You're not a "drinker" until you've...


I woke up beside one of these babies last week, there was blood in my puke, I don't think I can go that hard again
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Try to walk through a fire word to Tyrone Biggums on Fear Factor

until you've done a chick in the living room at 3 in the morning, thinking that everyone was asleep... and then wake up to your buddy shaking his head
Originally Posted by DomNator27

until you've done a chick in the living room at 3 in the morning, thinking that everyone was asleep... and then wake up to your buddy shaking his head
- Passed out shirtless in your front yard right next to the busy street where all your working neighbors had to pass on the way to work... sleeping throughmorning rush hour and waking up at 12 pm to find your two week old lease vehicle full of vomit.
- Consistantly go to parties only to have people come up to you saying things like "oh remember me? Really? We slept together at your place a couple yearsago after some party..." "OH, you are the kid that blacked out and ripped that shelf off my wall and then passed out in the bathroom with the doorlocked for two hours"... "Oh, you are the dude who got with my girl that one night!".... "Oh you are that dude that said _________ (insertmost offensive comment ever) to me"... etc.
- Passing out at a friend of a friends house, then when dude tried to wake me up I proceed to stand, undo my pants and piss all over his ps2 and dvd playerthen fall back down and fall asleep on the couch.
- Drinking half a half gallon of segrams 7, followed by 12 beers and at least 5 shots of absinthe. Follow that with trying to fight dude who's house I wason vacation at, sucker punching my boy in the face, and trying to fight every other dude at the party.
- Getting drunk and making overtly sexual comments to friends of mine's girlfriends... Complicate this with the fact that they were occasionally down.
- Getting so drunk that you are willing to get ski'd up. Proceed to get in an arguement with your roomate and attempt to stab him with a pocket knife butare so drunk you severly cut yourself in the process. Go into unknown hosts house, spreading blood all over the walls and bathroom, then leave to go toroomates girl's house to repeat the process. Then having said roomate then trick you into going to county hospital and then narrowly escaping when the copsshow up because they thought you were the victim of a stabbing.
- Wake up next to a girl you swore you would never sleep with only because she preyed on you when you were drunk.
- Drink a fifth, black out and swear you can drive home... Make it all the way home without incident only to get to your front door (I lived with moms at thetime) and decide you must have left your keys at the party (mind you I just used said keys to drive my car home). Ring the door bell about twenty times at sixin the morning to wake your mom up to let you in. She angrily comes to the door, asks me where my keys are and I respond "lost", push my way past herand go upstairs. Moms wakes me up the next day at 2pm to ask me if I could remember what happened and I had to try to play off that I did. She accepts thestory but I go to my car to find the door open and the keys in the ignition still.

I could go on, but it is getting to sound a little bit like a psa on why not to drink. For the record I still drink, but at this point in my life I havelearned moderation. Blacking out or driving drunk is really a pointless endevor. I might be the only one I know who lived this lifestyle without any seriousconsequences.

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

you're not a Smoker until you've been high and burnt your hair and scalp on a candle brcuase you lost your lighter

yeah, but my homie is a smoker and drinker. You know you aint one of those until you've rode a bike all the way from Pomona to Baldwin Parkwhile faded and drunk.

Damn Danny
Originally Posted by Knivesdesu

- Wake up next to a girl you swore you would never sleep with only because she preyed on you when you were drunk.
Quoted. For. Motha *%@!++'. Emphasis.

Waking up in someone else's room without your boxers on, BUT your jeans and without your shirt, BUT with someone else's shirt or Waking up in theshower not knowing what happened.....Captain Morgan FTL...
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Taken 50 shots/drinks on your 21st bday and been fine

stupidest thing I have ever read on nt
Yea sorry, impossible. You would have died or have needed your stomach pumped.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Originally Posted by Ortega03

Some of ya'll are mad lying..
I wish that I was

Anyone with my facebook can tell you that 90% of my pics are me engaging in drunken shenanigans...
Same least 95% of the pictures I was under the influence..
You have not been drunk until you get home can't get the key in the door so you curl up on the hood of your car and call it a night.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Until you've killed a handle of Captains...solo. In the period of a night of course.

didn't happen...

Taken 50 shots/drinks on your 21st bday and been fine

didn't happen.
we got some storytellers around this place.

Played with a homeless man's nipple and liked it


Lost to yourself while playing twister

picture posting manwhore
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Taken 50 shots/drinks on your 21st bday and been fine

stupidest thing I have ever read on nt
Maybe shots of wine cooler.
Either that or you're superman.

I bring this feat up a lot in these NT drinking threads yes I had that many shots, I had a counter/clicker

I would say I had atleast 40 shots of hard liqour.....I had my 21 shots in like 3 hours before my bday. The thing is I sober up really quickly and I starteddrinking at 9ish that 12 I was 21 shots in that's about 7 shots an hour, which is not that bad for me. I think I've done worse.

the other ten was mixed shots, and the cups of beer I lost track off.....smh

I'm one of those drinkers who is never buzzed, i'm either sober or obliterated, there's no middle ground for me.
Man I forgot the best one...

On my friends 21st/labor day a couple years ago a girl I had known growing up showed up to the party talking about "I moved to chicago and am a rep forthis liquor wholesale company now." She then starts pulling out free cases and t-shirts of red stripe... She then proceeds to pull out handles of CrownRoyal and Segrams and a fifth of Effen black cherry and tells me to go to work... An hour later she challenges me to a few games of beer pong (which I amhoorible at)... Then my boy who's birthday it was tells me we are going to the bar with his whole family (grandmas on down) and his dad is buying.

The aftermath? Somewhere there is a video which features me drunk and "getting worked on" by this dudes 75 YEAR OLD GRANDMOTHER. At one point I amliterally grabbing her by her pockets and pulling her back into me. We were in northern michigan at the time (read hickville) and I also went up to some chickfrom the area and said "Oh you are CUTE! I thought only nasty white trash girls lived here!" and somehow I got her number. But I was too drunk toenter the number in my phone and dropped it on the floor in the process so my boy had to pick it up and enter it into the phone for me.

I sober up the next day and everyone is all impressed because apparently homegirl was the valavictorian and homecoming queen in her senior year and she was upon me all night despite my intoxication.
Originally Posted by majik214

puked outside the window of a driving car on the freeway
i did this and the wind blew it all back inside the car. the back window was covered in vomit.
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