually follow up on the Kane thing, then this could end up being one of the better storylines in a while.
Sting didn't go to the WWF because he was smart. Vince always made other stars look week compared to his own. Besides he's got a sweet deal in Orlando.
Yeah hog all the tv time and spotlight from the up and comers and barely wrestle and get half a mil with paid travel from cali. Dude is set.         AJ Styles should have been bigger, but the Sting programs ALWAYS took away from TNA. Remember Styles, Daniels, and Joe feud? That should have been the Main Event... Main Story... man promoted thing in the entire TNA.... but no we got Sting and JJ and other old WCW guys who took up space
everything is trolling when its a different opinion fella?

It's official..You are the new Zack Ryder of the NTWT..Everything you say sucks, you're a mega-troll, and nobody likes you..Congrats brother..

Now go change a flat tire..
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