You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Silver vehicle driver skills, or lack thereof. 98% of the time, it's the latter. time y'all drive somewhere, pay attention && I guarantee you you won't get to where you're going without a silver car doing some dumb **** :lol:...
Silver vehicle driver skills, or lack thereof. 98% of the time, it's the latter. time y'all drive somewhere, pay attention && I guarantee you you won't get to where you're going without a silver car doing some dumb **** :lol:...
I dont lack in driver skills i drive a solve car and am asian.. I swear people here in wyoming and some in colorado dont know how to to signal ..go slow how to turn right of way
You know what really grinds my gears?

The fact that in our modern era Twerking is praised more than education. Societies priorities are backwards. Girls will learn the definition of the term "twerk," before they learn how to properly fill out an application. Parents will check their boyfriends texts before they check their own child's homework. Kids will be able to write a synopsis on WSHH, but wont know their Bill Of Rights. People will watch BET, The Housewives Of Atlanta, and Love & Hip Hop all day but wont take 2 hours out of their lives to watch a Huey Newton, Angela Davis, or Stokely Carmichael documentary. People will know what Rihanna wore last night, Beyonce's new hair due, whos fu***** who, but wont know what a government shutdown is. Kids will learn the Nae Nae, and how to create a Facebook account, but wont understand proper grammar. Girls will pay hundreds of dollars on 8 inch weaves, hair extensions, makeup, shoes, and their nails to impressive strangers online but wont spend a dime on pencils, paper, and books. So that maybe one day they'll become a Lawyer, a Nurse, or an Actress. Instead of flipping, spinning, and doing somersaults around a pole for men to degrade, and refer to you as a b****, and or a  t***.

I'm tired of women who post on Facebook: "I need a real man, someone who knows how to treat a woman. I have been hurt so many times." When they're the ones that put themselves into these predicaments by dating losers. I'm tired of these bittys living luxury lifestyles off of child support like its a yearly income. I am also tired of men impregnating these women, as well as not taking care of these children. Lastly, I am tired of WSHH, side-chicks flexing, women posing in booty shorts, and a low cut tanktop but getting an attitude when approached in a derogatory way. Our youth being brainwashed by heavily violent, and materialistic music they hear on the radio. People labeling dark-skinned as ugly, and light-skinned as pretty. Individuals who use skin bleaching cream. Folks partying, humping, and acting a fool in the club on Saturday, but posing as a saint on Sunday. The fact that obesity is at an appalling rate globally. And, urban communities being overpopulated with fast food restaurants and not grocery stores. As well as a lot more.

That grinds my gears.
My sister is 15 and finds twerking on video for complete strangers very lame.

Father your daughters....
- I have headphones on. Red headphones at that. Don't interrupt me unless the world is caving in or I'm coming at your neck.

- Odor on people. This is why I hate sitting in close proximity to people. I shouldn't be sitting in front of you and be able to smell you. Take a shower.

- Lingering foot odor.

- Nosy neighbors. No I don't want to converse with you every single time I walk to my car. Go away.

- GTA servers. Enough said.

- Finally about to get some good sleep. Nod off for 20 minutes and the house phone rings. And it's not important. I'm coming through the phone on you.

- When you weed out the snitch/sneaky co workers and they still try and be buddy buddy. I know what you're about. I'm keeping it professional. I'm not trying to do anything that the whole company is going to know about 5 minuets later. Get a life.

- Snow.

- Lazy delivery men who are supposed to ring the doorbell for me to sign for my package but instead pull up, tap the screen door, and leave. I'll be posted up waiting for your lame *** next time.

- Annoying classmates who try and belittle the professor. You don't know everything, little girl. Shut up and learn like the rest of us. The 18-20 y/o group is so rude these days. Especially to those older than then and they think it's cute/cool. Who raised you clowns?

people who don't leave their stupid *** kids at home in certain situations...

...nobody wants your loud *** children in certain restaurants, keep them contained to mcdonalds or other establishments that cater to them

...stop taking children to movies not aimed for children, or at very least, don't take them when the majority of adults are seeing it...keep their presence confined to early afternoons on the weekends, when theaters cater to children...

...children ruin everything...they may be a "blessing" to you but are a burden to the rest of people, if their presence is known other than being seen...
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people who don't leave their stupid *** kids at home in certain situations...

...nobody wants your loud *** children in certain restaurants, keep them contained to mcdonalds or other establishments that cater to them

...stop taking children to movies not aimed for children, or at very least, don't take them when the majority of adults are seeing it...keep their presence confined to early afternoons on the weekends, when theaters cater to children...

...children ruin everything...they may be a "blessing" to you but are a burden to the rest of people, if their presence is known other than being seen...

you need to be sound like a ^&* prick who think the world revolves around him & others should cater to your ^%&8 boy beliefs
When I travel all the way to campus for my one class of the day and the prof leaves a note on the door saying it's cancelled instead of emailing me this morning...woke up for no reason and wasted a metro card fare.
When I travel all the way to campus for my one class of the day and the prof leaves a note on the door saying it's cancelled instead of emailing me this morning...woke up for no reason and wasted a metro card fare.
Surprised that hasn't happened to me yet and thankfully made a habit out of checking my uni email every morning just in case.

Temp was in the negatives today (not even counting wind chill 
) though and my classes are all around campus. Couldn't eem do it thats way too cold.

About to go right back to sleep in a bit.
People who owe u money yet they gonna take a vacation..

Desperate liars, the ones who tell u he will pay u back a soon as his check gets in and deposited..
When I attach my resume to a Job application, and still have to fill out the work history

Job applications that require cover letters
When your lady ask you to grab something from the store and you just came back from that mf. I'm 50/50 with it depending on my mood. If I'm cool I'll head back but if not, I'll strongly urge out a substitute
you need to be sound like a ^&* prick who think the world revolves around him & others should cater to your ^%&8 boy beliefs
somebody's jimmies got rustled...

how is it selfish if someone doesn't want kids around? ... its more selfish to impose their presence on people when not everyone wants them at why even take them somewhere at times when places are geared towards are adults? 

....the selfish ones are the clueless *** parents...

and for the record, I generally LEAVE places when parents with their heads up their ***** show up with their unruly *** children...but again, why even risk the possibility of ruining something for others just because you wanted to take junior out? 
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somebody's jimmies got rustled...

how is it selfish if someone doesn't want kids around? ... its more selfish to impose their presence on people when not everyone wants them at why even take them somewhere at times when places are geared towards are adults? 

....the selfish ones are the clueless *** parents...

the 4 word sentence i knew would follow my statement.... zero originality

childern are everywhere & you once were a child yourself...just in case ya didnt kno

no one says bring a kid into a romantic restaurant, your asking for it , but saying keep them in places that cater to them is dumb , EVERY restaurant caters to children because NEWSFLASH they are people too & need to eat

no one says bring kids into the scary movie like its spongbob but saying they only should be around mid afternoon when "the theatre caters to them" is another dumb statement kids movies play all day long just like the ones that cater to adults, everyone's not a housemom without a job toting kid's to the afternoon movie while other are at wk

...children ruin everything...they may be a "blessing" to you but are a burden to the rest of people, if their presence is known other than being seen...
somebody's jimmies got rustled...

how is it selfish if someone doesn't want kids around? ... its more selfish to impose their presence on people when not everyone wants them at why even take them somewhere at times when places are geared towards are adults? 

....the selfish ones are the clueless *** parents...

and for the record, I generally LEAVE places when parents with their heads up their ***** show up with their unruly *** children...but again, why even risk the possibility of ruining something for others just because you wanted to take junior out? 

Sounds like you hang out at the mall too much bro.
The local college folks who
A) Cross the street acting like they dont have a care in the world during rush hr traffic smh
B) Ride their bicycles slow as **** on the road when Im tryna get somewhere important on time

B also applies to fiends/crackhead on those slow *** scooters
Lmaoo good ol VCU students stay gettin popped
Hate when I'm driving and the car behind me, changes lanes then get right in front of me. Like why couldn't you just stay in the other lane? You getting in front of me does what?
Hate when I'm driving and the car behind me, changes lanes then get right in front of me. Like why couldn't you just stay in the other lane? You getting in front of me does what?
Something similar happened to me happened yesterday. About to exit off the freeway. Truck in lane next to me speeds up and cuts in front of me only to get off at the same exit (which was about 200 yards away at this point). I swear it's always a pickup truck too.
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