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  1. f a y b a n

    Private Moment Made Public, Then A Fatal Jump

    RIP Anyone attending Rutgers hear about this?  Crazy.
  2. f a y b a n

    Smarts but no Heart

    Are Americans cowards? I've never really followed the news or current events that much but it seems like freedom of speech has become the center of quiet the few issues of today.  From the Draw a picture of Mohammed day, to John Mayer and the hood pass, to Burn a Koran day, and a few other...
  3. f a y b a n

    Does NT have a "Find all posts by _______ " Feature?

    Some people seem to be conducting personality tests with these non-stop posts always asking for this or that. I know it's a rant but I'm annoyed. I don't get the fascination of getting to know people on a message board through these end arounds I've seen it on other boards, kindof creeps me out,
  4. f a y b a n

    NT Barbers: Post Your Tools

    Just got finished trimming my hair and beard, was wondering what other nters that cut their own hair are working with tweezers mirror brush andis trimmer oster 76 clippers assorted guards (1, 1.5, 2, 3.5 (is there a clipper between 2 and 3.5?) )
  5. f a y b a n

    Lovesick Tunes

    I feel like %!*# and I've been playing Beck - Missing on repeat for the past half hour. Got any recommendations? (preferably not R & B) Thanks
  6. f a y b a n

    People Under The Stairs - The Turndown Appreciation

    Fresh outta bed and this joint starts the day off like some freshcoff. Appreciated.
  7. f a y b a n

    How Should a Suit Fit?

    In order from 1 to 5, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst, can you give me your opinion on which suits fit the best. I know how I feel, but I wonderwhat the general consensus is on how a suit should properly fit. If you have your own pics, please post them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
  8. f a y b a n

    How Long is Your Ignore List?

    ? I think I just broke double digits. Anyone else use this feature?
  9. f a y b a n

    Barack Obama Sig/Avatar, Check.

    It's looking like a good night for Obama. I couldn't find the old post to bump.
  10. f a y b a n

    Philadelphia Sneaker/Clothing Guide

    \n\n Well, I figured we should get some of these started up in\ntheir respected forums, so any help is welcome. Post any information you have\non stores, including store name, address, phone number, etc. \n\n\n\n Abakus Takeout \n\n 227 N. 10th Street  \n\n Philadelphia, PA 19107 \n\n Tel...
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