Wrestling Thread Tonight at 7PM ET/ WrestleMania 32/ Preshow Starts at 5PM ET

They know that 100K+ was really 88K people, and that was a 10 second match instead of 6 :lol: always forcing moments instead of letting things happen naturally
I still can't believe that there weren't any swerves in the Taker/Shane and HHH/Roman matches...

We knew that Taker/Shane wasn't going to be a great wrestling match. Spot off the cell was cool and iconic and whatnot, but if they were going to have Taker win, they needed a run in or two to help Shane and make it look like Taker actually had to overcome something. In the end, he basically just beat a dude that hasn't been in a ring in 10 years...

The HHH/Roman match wasn't all that bad, but I just can't believe that they went through with the generic ending, knowing that Roman was going to get booed out of the building. I like Roman a lot, but the writers are absolutely killing him. He NEEDS to be a bad*** heel that doesn't talk much and just beats people...
i had no idea that Zack Ryder guy was in the WWE for so long. I didnt really get back into wrestling til bout a year and a half ago so I only knew him from NXT. Happy for my fellow Long Islander :pimp:
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Ryder got himself over big time with the fans from using YouTube and the internet and WWE instead of capitalizing on it, treated him like a joke. Peep can go into detail more.
Ryder got himself over big time with the fans from using YouTube and the internet and WWE instead of capitalizing on it, treated him like a joke. Peep can go into detail more.

That's why this company is a joke

Killing off WCW was the worst thing that ever happened to them
-Mania '32 was very underwhelming last night and the 6-7 hour run time (pre-show included) had me falling asleep during Reigns/HHH.

-Rock/Cena segment was completely unnecessary. 30 minutes of the show could have been cut down from that alone.

-Opening ladder match + Women's championship + New Day/LON/legends segment were the highlights of the night.

-NXT was the highlight of the weekend.

-Ready to move onto Raw tonight and see some debuts.

-Reigns heel turn needs to happen. Cut a damn promo tonight and turn on everybody. He did have a little chip on his shoulder and hint at Cena this morning on the today show.

-Will definitely be copping tix for 'Mania 33 in Orlando. The card should be 100x better this time around, barring any injury.
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I'm waiting for all the backlash from the 40k who couldn't get in the pre show because the ticket scanners weren't working

I didn't experience that, but the way they handled the lines for which gate letter you entered was atrocious. I missed the US title match and saw part of the Diva's tag match (thankfully I still got to hear the boos for Eva :lol: )
In all seriousness

This Mania was very meh

- Usos/Dudleys I couldn't care less about.

- Kalisto/Ryback was a thing. At least the right person won.

- Divas Tag Match happened.

- Ryder winning the IC Belt was a legit shocker considering he was a last minute add in. Was not expecting that at all. We'll see if he still has the belt tonight though.

- Styles/Jericho was solid, but the wrong guy won. Puzzling decision there.

- Triple Threat was great, She Ric winning was not. Sasha really did her thing man.

- Baron Corbin winning the Battle Royal was really awesome. Great way to debut a NXT guy. Can't wait to see where he goes from here..he has improved so much.

- The Rock/Cena/Wyatts segment + squash match was whatever. Went on for a little too long.

- Shane/Taker was super anticlimactic. Literally nothing of note happened outside of one big spot.

- HHH/Reigns was just uninteresting and uneventful. WM25 level bad.


I'm just gonna watch Zayn/Nakamura again because why not and hope Smarkamania Raw has at least some good debuts and/or returns.
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i had no idea that Zack Ryder guy was in the WWE for so long. I didnt really get back into wrestling til bout a year and a half ago so I only knew him from NXT. Happy for my fellow Long Islander :pimp:

John Cena happened. Then Kane pushed Ryder's wheelchair, with him on it, off the stage.
In all seriousness

This Mania was very meh

- Usos/Dudleys I couldn't care less about.

- Kalisto/Ryback was a thing. At least the right person won.

- Divas Tag Match happened.

- Ryder winning the IC Belt was a legit shocker considering he was a last minute add in. Was not expecting that at all. We'll see if he still has the belt tonight though.

- Styles/Jericho was solid, but the wrong guy won. Puzzling decision there.

- Triple Threat was great, She Ric winning was not. Sasha really did her thing man.

- Baron Corbin winning the Battle Royal was really awesome. Great way to debut a NXT guy. Can't wait to see where he goes from here..he has improved so much.

- The Rock/Cena/Wyatts segment + squash match was whatever. Went on for a little too long.

- Shane/Taker was super anticlimactic. Literally nothing of note happened outside of one big spot.

- HHH/Reigns was just uninteresting and uneventful. WM25 level bad.

Your scoring is too sawft

Dont disrespect suwoo nation by giving this a 5

Joint was a cool 2.3/10

1 point for the ladder match

1 point for the divas match

.7 for the New day rub with SCSA

-.4 bc Shane jumped off the cell and Taker was too ***** to help him take the bump + bc the spot was pointless

HBK look AMAAZING though. I hope Jericho is sick about that  
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