You're not a "drinker" until you've...

Originally Posted by rjones416

Originally Posted by majik214

puked outside the window of a driving car on the freeway
i did this and the wind blew it all back inside the car. the back window was covered in vomit.
I puked out of a coupe of cabs, safe to say the driver wasn't happy.
SylvesterMcGrizzly wrote:
.....when every drink tastes jus like water....


  • taken a gatorade bottle full of cranberry n vodka to sip while being the starting pitcher at your 16 and under rec baseball game (alcoholic parent ftw!)
  • punched a tree cuz it "looked at you funny"
  • punched wooden signs for no apparent reason
  • puked all over your room and bed
  • feel like you're gonna puke so you go outside in the freezing cold to settle your stomach a bit. then continue drinking
  • been so drunk you've hit people in the face with errant throws in pong
  • left your boys' dorm only to realize every door in the building is locked. because this includes the bathroom you decide the middle of the stairwell is a suitable place to relieve yourself and you do. after getting lost in a building which consists of only two stories, you proceed to pass out in said stairwell for an indistinguishable length of time
I love alcohol. I hope I don't become an alchy

walked home drunk, climbed over a fence to reach your neighborhood, and opened a window to knock out on the couch only to be awaken by a 13 year old hispanicboy with his dad threatening to call the cops meanwhile the mother is trying to ask you what happened, oh and you run home without your j's out ofembarrassment
I went to the club with this female for her home girls 30th birthday. Well, when I get there I find out its full open bar and took full advantage of thesituation. I get stupid drunk and that night I smashed ol girl with no rubber and supposedly told her that I wanted her to have my shorty. A month later I geta call telling me that she's pregnant and wants to keep it.
You're not a "drinker" until you've pissed the bed of 8 different girls during your time in college. Not my proudest moments but.....$@#+happens

Without further ado:







I love to drink.....
when you wake up in your bed with your coat, hat, jeans, shoes still on.
when you go on a rampage and start kiccing off side view mirrors of every car on a blocc
Originally Posted by JBug88

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Until you've killed a handle of Captains...solo. In the period of a night of course.

didn't happen...

Taken 50 shots/drinks on your 21st bday and been fine
didn't happen.
we got some storytellers around this place.


word. you would be dead under both circumstances. i have finished a fifth off in a night on a couple occasions, some of the worst nights of mylife. no way in hell anyone on here drank more than two times that amount and lived to talk about it.
Not remember the next night and wake up with pics like this on FACEBOOK (LMAO) I was passed out.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Taken 50 shots/drinks on your 21st bday and been fine

stupidest thing I have ever read on nt
Maybe shots of wine cooler.
Either that or you're superman.

I bring this feat up a lot in these NT drinking threads yes I had that many shots, I had a counter/clicker

I would say I had atleast 40 shots of hard liqour.....I had my 21 shots in like 3 hours before my bday. The thing is I sober up really quickly and I started drinking at 9ish that 12 I was 21 shots in that's about 7 shots an hour, which is not that bad for me. I think I've done worse.

the other ten was mixed shots, and the cups of beer I lost track off.....smh

I'm one of those drinkers who is never buzzed, i'm either sober or obliterated, there's no middle ground for me.
you are lying dude. 40 shots is over two fifths. so you drank that much and were "fine". forty year old raging alcoholics arent evenfine after drinking that much bro
in addition to burning my hair and scratching my throat,

i apparently got mad drunk at the club and did coke in the bathroom off of my friend o.0 the only time

got kicked out of the club

i was so drunk throwin up all over the club then my friends mom came to pick us up and just left me in the middle of no where. and then i someone took my phoneand money and !*%+ so the club was nice enough to pay for my cab. but then i lost the money they gave me so they gave me another 20. i get in the cab and passout and lose the money again.......................and then show up to work in like 2 hrs hung over smelling like vomit

this wasn't me but i was with my friend at the club doing shots and she decided to get the one that was on fire... and ended up burning her hand.

until you get drunk at your job while working and fall on your face.........then get drunk afterwards and don't go home til 6am where my mother thought iwas dead.

gotten drunk again at your job at the jonas brothers party and started screaming #!!@ the jonas brothers and was like #!!@ this !*%+ and started playing theirwii instead of doing your job

was playing beer pong but the opposing team sucked and we still had all our cups while they only had 1 so i was like !$!# this and just drank all of our cups
only thing ive ever done was black out and wake up with no shirt on. it was soaking wet for some reason so the people i was with decided to take it off
afew years ago i tried to feel up this chick in my basement, i dont remember that either which sucks. haha but the funniest is nter soltheman, i have a pictureof it too : EDIT: hahahah he got mad
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Taken 50 shots/drinks on your 21st bday and been fine

stupidest thing I have ever read on nt
Maybe shots of wine cooler.
Either that or you're superman.

I bring this feat up a lot in these NT drinking threads yes I had that many shots, I had a counter/clicker

I would say I had atleast 40 shots of hard liqour.....I had my 21 shots in like 3 hours before my bday. The thing is I sober up really quickly and I started drinking at 9ish that 12 I was 21 shots in that's about 7 shots an hour, which is not that bad for me. I think I've done worse.

the other ten was mixed shots, and the cups of beer I lost track off.....smh

I'm one of those drinkers who is never buzzed, i'm either sober or obliterated, there's no middle ground for me.
you are lying dude. 40 shots is over two fifths. so you drank that much and were "fine". forty year old raging alcoholics arent even fine after drinking that much bro

1. I'm 6ft4 220+ pounds

2. I drank everyday at some point in college, that does wonders to you tolerance

3. I can drink 2 fifths of hard liqour a night...........I realize this isn't normal and believe me I have battled with this, it bothers me. I only orderstraight scotch when I go to bars cause that's all that gives me the most pure alcohol for my money.

4. I can call my friend on NT to cosign but I won't I'm tired of doing that just take my word for it, I drink ALOT.

You're talking to a guy who plays click clack (7 11 doubles) with a keg to pregame.
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