Your First Fight? Howd It Go?

First time I was in a plane was at airborne school, so I had to jump out. It ruined flying for me.
You already know everyone is going to say they beat their opponent within an inch of death their first time scrappin'.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You already know everyone is going to say they beat their opponent within an inch of death their first time scrappin'.

I lost my first fight in the 5th grade.
We were playing football at the park and words were exchanged.
So we fought to see who was stronger/quicker.
Long story short, I was able to chin check him twice but he got a direct hit at my eye.
As soon as I got hit in the eye, it was over.
@@@+$% a kid up thoroughly slap boxing. like badly, and embarrassed the %%%$ out of him. he juiced up OD and fought me a few months later, i was moving back and tripped on a curb and since dude was a wrestler it was a wrap for me on the ground.

3rd grade.

*No racist*

young white boy called this little black girl a n....

I beat him with a hockey stick and got expelled
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