Yo what is a dollar van???

Dollar Van is like that A Team van but longer and they drive up and down busy spots or busy bus routes and pick up passengers for about $1, but I think it went up and is $2 now.

I rode it once and it was less crowded than a bus or the damn E train during rush hours :lol:

Driven by them

big up to mi jomayka av bedren!
A dollar van is basically a mf with a Van who needs gas money, so he picks up other mfs and drives em to their destination since he was already headed that way.
grey market private transportation that da public system dont cover....in da hood.
That’s not true. Most of the dollar vans cover the EXACT same route as public transportation.

naw, you get a crazy fine for doing that in NYC.

most dollar vans are for places in queens and Brooklyn edges that border where transportation from the city doesn't reach places close to Long Island.
Bruh I’m not asking you. That’s where I’m from. I’m not guessing b.

The vast majority service the exact same areas. They may use a side street but that’s about it.

In fact those dollar vans above in the picture at Jamaica center are numbered to their corresponding bus route.
its cheaper (from what I recall) and much faster ( due to wreckless driving and less stops- smaller capacity)
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they compliment existing routes by supplementing a bridge between where da MTA buses end, and where private bus services begin since many folks live far from da last/first stops of da MTA...alot of em tend to be illegal and da city just puts a blind eye, like livery TLC street hails.
If you don't value your life, feel free to ride one. They speed up and down the strip with reckless abandon.

"Utica! Utica! Flatbush!"
Per wiki they're useful in some cities to access certain parts of the city where main public transportation doesn't access
I grew up in the Caribbean, where there is no public transportation system so dollar vans are your only method of transportation if you don't have a car. In Lucia we call these buses 'Transports"

Nowadays these dudes have to get licensed a run specific routes but when I was a kid it was the Wild West outchea.

Examples of buffoonery you would regularly see:

-Two drivers fighting over customers and settling it by shooting a fair one. Nothing like having to get off the van you are on because your driver got washed and he can't make the trip.

-Transports are the number one causes of accidents on the island. One second you can we speeding along, next second you in a ditch, sliding down a hill, or worst you crashed into the damn harbor. Ain't nothing like swimming to safety in your church clothes or carrying your groceries.

-Some drivers will stop and run errands with people in the van. You detour to drop their kid at school, for them to buy some coconut water, or even stop at their house.

-They will commit crimes with customers in the vans, especially petty theft. My sister and aunt were in a Transport, last people that needed to be drop off, and their driver decided to stop to run into someone's yard to steal some mangoes (everyone does this, steal fruit outta people's yards). But famb also jacked a goat and put it in the back with my sister and aunt. And side note, goats drop like pellet size dookies, that look like Raisinettes.

-Since they are not public employees, instead they are all independent, dudes try to get in as many trips as possible in a day. Some of these dudes be acting like they are in the Fast and Furious with a van full of people. Ain't nothing scarier than when one of them speeding and you holding onto anything in the van for dear life, on some...

Person: Driver slow down

Driver: Relax yaself

Person 2: Real talk Driver, ease up

Driver: Relax Gasa, you go be fine

The whole van: Driver stop, Driver slow down, Driver brake..............DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Not true, used to hop the dollar van from white plains road in the bx that's filled with transportation.

TLC does not permit dollar vans to stop when hailed, classifying them as a call-ahead shuttle service. Although it is common knowledge that dollar vans principally cover established MTA routes, this is technically unlawful, per TLC, requiring vans to submit prearranged routes that don’t correspond with existing MTA routes.

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