After Earth (2013) - Trailer - Will Smith,Jaden Smith

I'm ready.....
Looks like it's gonna be another typical Will Smith/M. Night sci fi/mystery/suspense/action movie. The fact that Will is seemingly the only person in this other than his son reminds me of I Am Legend where he'll be narrating a lot like we see in the trailer until maybe they find some humans whether they be survivors or a new species.

the cast is bigger. there are human survivors on earth etc

Judging from this trailer, it seems that Jaden is the only one actually on Earth. His dad may have died in the crash and Jaden just watches the videos his dad left from him.

nah, Will gets injured so Jaden pretty much has to go and fend for himself
Looks like it's gonna be another typical Will Smith/M. Night sci fi/mystery/suspense/action movie. The fact that Will is seemingly the only person in this other than his son reminds me of I Am Legend where he'll be narrating a lot like we see in the trailer until maybe they find some humans whether they be survivors or a new species.
the cast is bigger. there are human survivors on earth etc
I saw some of them in the trailer. I clearly mention the "until maybe they find some humans"
nah, Will gets injured so Jaden pretty much has to go and fend for himself[/quote]
The fact that Will is seemingly the only person in this other than his son reminds me of I Am Legend where he'll be narrating a lot like we see in the trailer until maybe they find some humans whether they be survivors or a new species.
Nah, you clearly see a white girl with long hair running away from monsters with Jaden.
Ace of Spades romantic storyline in the horizon.
No I saw her, that's the "find some humans" part. Just like I Am Legend, he was alone until he found that women and that little girl.
Give me one good reason why The Village was bad. Do it.
I think word of mouth really gave people certain perceptions, and also they already made up their minds that any twist would be bad. When somebody told me the plot, I thought, wow that sounds stupid. A blind girl dos all this and it turns out everything was fake. but when I actually watched it. The movie was actually pretty good. Solid acting, ok story etc
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Even though M. Night Shymalan has had a string of terrible movies I still have faith he will put out another good one. Sixth Sense, Signs, and The Village were all great. Don't understand why everyone hated the village but I thought it was good.

This does seem I Am Legend like with just Will and Jaden by themselves. I liked I am Lgend though. I'm probably gonna check this out.
I thought the village got a bad rap and signs was great until it turned into a religious movie. Plus you have these aliens capable of intergalactic travel but they couldn't tell that water would hur them? And that most of the earth is made of water?

The lady in the water is the worst movie I've ever seen
Judging from this trailer, it seems that Jaden is the only one actually on Earth. His dad may have died in the crash and Jaden just watches the videos his dad left from him.
Will is dead the whole time and Jaden is seeing ghosts!  
This movie looks cool. With this and Oblivion, I think the Sci-Fi quota is finally filling up :smokin

I also like how Will Smith low key sounds like Damon Wayans in Major Payne
Was excited until I realized M. Night was involved

M. Night will never steal another dime out of my pocket. Sixth Sense was awesome...Signs was cool but all others sucked in my opinion...Lady in the water...:rolleyes The Happening...really...the plants want us dead >D ...The Last Airbender...saw this for free, wanted my 2 hours back, and wanted to bend all four elements to destroy dudes career.

M. Night will never...NEVER lure me in with a hot trailer again

Yes I'm mad
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Interesting how Tom Cruise and Will Smith both have a post apocalyptic Earth movie releasing.
Was excited until I realized M. Night was involved

M. Night will never steal another dime out of my pocket. Sixth Sense was awesome...Signs was cool but all others sucked in my opinion...Lady in the water...:rolleyes The Happening...really...the plants want us dead >D ...The Last Airbender...saw this for free, wanted my 2 hours back, and wanted to bend all four elements to destroy dudes career.

M. Night will never...NEVER lure me in with a hot trailer again

Yes I'm mad

this. after seeing the Last Airbender in theaters, M. Knight is not getting any more of my money. I'll just wait for this to come out on HBO or Starz or one of the other movie channels. I'm still pissed about Avatar. dude had me hyped to go see that movie, and what a huge disappointment that was. I still want my 10 bucks back from seeing that piece of garbage.
Looks cool but I enjoyed the Tom Cruise trailer more.
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Crap I forgot this dude made The happening....Lmfao!...literally one of the worst movies EVER and Walhberg's worst acting role.

I can't believe you dudes consigning this guy....with that said the trailer and actors alone is reason enough for me to drop 10$ I just won't get my hopes up thinking this movie will be a classic.
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